I never understood this logic. If you want to see someone practice, what's a couple of bucks to watch?
Growing up, the Chicago Bears used to practice in Platteville, WI. I live 20 miles or so from it. My mom and her family were Bears fans (they all grew up in IL)....every year, we'd head up to morning practices, at least twice a week....(depending on the summer classes my mom was taking and her schedule).
The practices themselves were free.
But gas wasn't. And when my grandparents came, we'd actually drive 40 minutes into IL to pick them up, then an hour up to the practice (40 min + 20 min)....and then have to drop them back off at home.
Furthermore, anytime we did go to practice (usually the morning ones), my mom would take me out for breakfast. And on the ride home, we'd usually stop and get something to drink.
Add to that cards my mom would buy me so I could get them autographed, plenty of programs, Bears shirts she'd buy for her/her family, etc...
Point is, we went and spent the money bec. it was enjoyable and something we wanted to do.
Adding a enterance fee wouldn't have deterred us any. She was already spending money to come there in the first place. What's $10/$20 more?
Granted, free > paying.
But still...if you are going to invest time and money into it anyway...