He’s a talented WR… and FWIW— I didn’t agree with the move to trade him.
That said— this is the second team that has traded him away and lots of whispers about “personality” “competitiveness” “attitude” etc….
So— in the end, they clearly didn’t think he was worth the time or money anymore. It happens.
The raiders traded him due to gruden was rebuilding the team, and wanted all the draft picks he could get, and he didnt want to pay amari market value
while he was in rebuild mode.
This time, it was just Amari got on bad side of the jones boys, that is main reason they traded him or would have cut him had no one traded for him.
As for personality, I am sure he didnt fit in with daks posse, or the other immature divas we have on the team.
Did Amari do a dance in EZ when he scored a td ? did he jump up and signal first down ? no he was more mature than most of the other clowns
playing in nfl today, so if that is not fitting in or bad personality, then I guess there were some issues lol.
I liked and respected Amari, and wish him well in Cleveland. He is better off there or really anywhere but the cowboys.