Irvin Press Conference Live - 3/14/2023

No, what it means is Michael Irvin likes to hit on ladies and sometimes ladies don’t like it.
So 'hitting' on women is a crime? LOL you are ridiculous. I'm glad you aren't a judge or lawyer or anything to do with the law. you would be horrible at it. Just continue to be a hater that's what you are good at.
So 'hitting' on women is a crime? LOL you are ridiculous. I'm glad you aren't a judge or lawyer or anything to do with the law. you would be horrible at it. Just continue to be a hater that's what you are good at.
LOL.. what crime are we talking about here? You don’t even know what your talking about.

“Hitting on women” that don’t want to be hit on is against the rules of a hotel that has every right to act in the way they deem necessary to protect their employee. If Irvin was an employee of the hotel, he can very well be fired and nobody would have blinked and eye. But Irvin was a customer, so they told the employee Irvin was representing of his behavior and they did what they deemed appropriate.

Learn what your talking about.
LOL.. what time are we talking about here? You don’t even know what your talking about.

So “hitting on women” that don’t want to be hit on is against the rules of a hotel that has every right to act in the way they deem necessary to protect their employee.
Guess you also didn't include some of the details of the your old case:

The Broward State Attorney's office had been investigating the claims, but a spokesman said there was no physical evidence because the woman waited more than two weeks to report the incident.

Again more bs from his accusers. If there is a pattern it's this and always this. These are the types you will ride or die for. :rolleyes:
"SOME" women are way worse than men as far as word sexual harassment goes.. I had girls tell me in bars "you're not ever gonna get "P" word like this. Or even worse. You think I run home to my girlfriend and or wife whining about it? On the job women are always touching guys on the arm or even the chest. Guys did the same they'd be fired in a second. Now all of you who have been in such situation say it ain't so. Sexual harassment is very selective. Which is B.S.IMHO. P.S. real story. My boss sat in my lap and hugged me in front of fellow workers. I didn't feel she was sexual harassing me at all back then. Today I guess I could of gotten my 100 million back then or gotten her fired. Sad we've gotten to the point you can't even tell a woman she looks great today. Let's just stop talking to each other period. On the street or at work:facepalm: Probably safer. When she approached Irvin he should of ran....Then they would of told him you represent the NFL. Be more approachable :facepalm:
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sure thing... now get a jury to believe that.. the video is clear to me that that was a cordial, friendly conversation.

Now I want to hear from the guy that took the selfie with Irvin AFTER the lady walked away.

I also want to hear from Mr Manager on why he clapped at her then went and waited clearly very impatiently for her by the bar and as soon as she walked up to the bar he "Grabbed," her and took her off into some other location. Didnt she have work to do? This is why you have trials, so ALL of the evidence can be looked at in context. This is why you have juries here from BOTH sides to present their version of the facts and the let juries decide which one sounds more reasonable.
Guess you also didn't include some of the details of the your old case:

The Broward State Attorney's office had been investigating the claims, but a spokesman said there was no physical evidence because the woman waited more than two weeks to report the incident.

Again more bs from his accusers. If there is a pattern it's this and always this. These are the types you will ride or die for. :rolleyes:
There is a pattern of Mike hanging out with woman of questionable morals, including drug addicts, when he’s married and has kids and has a past history of this behavior, including philandering and a drug problem.

It’s not me that’s choosing to hang out with these women, it’s Mike.

not every woman that gets hit on by a philanderer that has lots of woman want to sleep with the guy, especially a guy who flat out states he was drunk at the time and claimed he didn’t even talk to anybody, until she was shown the video.
I didn't have an opinion one way or another before watching the video. Now I'm CONVINCED that woman was looking for a PAYDAY BABY!
However, because this has been blown way out of proportion, she'll probably stay quiet now. I hope Mike gets her car, and any savings she has that's not in a qualified plan.
Just read on Legal Law Pad, that he dismissed the law suit in Texas, because he knew they could get the video quicker than AZ but that he would file in AZ now he has seen the footage.

