I agree with Mike. If your number one wide receiver can't fire up the crowd, then why is he your number one? From Irving to Owens to Dez, the crowd loved all of those guys. They energized us, then the team fed off the crowds energy. Every team needs that sparkplug player, IMO. Lamb has that Cooper doesn't.
Cooper has been label as a guy that disappears in road games. A guy that lacks passion and fire. The reason for that is Cooper will not take that big hit over the middle to catch the ball. There have been several instances here where Dak threw to Cooper and Cooper stopped on the route. It even cost us a game one time, if you guys remember. Lamb with his small frame will take that hit and laugh at the DB who delivered it. Lamb will fight for every inch he can get, but Cooper is the one talking about he needs more targets.
Cooper's effort across the middle was lacking. Cooper's effort on run plays was lacking. But he wanted more targets. Go watch Cooper's highlights from last year. They won't fire you up or leave a smile on your face. Then watch Lambs highlights. That's why Cooper isn't worth 20 million, he's got no fight in him. How the heck can you be a complete WR if you don't want to run block. How can you be a complete WR if you don't want to go across the middle. Dak lost faith in Cooper after he cost us that game, IMO.
So Irvin is right on this one, IMO.