Irvin Press Conference Live - 3/14/2023

This is a serious question, can you sexually harass someone if you don't have a business connection with them ? Like if I say something a woman considers vulgar, she rejects my advances, I leave. Did I commit sexual Harassment?

It's not in a mutual workplace, as we don't have a business connection.

In order for it to be sexual Harassment doesn't Michael have to have a business connection with her ?
In order for it to be sexual harassment as in "there's a civil claim for sexual harassment" under the law, yes, the harassment must occur in an employment situation.

In non-legal terms like "we don't want that guy in our house because he keeps sexually harassing my friends" no, there doesn't need to be a business relationship, you can sexually harass someone at a family Christmas party.
In order for it to be sexual Harassment doesn't Michael have to have a business connection with her ?
Sexual harassment can literally be looking at someone in a manner THEY deem inappropriate.

a big can of worms was opened when people started misapplying things like this to either make money or destroy someone’s career and reputation

I stand by REAL charges of sexual harassment but am sickened by manufactured ones

having said this, I will let the entire process unfold before making a judgement in this particular case
and the video clearly shows a woman that is not upset at anyting he said..... that is pretty evident to most.... accept those that wanted Mike to get nailed. But have at it.
So those "no-no" gestures she made with her hands twice were her showing him her pizza-making skills?
Wait what?

The hotel followed its own protocol as they should. Irvin admitted he was drunk. The video clearly shows it was Irvin who ran up and initiated the conversation, while the lady was minding her business heading into the bar.

The NFL took Irvin off the Super Bowl broadcast, but kept him as an employee.

It’s Irvin who is dragging this out.
The video shows the woman turned the corner and went off camera. So we do not know if she said something to get Irvin's attention. Regardless, approaching the woman is not an offense. And who is this woman that Irvin picked out to shake her hand out of nowhere? Does he do that with every attractive woman he sees? Again, she filed the complaint against Irvin. The burden of proof is on her. You cannot watch that video and conclude Irvin did something so outrageous he deserved to be punished. I am trying to be objective and go by what I see. Irvin's history when he was a Cowboy or his personality, do not matter in a courtroom. Irvin shook her hand, touched her upper arm a couple of times. Had some conversation with her, then she left. You can infer he said some offensive things to her but there is no proof in the video that is the case. You can infer he "leered" at her when she went into the bar, but that too is not proven either way by the video. The fact is, she went into the bar and he turned his head, but when she left the bar he was still turned and looking into the bar so was he leering at her or looking at something or someone else?

I am aware the system today is not as objective as it once was. Maybe to some people what Irvin did was offensive enough for some kind of punishment. But if these are the new rules and we enforce them on everyone there will be a lot of people suffering punishment for benign behavior.
Again this means nothing except that the case was settled. He doesn't have a repeated history of it. I know that he has been falsely accused a lot more than he's settled.
LOL.. what part of this isn’t sexual assault don’t you understand? Mike has a history of being a licentious pimp that is often found in hotel rooms with questionable ladies, including cases that have went to court as sexual assault and which he settled.

This idea he didn’t try and HIT on the girl, which she perceived as harassment when he himself admitted he was drunk and had no clue he allegedly even talked to the lady, because he has been falsely accused of sexual assault but he settled out of court ir in another case never denied being in the hotel room with a woman that likes to party for a long time is completely asinine.

What, you think every girl wouldn’t refuse Michael Irvin and is just charmed by his abrasive and boisterous personality?
No, Reid is the guy who actually uses exactly what was said... the word drunk was thrown around here to describe Mike. Marriott even stated he appeared to be "Intoxicated." Who made the comment thathe appeared to be intoxicated, because the video certainly doesnt back that up.

And Ill say it for the 50th time that so many of you still cant comprehend, Irvin NEVER once said he was drunk or intoxicated. This is why lawyers tear people like some of you apart on the stand.

The lawyers would ask you if Mike said he was drunk, and you would respond YES, he said he couldnt remember what he said because he was drunk.

