iPhone 4

TheCount;3449323 said:
I think it's safe to assume they aren't ignorant at all. Like a lot of companies when something like this crops up, they are trying to cover their *** by playing games with the consumer.
As someone whose job is to draft corporate disclosure, I understand the game. But I honestly believe they don't realize the problem is "shorting" the two antennas. It appears they still believe it's a signal attenuation problem.
Finally got my iPhone this morning, it's everything I dreamt it would be (including being able to ruin the reception with two fingers).

The camera quality is excellent and the screen is amazing. Much faster than my 3G too. Now I just need them to start selling the damn white bumper.
Picked mine up today. Best Buy only had a 32GB so I went with it.

****ing SWEET!

Way faster than my 3G. Hands down one of the best handsets I have seen.
Hoofbite;3452851 said:
Picked mine up today. Best Buy only had a 32GB so I went with it.

****ing SWEET!

Way faster than my 3G. Hands down one of the best handsets I have seen.
After a couple weeks, I'm still amazed at the display and the speed.
Bob Sacamano;3441923 said:
I actually got caught selling Vicodin to SaltwaterServr.

I want my money back. Nasty critters. Next time I'll let the Chinese feller in the black SUV keep you hostage.
TheCount;3452406 said:
Just like I thought, Apple just admitted the software update won't do jack for the antenna issues.


At least they are finally acknowledging an Antenna problem.

100% agree with this person from your link;

12:07 AM
The idea that so many of you are willing/happy to continue buying things from this company is a true wonderment. Their recent actions and communications (AND lack of communications) is generally enough to sour consumer appeal.

To not push back…hard, will only ensure that things will get worse. Even if you love Apple products, as consumers you’re the only ones that can keep the company honest.

Apple = Herders
Consumers = Sheep

Apple will make so much more money off those $30 bumpers. Probably just how they planned.
ajk23az;3452874 said:
100% agree with this person from your link;

Apple = Herders
Consumers = Sheep

Apple will make so much more money off those $30 bumpers. Probably just how they planned.

As long as they're able to pace the market and lap the rest of the field with their products, they'll deserve it.

On the whole, Apple consumers are much savvier than pc consumers. If the products aren't consistently great, they won't keep buying them. The iphone4 isn't just better than the android knock offs on the market, it's a lot cooler.

The antennae issue is a non-issue and it's just backlash against the market leader because nobody likes a frontrunner. At least, from my experience with the phone, reception, call quality, battery life, and speed have all been hugely upgraded.
There's a rumor that AT&T has been capping upload speeds.

The day I got the phone and for a couple days after I was getting:

24 Jun:
down: 4.6kbps
up: 2.1 kbps

Around 30 Jun I was getting horrible 3G speeds. Luckily I have a wifi connection everywhere I go.

It seems to have stablized:

30 Jun - current:
down: 2.6kbps
up: 99kbps

Watching HD movies on this thing is incredible.

Still waiting patiently for a jailbreak solution. They've dissected the baseband code. Release should be sometime after AAPL comes out with 4.0.1.
Idgit;3452876 said:
As long as they're able to pace the market and lap the rest of the field with their products, they'll deserve it.

On the whole, Apple consumers are much savvier than pc consumers. If the products aren't consistently great, they won't keep buying them. The iphone4 isn't just better than the android knock offs on the market, it's a lot cooler.

The antennae issue is a non-issue and it's just backlash against the market leader because nobody likes a frontrunner. At least, from my experience with the phone, reception, call quality, battery life, and speed have all been hugely upgraded.


ajk23az;3452874 said:
100% agree with this person from your link;

Apple = Herders
Consumers = Sheep

Apple will make so much more money off those $30 bumpers. Probably just how they planned.

Yup, Apple's the only company to have ever put out a product that turned out to have an engineering flaw, that's for sure. :rolleyes:

I've been playing with my phone since I got it, and it's wonderful, in case you're interested.
TheCount;3452922 said:
I've been playing with my phone since I got it, and it's wonderful, in case you're interested.

My netbook is pretty much retired.

I do 99% percent of all my surfing on my iPhone 4. All banking and trading.

Remarkable little device.
TheCount;3452922 said:
Yup, Apple's the only company to have ever put out a product that turned out to have an engineering flaw, that's for sure. :rolleyes:

I've been playing with my phone since I got it, and it's wonderful, in case you're interested.

kapolani;3452981 said:
My netbook is pretty much retired.

I do 99% percent of all my surfing on my iPhone 4. All banking and trading.

Remarkable little device.

theogt;3452991 said:

If you would have asked me about Apple 10 years ago I would've said their fanbase are a bunch of tree hugging, VW diesel Jetta driving, yuppie types.

My wife got me the 3GS for Christmas - I would have never bought it myself. It completely changed the way I think about Apple. LOL.

I have2 Windows boxes, 3 laptops, Xbox 360, PS3, and 2 Apple devices - my wife and I have iPhones.

I'm thinking of picking up my first app and mess around with developing on that platform.

AT&T and Alcatel-Lucent jointly identified a software defect — triggered under certain conditions – that impacted uplink performance for Laptop Connect and smartphone customers using 3G HSUPA-capable wireless devices in markets with Alcatel-Lucent equipment. This impacts less than two percent of our wireless customer base. While Alcatel-Lucent develops the appropriate software fix, we are providing normal 3G uplink speeds and consistent performance for affected customers with HSUPA-capable devices.

Apple needs to open up to other carriers.
kapolani;3453102 said:
If you would have asked me about Apple 10 years ago I would've said their fanbase are a bunch of tree hugging, VW diesel Jetta driving, yuppie types.

My wife got me the 3GS for Christmas - I would have never bought it myself. It completely changed the way I think about Apple. LOL.

I have2 Windows boxes, 3 laptops, Xbox 360, PS3, and 2 Apple devices - my wife and I have iPhones.

I'm thinking of picking up my first app and mess around with developing on that platform.


This and other discussions I have with people are completely fascinating.
I've been using Apple Computer for 100% of my job for 15 years and the perspectives have so completely turned, it's not even funny. The iPhone has really turned opinions on their ear, for better or worse.

I used to be the one talking up what Apple does well and all of that has changed, while the people doing the talking haven't. Now I'm amazingly frustrated with Apple, it's business practices and it's machines and people (not here) who'd never owned an Apple product are defending them, due to their popularity and market standings.

I see a lot of what I find frustrating also going on with iPhones. I don't really know the full story with this antennae bit, but Jobs response was absolute ****, if it's accurate, just as ****ty as claiming if you spend an extra $30.00, the problem will go away. No one in their right mind would accept this sort of **** from any other kind product manufacturer.

Apple has a tendency to simply think it can ignore other aspects of computing/communicating and everyone will just follow along. Unfortunately, they're absolutely right because people will buy, sight unseen in droves, what they put out regardless of performance.

I tend to think this is lousy. People will throw out all kinds of money to keep their entertainment flowing.

There's no incentive to do it right the first time, if everyone is throwing money at you for something that hasn't even been delivered and are willing to give you even more to make your design flaw go away.
Mostly for Theo, since he was worried about altering the astethic of the phone with a case but check this out:



After everything it comes out to about 20 bucks for me. Doesn't seem as integrated as the Apple case, but it is clear and thin and comes with screen protection.

I'm considering it, still waiting to see what other cases pop up before the white bumper becomes available from Apple.
I'm sure you can buy those clear skins for it. It doesn't add any bulk and honestly, it's hard to tell you have one on if you apply it correctly. I will ephasize correctly applying it though. It looks like *** if you don't.

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