The video, which is the evidence, shows Irvin approaching the lady and initiating conversation. She turns around and proceeds to move back and talk to Irvin.

There is no witness that reports her yelling across the hotel lobby to get Irvin, who admitted he was drunk and said in the radio interview, didn’t even think he spoke to anybody.

when she leaves, Irvin is seen staring at her.

All the evidence points to Irvin initiating the conversation. Any other claim is just asinine.

And no, “the burden of proof” in a legal sense is not on her, as we are talking about hotel protocol. She told her management and they told the network. And the network investigated and told him to get another hotel and they are taking him off the air for SB Sunday.

Irvin then shot himself further in the foot by trying to play damage control on the radio and said he was drunk and had no clue he even talked to anybody.
What video are you watcing? She clearly walks in a way to ensure she crosses paths with Mike... as his lawyer even pointed out, she leans her head in a way so she can see if mike is on the right side or left side of that pillar. Seeing he was in the right side, she walks around the right side of the pillar instead of the more direct route to the left and back to work. Mike approached her?....smh
There is a pattern of Mike hanging out with woman of questionable morals, including drug addicts, when he’s married and has kids and has a past history of this behavior, including philandering and a drug problem.

It’s not me that’s choosing to hang out with these women, it’s Mike.

not every woman that gets hit on by a philanderer that has lots of woman want to sleep with the guy, especially a guy who flat out states he was drunk at the time and claimed he didn’t even talk to anybody, until she was shown the video.
Hanging with women is not a crime. The pattern that you refuse to acknowledge is his accusers keep having bs actions during there accusations: waiting two weeks, waiting 15 more minutes, waiting, waiting, waiting and then turn out to be waiting for a bunch of nothing in the end.
What video are you watcing? She clearly walks in a way to ensure she crosses paths with Mike... as his lawyer even pointed out, she leans her head in a way so she can see if mike is on the right side or left side of that pillar. Seeing he was in the right side, she walks around the right side of the pillar instead of the more direct route to the left and back to work. Mike approached her?....smh
He doesn't know. He's just banking on the fact that he hates Irvin so much that he HOPES he's guilty.

We are talking hotel protocol here.

The hotel didn’t file any criminal charges. They just protected their employee on what they perceived as potential sexual harassment by reporting it to the NFL Network, like an employee does to throw OWN HR, if they perceive of sexually harassing behavior..

Every teaming guide for employment tells you what matters is the perception of the one being “hit on”.
There were no criminal charges to file. There is also no sexual harassment as it isnt possible due to the relationship or non relationship of the parties involved.
Is there anything in recent history that changed the world more than the Iphone? Everyone, everywhere sits there on their iphone all day. All these people doing the same thing.
I have no idea what’s happening, and don’t care. I’m only responding because don’t put me in a crowd with everything everyone
I didn't have an opinion one way or another before watching the video. Now I'm CONVINCED that woman was looking for a PAYDAY BABY!
However, because this has been blown way out of proportion, she'll probably stay quiet now. I hope Mike gets her car, and any savings she has that's not in a qualified plan.
I agree, the fact when she came into view in the video, she immediately slowed down her walk and instead of going in the bar where it's wide open in front of her, she continues around the corner to where irvin was coming down the hall....I'd like to know if she was in a relationship with the so called manager who is clearly waiting for her in the bar watching after stooping over and clapping when she went around the corner to where Irvin was coming back down the hall after being outside for pictures...
I am an attorney and you just do nothing but talk nonsense and deal in made up stories. You just said the “video certainly doesn’t back that up” Really, you got that out of the video vs Irvin’s words. Which were…

“There is a lot going on. I don’t know if you guys heard or not… Sunday night … This is tripping me out… I don’t remember it, but I guess when I came in, they asked [what I did] and I said, ‘I just went straight to the room,’” the Hall of Fame wide receiver said. “But I guess I had met somebody in the lobby. Talked to somebody in the lobby for about a minute and then I went to my room. And then after I got up there and got to work, they said tomorrow they had to move me in the hotel. I said, ‘Move me in the hotel for what?’