Then the lawyer would grab the audio and replay it for you making you look like a fool in front of the jury.
I am an attorney and you just do nothing but talk nonsense and deal in made up stories. You just said the “video certainly doesn’t back that up” Really, you got that out of the video vs Irvin’s words. Which were…

“There is a lot going on. I don’t know if you guys heard or not… Sunday night … This is tripping me out… I don’t remember it, but I guess when I came in, they asked [what I did] and I said, ‘I just went straight to the room,’” the Hall of Fame wide receiver said. “But I guess I had met somebody in the lobby. Talked to somebody in the lobby for about a minute and then I went to my room. And then after I got up there and got to work, they said tomorrow they had to move me in the hotel. I said, ‘Move me in the hotel for what?’

“So they moved my hotel, and I said, ‘What’s going on, guys? What’s happening? Why are are we moving hotels?’ They said, ‘Well, last night you walked in, you talked to somebody.’ I said, ‘I didn’t talk to anybody. I went straight to the room.’ And then they showed it on camera that I did talk to somebody. I talked to this girl for about a minute. I don’t know what — they didn’t show it to me. They told it to me. I didn’t see it… But that’s why they moved me, because I guess the girl said I said something to her within that minute that we talked, and so they moved me.”

The hosts then acknowledged that there was no media coverage of the incident at the time of the interview.

“That’s exactly what’s happening and why I’m kind of hiding to wait and see how everything comes down, you know, in this world here,” Irvin said. “It was a minute meeting somewhere in the lobby. I don’t even remember it really because I had a few drinks, to tell you the truth… but that’s what they said.”

So you don’t think saying I didn’t remember it because I had a few drinks isnt drunk? You just black out and don’t remember on a few drinks? You had to have people show you a video to remember because you weren’t intoxicated and said “I didn’t talk to anybody”?

Also does the above quotes fit the narrative from today where Mike says straight out that his conversation was about football with her and how she could learn from watching his shows. What? On the radio above how does that fit? Their lawyers are going to be all over that because one is a lie.
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You should also note that at that point security had arrived and Mike took notice which made him let up. So if she had been uncomfortable, yes she's more comfortable at that point because she has back-up.
I wouldn't have stood there and talked to him. Why didn't she walk away? Why didn't she yell at him? Anything. There is absolutely nothing there that proves one thing or another but she she sure doesn't act like someone who was just insulted.
In order for it to be sexual Harassment doesn't Michael have to have a business connection with her ?
n California, as in most states, sexual harassment is a violation of law. California law prohibits sexual harassment of all types in employment and requires employers to train supervisors on how to prevent and deal with sexual harassment.

Hitting on someone would not fall under the category of sexual harassment. Now if I went up to a woman and got pretty sexually suggestive with me, and she said something like, I dont appreciate that and I would like for you to leave me alone, and I persisted, I could likely be charged with something else.... Im not even sure what. In most public settings it would take the business to ask an offensive person to leave, and if they didnt comply they likely could be charged with trespass. which is a misdemeanor.
I looked up stalking and no way would that apply here. I doubt any legal claim could possibly be brought up even if Mike asked her for some sexual encounter.... again, inappropriate, but not illegal. Also, the reaction from the other party to said comments would clearly come into play as well.
Ignore Reid. He’s the same guy who claimed Mike never mentioned intoxication until presented with the transcript showing Mike saying he could not remember because he had been drinking. Then he skipped over it and went on to other made up subjects. He has made up scenarios in all of his posts.
Oh I know I'm not going to get an answer. Just wanting to show his own words and the dance that ensues. Maybe the conscience light will go on later.
you are right, if he wasnt a celebrity NOBODY, including Marriott would have cared. The man in question would have went to his room, went to bed and went on with the rest of his life.
If he wasn't a celebrity-she doesn't walk up to him. So? How can you not know he's a celebrity yet make sure he walks past you and you talk to him??? Does this woman go to every man in the lobby and start a conversation? Maybe she does? Which would explain her boss being pissed at her after the conversation with Irvin.
The video shows the woman turned the corner and went off camera. So we do not know if she said something to get Irvin's attention. Regardless, approaching the woman is not an offense. And who is this woman that Irvin picked out to shake her hand out of nowhere? Does he do that with every attractive woman he sees? Again, she filed the complaint against Irvin. The burden of proof is on her. You cannot watch that video and conclude Irvin did something so outrageous he deserved to be punished. I am trying to be objective and go by what I see. Irvin's history when he was a Cowboy or his personality, do not matter in a courtroom. Irvin shook her hand, touched her upper arm a couple of times. Had some conversation with her, then she left. You can infer he said some offensive things to her but there is no proof in the video that is the case. You can infer he "leered" at her when she went into the bar, but that too is not proven either way by the video. The fact is, she went into the bar and he turned his head, but when she left the bar he was still turned and looking into the bar so was he leering at her or looking at something or someone else?

