big dog cowboy;1499593 said:
Nothing will happen to Vick unless he is found guilty of something in a court of law.
So, Goddell is all of the sudden gonna go soft on Ron Mexico? (With whole-hearted apologies to our neighbor to the west.)
Goddell is gonna suddenly appear neutered in the court of public opinion? He's gonna sit on his hands?
He is gonna ignore the self-righteous anarchists PETA on one hand and the mainstream animal rights people on the other hand?
"Hey, kids. It's a nice autumn afternoon. Let's go see an Atlanta game with that guy Vick. You know that animal abuser."
Goddell has not been acting tough and in the let's clean house mode just to roll over and let this moron (who obviously did not have parental supervision or at least guardians who could teach him right from wrong) wear an NFL emblem and represent the league.
If this were his first run-in with authorities I could see adopting a let-the-legal-system-run-its-course posture.
But enough is enough.
Vick has gotta go. The NFL is a lot bigger and better than this out of control thug.
And If I may, let me say the Atlanta front office were also morons to let that Schaub feller go. Now all they have left is a dog abuser.