Introducing the Worked-Shoot Era of WWE

DallasGirl50;4028396 said:
Well as a long time Sting fan thru all his various gimmicks this is by far a low point for's embarrassingly bad even for pro wrestling (and that is saying alot). I can't watch that crap. Let me know when the real Sting is back.

This ....
I don't know that I buy the whole doom and gloom, death of professional wrestling, stuff. It's not the first time people made that claim (In fact I remember as a kid how people would talk about how letting it out that wrestling was in fact fake, and scripted, would kill the business. Clearly it didn't.) and it's never came true.

I feel sorry, honestly, for anyone who can only enjoy wrestling if it's only like it was in the late 90's. If that's the only way you can enjoy it, and any other way it sucks, then I truly feel bad for you.
Colt Cabana, who formerly competed as Scotty Goldman in 2008 and 2009, worked a dark match prior to Tuesday's SmackDown taping in Lexington, Kentucky. He lost to Wade Barrett after receiving the Wasteland.

BraveHeartFan;4029396 said:
I don't know that I buy the whole doom and gloom, death of professional wrestling, stuff. It's not the first time people made that claim (In fact I remember as a kid how people would talk about how letting it out that wrestling was in fact fake, and scripted, would kill the business. Clearly it didn't.) and it's never came true.

I feel sorry, honestly, for anyone who can only enjoy wrestling if it's only like it was in the late 90's. If that's the only way you can enjoy it, and any other way it sucks, then I truly feel bad for you.

I can enjoy it like it was in the 80's-90's.. the stupid kiddie crap they market now is just embarassing. When i say the death of wrestling, i don't mean the WWE is finished. They'll keep going strong.. with a crappy product.
BraveHeartFan;4029396 said:
I don't know that I buy the whole doom and gloom, death of professional wrestling, stuff. It's not the first time people made that claim (In fact I remember as a kid how people would talk about how letting it out that wrestling was in fact fake, and scripted, would kill the business. Clearly it didn't.) and it's never came true.

I feel sorry, honestly, for anyone who can only enjoy wrestling if it's only like it was in the late 90's. If that's the only way you can enjoy it, and any other way it sucks, then I truly feel bad for you.

I watch mainly for guys that have become my favorites thru the years...there have been times when guys I really like have done programs I don't like (Sting/Joker for instance) & I just don't watch till they move on. It's just fun..nothing more. And for all the bashing most wrestlers take from haters most of them are very good athletes. Most..not all.
RoyTheHammer;4030132 said:
I can enjoy it like it was in the 80's-90's.. the stupid kiddie crap they market now is just embarassing. When i say the death of wrestling, i don't mean the WWE is finished. They'll keep going strong.. with a crappy product.

Gotcha man. Misread you there. My bad.

The kiddie It's just what sells at the moment. The mid-late 80's was a lot of the same thing, and then the early 90's in WWE for sure, because that's what kept them out of trouble and kept them selling.

I imagine, at some point, it will swing more the other way with the audiences and it will go more toward what you enjoy a lot more, for a while, then swing back.

Seems to be pretty normal as far as the wrestling cycles go.
Families liked in in the 40's and 50's
Men liked it in the 60's and 70's
Kids liked it in the 80's
Teenagers and young adults (generation X) liked it in the 90's
kids and teenagers liked it in the 2000's

Personally I think this new age will appeal to the Teens and the young adults again, and us generation X'rs will act like all the old generations before us.

Complaining that the stuff nowadays is junk and trash.

Hogan was marketed for the kids for most of his red & yellow career...till he went all NWO I can remember nothing but that from him. I doubt any wrestler made more money than Hogan for the business....
zrinkill;4032264 said:
Families liked in in the 40's and 50's
Men liked it in the 60's and 70's
Kids liked it in the 80's
Teenagers and young adults (generation X) liked it in the 90's
kids and teenagers liked it in the 2000's

Personally I think this new age will appeal to the Teens and the young adults again, and us generation X'rs will act like all the old generations before us.

Complaining that the stuff nowadays is junk and trash.


2000's was kids and preteens, TNA was teenagers and young adults.

80's was WWF kids, NWA adults.

Unless you were only referring to WWE, WWF and WWWF
Romo 2 Austin;4032355 said:
Unless you were only referring to WWE, WWF and WWWF

Why would I discuss TNA when talking about the history of wrestling?

They were only created after WCW was bought out.

Romo 2 Austin;4032355 said:

Preteens and ex WCW fans.

Romo 2 Austin;3964249 said:
i'll stop now, but IK im right, so when he leaves in a month or so i'll make a nice thread and hopefully some will be mature enough to eat some crow, because Punk is not staying in WWE

Still waiting.
Punk isn't going anywhere...he never was. The vaunted website that is never wrong was wrong. What does Truth say? They got got? I bet I just butchered his catch phrase..
DallasGirl50;4033547 said:
Punk isn't going anywhere...he never was. The vaunted website that is never wrong was wrong. What does Truth say? They got got?
Now that's the truth.
Nah. He's still waiting to see if it's yet another short term deal and he'll leave after Summerslam.

Instead of admiting he was wrong he's going to continue to put conditions of "Well we'll wait till this plays out or that plays out" in order to keep from admiting that he, and his favorite magazine, were wrong.

But it's no big deal either way. Everyone knows they were wrong and they don't really need for him to be mature enough, as he was crowing for in his prediction, to admit it.
The August 4, 2011 episode of Impact Wrestling scored a 1.14 cable rating, down from 1.20 the prior week and 1.26 on July 21.

Impact averaged 1,436,000 viewers over the course of two hours, down 22 percent from 1,794,000 on July 21.
Somebody told me Spike may drop Impact..that the channel was reworking their whole lineup. I won't watch anyway while Sting is the Joker. Don't know if that is even true or not. Probably from some wrestling message board & we all know they are not accurate
DallasGirl50;4037434 said:
Somebody told me Spike may drop Impact..that the channel was reworking their whole lineup. I won't watch anyway while Sting is the Joker. Don't know if that is even true or not. Probably from some wrestling message board & we all know they are not accurate

I heard it too but it's been debunked by Spike officials, they are reworking their network to appeal to women, children etc; aswell, but they are obviously not abadonning their #1 show, UFC draws sub 1.0 for all content besides the free fights, which draw around 1.4-1.5, TNA is the #1 consistent ranking on the network so it won't be dropped unless they produce 2, 3 hit shows drawing 1.5 + consistently.

Their is a reason Blue Mountain State which draws around 0.7, costs more money than iMPACT per episode to produce is their #1 original content series and is now entering its 3rd season.
DallasGirl50;4037619 said:
I'm not watching it or recording it till Sting drops the Joker crap...

I don't expect it any time soon, in the quarter by quarter ratings that stuff is usually .1 higher than the show average, one of the top 2 draws in TNA right now along with AJ Styles segments.
Ehh...their ratings dropped a bit. So what? Every companies ratings go up and down, up and down, all through out the year. It's nothing unusual or unexpected, to be quite honest.

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