I am aware the system today is not as objective as it once was. Maybe to some people what Irvin did was offensive enough for some kind of punishment. But if these are the new rules and we enforce them on everyone there will be a lot of people suffering punishment for benign behavior.

The video, which is the evidence, shows Irvin approaching the lady and initiating conversation. She turns around and proceeds to move back and talk to Irvin.

There is no witness that reports her yelling across the hotel lobby to get Irvin, who admitted he was drunk and said in the radio interview, didn’t even think he spoke to anybody.

when she leaves, Irvin is seen staring at her.

All the evidence points to Irvin initiating the conversation. Any other claim is just asinine.

And no, “the burden of proof” in a legal sense is not on her, as we are talking about hotel protocol. She told her management and they told the network. And the network investigated and told him to get another hotel and they are taking him off the air for SB Sunday.

Irvin then shot himself further in the foot by trying to play damage control on the radio and said he was drunk and had no clue he even talked to anybody.
I wouldn't have stood there and talked to him. Why didn't she walk away? Why didn't she yell at him? Anything. There is absolutely nothing there that proves one thing or another but she she sure doesn't act like someone who was just insulted.
Again, the false notion that she had to kick him in the nuts for being lewd or insulting. It's called being professional to not cause a scene or escalate and allowing security to do what they do to get her out of the situation. They are a service outlet after all. It worked, didn't it?
I am an attorney and you just do nothing but talk nonsense and deal in made up stories. You just said the “video certainly doesn’t back that up” Really, you got that out of the video vs Irvin’s words. Which were…you should be a detective.

“There is a lot going on. I don’t know if you guys heard or not… Sunday night … This is tripping me out… I don’t remember it, but I guess when I came in, they asked [what I did] and I said, ‘I just went straight to the room,’” the Hall of Fame wide receiver said. “But I guess I had met somebody in the lobby. Talked to somebody in the lobby for about a minute and then I went to my room. And then after I got up there and got to work, they said tomorrow they had to move me in the hotel. I said, ‘Move me in the hotel for what?’

“So they moved my hotel, and I said, ‘What’s going on, guys? What’s happening? Why are are we moving hotels?’ They said, ‘Well, last night you walked in, you talked to somebody.’ I said, ‘I didn’t talk to anybody. I went straight to the room.’ And then they showed it on camera that I did talk to somebody. I talked to this girl for about a minute. I don’t know what — they didn’t show it to me. They told it to me. I didn’t see it… But that’s why they moved me, because I guess the girl said I said something to her within that minute that we talked, and so they moved me.”

The hosts then acknowledged that there was no media coverage of the incident at the time of the interview.

“That’s exactly what’s happening and why I’m kind of hiding to wait and see how everything comes down, you know, in this world here,” Irvin said. “It was a minute meeting somewhere in the lobby. I don’t even remember it really because I had a few drinks, to tell you the truth… but that’s what they said.”

So you don’t think saying I didn’t remember it because I had a few drinks isnt drunk? You just black out and don’t remember on a few drinks? You had to have people show you a video to remember because you weren’t intoxicated and said “I didn’t talk to anybody”?

Also does the above quotes fit the narrative from today where Mike says straight out that his conversation was about football with her and how she could learn from watching his shows. What? On the radio above how does that fit? Their lawyers are going to be all over that because one is a lie.
an dif you are such a great attorney you know that Mikes attorneys would try to get the "Interview" from some radio guy removed as it wasnt on any witness stand under oath. And yea, I could easily speak to Mike and question him about that conversation in a way that would say he wasnt "DRUNK."

