Investigators: Vick was at his house when dog fights took place *merged*

Muhast;1500796 said:
Im pretty sure if Mike Vick was breeding RARE pit Bull Terriers as the article said he would be keeping tabs on them to make sure his cousin isnt fighting them

Im sure it's pretty hard to sell a pit for NON FIGHTING PURPOSES with scars all over it.

Well that would require the media be right

and as well know, the media is not always right. (cough cough T.O and Kieth Davis died at points in the last year)
5Stars;1500706 said:
Thanks, Pats Fan! I appreciate the comment! ;)

However, nothing personal...but I think you suck!

Me thinks I was not talking about you.

But OK, thanks, and no you do not suck. Not going there bud.
the kid 05;1499577 said:
by any chance could they be thinking of Marcus Vick seeing as how he doesn't have a job?
Wasn't he with Miami last year
Pats Fan;1500839 said:
5Stars;1500706 said:
Thanks, Pats Fan! I appreciate the comment! ;)

However, nothing personal...but I think you suck!

Me thinks I was not talking about you.

But OK, thanks, and no you do not suck. Not going there bud.

I was just teasing you because you did not use the "quote function" and I did not know who you were talking about...:D I just figured I would take the shot when the opportunitiy presented it self!

You are actually a good poster for a Pats fan that sucks!

5Stars;1500849 said:
Pats Fan;1500839 said:
I was just teasing you because you did not use the "quote function" and I did not know who you were talking about...:D I just figured I would take the shot when the opportunitiy presented it self!

You are actually a good poster for a Pats fan that sucks!


Well, OK. The quote function does not seem to be working properly. Perhaps I should contribute -- oh, to a Boys site. Then it would be fixed. But nah, I don't suck, I am just a football fan. I love the Pats, like you love the Boys, but that being said I love football, pure, simple, football. Ain't it grand.
Pats Fan;1500857 said:
5Stars;1500849 said:
Well, OK. The quote function does not seem to be working properly. Perhaps I should contribute -- oh, to a Boys site. Then it would be fixed. But nah, I don't suck, I am just a football fan. I love the Pats, like you love the Boys, but that being said I love football, pure, simple, football. Ain't it grand.

Oh...if the quote function does not work for you, maybe you should check the nut in front of your CRT...sometimes that is the cause.

CrazyCowboy;1500886 said:
This does not look like a great season coming for the Vick family

Did you try that hotdog out yet?

big dog cowboy;1499593 said:
Nothing will happen to Vick unless he is found guilty of something in a court of law.

So, Goddell is all of the sudden gonna go soft on Ron Mexico? (With whole-hearted apologies to our neighbor to the west.)

Goddell is gonna suddenly appear neutered in the court of public opinion? He's gonna sit on his hands?

He is gonna ignore the self-righteous anarchists PETA on one hand and the mainstream animal rights people on the other hand?

"Hey, kids. It's a nice autumn afternoon. Let's go see an Atlanta game with that guy Vick. You know that animal abuser."

Goddell has not been acting tough and in the let's clean house mode just to roll over and let this moron (who obviously did not have parental supervision or at least guardians who could teach him right from wrong) wear an NFL emblem and represent the league.

If this were his first run-in with authorities I could see adopting a let-the-legal-system-run-its-course posture.

But enough is enough.
Vick has gotta go. The NFL is a lot bigger and better than this out of control thug.

And If I may, let me say the Atlanta front office were also morons to let that Schaub feller go. Now all they have left is a dog abuser.
Hostile;1499603 said:
If he's involved he needs to be disciplined. You can't have different rules for stars.

Exactly... then it would be the NBA...
GimmeTheBall!;1501080 said:
So, Goddell is all of the sudden gonna go soft on Ron Mexico? (With whole-hearted apologies to our neighbor to the west.)

Goddell is gonna suddenly appear neutered in the court of public opinion? He's gonna sit on his hands?

He is gonna ignore the self-righteous anarchists PETA on one hand and the mainstream animal rights people on the other hand?

"Hey, kids. It's a nice autumn afternoon. Let's go see an Atlanta game with that guy Vick. You know that animal abuser."

Goddell has not been acting tough and in the let's clean house mode just to roll over and let this moron (who obviously did not have parental supervision or at least guardians who could teach him right from wrong) wear an NFL emblem and represent the league.

If this were his first run-in with authorities I could see adopting a let-the-legal-system-run-its-course posture.

But enough is enough.
Vick has gotta go. The NFL is a lot bigger and better than this out of control thug.

And If I may, let me say the Atlanta front office were also morons to let that Schaub feller go. Now all they have left is a dog abuser.
The league has nothing on him. Nothing. Used bad judgement? Yes. Arrested and charged with a crime? No. Adam Schefter was on the radio earlier this week and explained everything. Bottom line, he believed Vick has a clean slate with the NFL office and unless he is arrested and charged, he stays clean. Hard to believe I know. Very hard to believe. That is what I heard however.
dargonking999;1500568 said:
If these videos exist, then why is this the first time it's been said? I smell BS
You're right. It's not like the Watergate tapes weren't common knowledge.

big dog cowboy;1501102 said:
The league has nothing on him. Nothing. Used bad judgement? Yes. Arrested and charged with a crime? No. Adam Schefter was on the radio earlier this week and explained everything. Bottom line, he believed Vick has a clean slate with the NFL office and unless he is arrested and charged, he stays clean. Hard to believe I know. Very hard to believe. That is what I heard however.

kin to vick are you there big doggy?

the punk is a loser and the poster child for what is wrong with professional sports.
Whatever happens, one thing is clear: MV is SCUM, and the Falcons traded the wrong guy. But they had no choice really: who would want that gangster and all his baggage? Not to mention his laughable contract. I almost feel sorry for Falcons fans.
Hostile;1501114 said:
You're right. It's not like the Watergate tapes weren't common knowledge.


Oh come on now. There were so many things wrong with that situation it wasn't even close. Once someone smelled smoke, he turned into grass. And Congress was the lawnmower. It was all over for him
Funny, seems you get in more trouble and people seem to care more about being cruel to animals than you do with human beings. Only in America.
Big D;1501731 said:
Funny, seems you get in more trouble and people seem to care more about being cruel to animals than you do with human beings. Only in America.
Good point, but it still doesn't let Vick off the hook.
I think that the the hype surrounding this is a buncha crap. People have pitbulls all over the world for this. Sure its offensive to some and not to others but so is porn. I'm not saying he should be let off the hook. Did it sound like that? but if this is john smith noone really cares about him or the dogs.

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