“So they moved my hotel, and I said, ‘What’s going on, guys? What’s happening? Why are are we moving hotels?’ They said, ‘Well, last night you walked in, you talked to somebody.’ I said, ‘I didn’t talk to anybody. I went straight to the room.’ And then they showed it on camera that I did talk to somebody. I talked to this girl for about a minute. I don’t know what — they didn’t show it to me. They told it to me. I didn’t see it… But that’s why they moved me, because I guess the girl said I said something to her within that minute that we talked, and so they moved me.”

The hosts then acknowledged that there was no media coverage of the incident at the time of the interview.

“That’s exactly what’s happening and why I’m kind of hiding to wait and see how everything comes down, you know, in this world here,” Irvin said. “It was a minute meeting somewhere in the lobby. I don’t even remember it really because I had a few drinks, to tell you the truth… but that’s what they said.”

So you don’t think saying I didn’t remember it because I had a few drinks isnt drunk? You just black out and don’t remember on a few drinks? You had to have people show you a video to remember because you weren’t intoxicated and said “I didn’t talk to anybody”?

Also does the above quotes fit the narrative from today where Mike says straight out that his conversation was about football with her and how she could learn from watching his shows. What? On the radio above how does that fit? Their lawyers are going to be all over that because one is a lie.
I am re-posting the actual audio of Irvin's radio interview below, clipped to solely the two-miinute four seconds he spoke on the topic, just in case anyone questions the accuracy of his quoted comments above:

There is a pattern of Mike hanging out with woman of questionable morals, including drug addicts, when he’s married and has kids and has a past history of this behavior, including philandering and a drug problem.

It’s not me that’s choosing to hang out with these women, it’s Mike.

not every woman that gets hit on by a philanderer that has lots of woman want to sleep with the guy, especially a guy who flat out states he was drunk at the time and claimed he didn’t even talk to anybody, until she was shown the video.
Sounds like Mike should run for President.
IDK what was or wasn't said but she literally walked the long way to the bar just to get Michael Irvin attention. Look at the route she took. She took the scenic route to the bar lol. Look at the manager, its like she has been MIA all day and then seen Michael Irvin and bam she is back at work. I know she seen her boss looking at her pissed off for, I assume, being late or for being missing. Looks like he was looking for her in a very mad manner when she was talking to Michael Irvin. I know she had to see him. Would of been a great excuse to get out of talking to Michael Irvin if he was saying "sexual" things right?
I agree, the fact when she came into view in the video, she immediately slowed down her walk and instead of going in the bar where it's wide open in front of her, she continues around the corner to where irvin was coming down the hall....I'd like to know if she was in a relationship with the so called manager who is clearly waiting for her in the bar watching after stooping over and clapping when she went around the corner to where Irvin was coming back down the hall after being outside for pictures...
what video were you watching? irvin clearly chased her down.... didnt you see it?
So 'hitting' on women is a crime? LOL you are ridiculous. I'm glad you aren't a judge or lawyer or anything to do with the law. you would be horrible at it. Just continue to be a hater that's what you are good at.
I'm glad you're not involved with the law either. There have been 0 criminal allegations in this case whatsoever.
Agenda much ? Lol. You have no clue what was said and whether harassment occurred, and neither do any of us. And your interpretations don’t make something a fact. As for her reactions, she was an employee at work, and maybe at a bar off of work she would have kicked him in the nuts for what he said. Maybe we need to step back and allow ourselves to consider what we don’t know, and at this point we can’t tell what was said, and either side could be right.
No Agenda here, I've watched and listened to plenty of body language experts and based on that body language, hers tells a lot, no woman who said what was said to her would stand there and not do something other than tilting her head, clearly laughing, hands crossed in front of her, then behind her back, shake hands kick her foot up if she was distressed from comments Irvin made....

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