I believe you, you are an attorney, but give me a break if you think that you are gonna get anyone to believe he was so drunk he didnt remember anything based upon witnesses and that video. He was walking just fine in that video.
LOL.. what part of this isn’t sexual assault don’t you understand? Mike has a history of being a licentious pimp that is often found in hotel rooms with questionable ladies, including cases that have went to court as sexual assault and which he settled.

This idea he didn’t try and HIT on the girl, which she perceived as harassment when he himself admitted he was drunk and had no clue he allegedly even talked to the lady, because he has been falsely accused of sexual assault but he settled out of court ir in another case never denied being in the hotel room with a woman that likes to party for a long time is completely asinine.

What, you think every girl wouldn’t refuse Michael Irvin and is just charmed by his abrasive and boisterous personality?
LOL what part of this is settled don't you understand. I'm always going to look at a case that was settled out of court with a side eye. It means to me that Irvin wanted to move on from the case for a variety reason. To you it means he's guilty lol.
Again, the false notion that she had to kick him in the nuts for being lewd or insulting. It's called being professional to not cause a scene or escalate and allowing security to do what they do to get her out of the situation. They are a service outlet after all. It worked, didn't it?
sure thing... now get a jury to believe that.. the video is clear to me that that was a cordial, friendly conversation.

Now I want to hear from the guy that took the selfie with Irvin AFTER the lady walked away.

I also want to hear from Mr Manager on why he clapped at her then went and waited clearly very impatiently for her by the bar and as soon as she walked up to the bar he "Grabbed," her and took her off into some other location. Didnt she have work to do? This is why you have trials, so ALL of the evidence can be looked at in context. This is why you have juries here from BOTH sides to present their version of the facts and the let juries decide which one sounds more reasonable.
n California, as in most states, sexual harassment is a violation of law. California law prohibits sexual harassment of all types in employment and requires employers to train supervisors on how to prevent and deal with sexual harassment.

Hitting on someone would not fall under the category of sexual harassment. Now if I went up to a woman and got pretty sexually suggestive with me, and she said something like, I dont appreciate that and I would like for you to leave me alone, and I persisted, I could likely be charged with something else.... Im not even sure what. In most public settings it would take the business to ask an offensive person to leave, and if they didnt comply they likely could be charged with trespass. which is a misdemeanor.
I looked up stalking and no way would that apply here. I doubt any legal claim could possibly be brought up even if Mike asked her for some sexual encounter.... again, inappropriate, but not illegal. Also, the reaction from the other party to said comments would clearly come into play as well.

We are talking hotel protocol here.

The hotel didn’t file any criminal charges. They just protected their employee on what they perceived as potential sexual harassment by reporting it to the NFL Network, like an employee does to throw OWN HR, if they perceive of sexually harassing behavior..

Every teaming guide for employment tells you what matters is the perception of the one being “hit on”.
LOL what part of this is settled don't you understand. I'm always going to look at a case that was settled out of court with a side eye. It means to me that Irvin wanted to move on from the case for a variety reason. To you it means he's guilty lol.
No, what it means is Michael Irvin likes to hit on ladies and sometimes ladies don’t like it. And many times, he ends up hanging around in hotel rooms, despite having a wife and kids with chicks who have very questionable morals, as they love to shoot them selves up with all types of drugs. But yeah, I’m an “extreme hater”…
an dif you are such a great attorney you know that Mikes attorneys would try to get the "Interview" from some radio guy removed as it wasnt on any witness stand under oath. And yea, I could easily speak to Mike and question him about that conversation in a way that would say he wasnt "DRUNK."

I believe you, you are an attorney, but give me a break if you think that you are gonna get anyone to believe he was so drunk he didnt remember anything based upon witnesses and that video. He was walking just fine in that video.
They can’t get that interview thrown out. It wasn’t an interrogation under duress. Mike literally called the station and spilled it all. So you are saying that you would then call your client a liar on the call by presenting the video showing he’s not stumbling at all? This is silly talk. I could easily get a jury to believe it because the guy in the video freely stated it and now he’s got a cool new shiny story how he was talking football with her. It’s comical

Btw I’ll still go back to my original posts…nothing I’ve seen lends credence to either being “guilty” but dang if Mike isn’t digging himself a hole by telling different stories every appearance

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