kapolani;3453102 said:
If you would have asked me about Apple 10 years ago I would've said their fanbase are a bunch of tree hugging, VW diesel Jetta driving, yuppie types.
My wife got me the 3GS for Christmas - I would have never bought it myself. It completely changed the way I think about Apple. LOL.
I have2 Windows boxes, 3 laptops, Xbox 360, PS3, and 2 Apple devices - my wife and I have iPhones.
I'm thinking of picking up my first app and mess around with developing on that platform.
This and other discussions I have with people are completely fascinating.
I've been using Apple Computer for 100% of my job for 15 years and the perspectives have so completely turned, it's not even funny. The iPhone has really turned opinions on their ear, for better or worse.
I used to be the one talking up what Apple does well and all of that has changed, while the people doing the talking haven't. Now I'm amazingly frustrated with Apple, it's business practices and it's machines and people (not here) who'd never owned an Apple product are defending them, due to their popularity and market standings.
I see a lot of what I find frustrating also going on with iPhones. I don't really know the full story with this antennae bit, but Jobs response was absolute ****, if it's accurate, just as ****ty as claiming if you spend an extra $30.00, the problem will go away. No one in their right mind would accept this sort of **** from any other kind product manufacturer.
Apple has a tendency to simply think it can ignore other aspects of computing/communicating and everyone will just follow along. Unfortunately, they're absolutely right because people will buy, sight unseen in droves, what they put out regardless of performance.
I tend to think this is lousy. People will throw out all kinds of money to keep their entertainment flowing.
There's no incentive to do it right the first time, if everyone is throwing money at you for something that hasn't even been delivered and are willing to give you even more to make your design flaw go away.