Irvin Press Conference Live - 3/14/2023

Because of the complaint/accusation by Marriott which led to him getting kicked out. Not being on air for the Super Bowl cost him his job for that week. Someone refuses to pay attention.
That’s not the definition of “cost him his job”. Now you are qualifying it for that week, yet he got paid. It was Irvin that went on the air and made it an issue, nobody else. Otherwise, it would have died.
I have a teenage daughter and I can be sensitive to any type of abuse directed towards women. That said, there is NOTHING in that video that shows sexual assault.
I agree with that common sense approach, however I recall a female student speaking at a University of California Berkeley symposium on sexual abuse and she shared that when a male student merely asked her for her phone number she equated it as sexual assault…….this is the world we now live in…..hurrah
Yup! I am on the michael side of things and even I can see, the video can be seen as supporting her claim. It can also be seen as supporting Mike's

Question I have is where's the crime ? Let's stipulate that Michael said something totally disgusting. Does that amount to anything but a catcall ?
Nobody is alleging a crime. She said he sexually harassed her. She reported it privately to her employer, which is what you're supposed to do.

Irvin is mad because Marriot did what the NFL asked and reported the incident to the NFL (who then viewed the videotape and decided to remove him from coverage).
This guy thinks the issue is about something Irvin physically did…
The question is still what did he tell the NFL? What did the NFL investigation conclude and based on what evidence? Why did ESPN decide to remove Irvin from the Super Bowl broadcasts? As I said, if the NFL watched the video and concluded it didn't matter but they didn't want to risk bad publicity, then Irvin has no case. The NFL acted on their own.
All they did is remove him from the hotel after the complaint of inappropriate sexual remarks .

Is “ do you like black men inside of you “ inappropriate. From a celebrity with his history. Probably so but I can see how some might think it’s normal catcall. Lol
All they did? It's not all they did they also had one of their employees accuse him of sexual assault. So no that's not all they did.

He's been false accused of sexual assault before. So what other history does he have? You are turning him into R Kelly or Weinstein or something.
Watched the while video and is interesting how the manager in the grey seems to be watching the whole thing and how she seems to get into Mike's walking trajectory on purpose. Maybe is just an attentive manager but would not rule out the possibility of a setup as Mike's lawer hints at during the pre video setup.

Furthermore, having not followed this extensively, I expected the women to be some type of supermodel that Mike can't keep his hands off of. However, she appears to be quite average in the video. maybe I am wrong here. For a guy of his worldly experience, seems a little off. NO OFFENSE to anyone, as sexual harassment or assault can happen to anyone. But keeping it real and he works with beautiful women all the time and has a long interesting history. Doesn't seem like he is going to go overboard for a very average hotel employee. Just putting that out there. if I am wrong may I burn in hell. :)

After watching the video, there is nothing conclusive there. Definitely nothing negative about the scene other than the manager in the grey vest. I would not rule out a setup from some hotel employees looking for an easy payday, or an over zealous manager worried about his job.
This is a serious question, can you sexually harass someone if you don't have a business connection with them ? Like if I say something a woman considers vulgar, she rejects my advances, I leave. Did I commit sexual Harassment?

It's not in a mutual workplace, as we don't have a business connection.
I agree with that common sense approach, however I recall a female student speaking at a University of California Berkeley symposium on sexual abuse and she shared that when a male student merely asked her for her phone number she equated it as sexual assault…….this is the world we now live in…..hurrah
There are no allegations of sexual assault. She never said he assaulted her. Where is that coming from?
All they did? It's not all they did they also had one of their employees accuse him of sexual assault. So no that's not all they did.

He's been false accused of sexual assault before. So what other history does he have? You are turning him into R Kelly or Weinstein or something.
Please post the allegation of sexual assault. It doesn't exist.
So how does the accuser prove what is claimed without a witness hearing they commits or an audio recording. In this case, they can’t terminate without proof.

Management will have to do their due diligence investigation and if nothing is proved, they will document that an accusation was made and they must keep the two parties separate while employed.

This is so hard as an employer. Ask me I have first hand knowledge!
In todays climate you don’t necessarily have to prove accusations . This isn’t a criminal charge.

He was just removed from the premises . It’s a civil case. And if this wasn’t a celebrity no one cares.

The fact he was probably on a short leash with the Networks from prior accusations is most likely the bigger problem for Irvin. Surely the networks have a clause in their contracts in event he had another incident .

And why his only out is his suit against hotel.
Ignore Reid. He’s the same guy who claimed Mike never mentioned intoxication until presented with the transcript showing Mike saying he could not remember because he had been drinking. Then he skipped over it and went on to other made up subjects. He has made up scenarios in all of his posts.
No, Reid is the guy who actually uses exactly what was said... the word drunk was thrown around here to describe Mike. Marriott even stated he appeared to be "Intoxicated." Who made the comment thathe appeared to be intoxicated, because the video certainly doesnt back that up.

And Ill say it for the 50th time that so many of you still cant comprehend, Irvin NEVER once said he was drunk or intoxicated. This is why lawyers tear people like some of you apart on the stand.

The lawyers would ask you if Mike said he was drunk, and you would respond YES, he said he couldnt remember what he said because he was drunk.

Then the lawyer would grab the audio and replay it for you making you look like a fool in front of the jury.
My take on the video. 1st...Irvin did not approach her. She clearly waited and timed herself to intersect with him as he approached. 2nd. She was like a little girl meeting a celebrity. Yet? She says she didn't know who he was? Why would you as a woman walk up to a strange guy in a lobby and start a conversation? Really? 3rd..she clearly had a could conversation with him as both laughed and shook hands happily after the encounter. 5th.. She clearly says goodbye as Mike or anybody would look back as someone says goodbye to you to acknowledge them. 5th...He then starts a conversation with white cap guy. 6th.. I been around enough women to know the ole feet to leg kick. That clearly means they are interested in that person they are talking to. I'll admit I'm a Irvin fan. But I'll also admit if this was a video of the worst Eagles player I hated. I'd have the same conclusion. Nothing here....Plus Irvin is near 60...That would be a horrible line for a black guy in his 20's much less Grandpa:facepalm:
no kidding thats what I said.. I used the exact words they used to describe the manager. Somehow you found that to be a misleading statement... but not so much with how they described Mike looking at her/...... again, its lost on some of you unless it is spelled out.
You either don’t write clearly or you’re just throwing crap against a wall. What did you spell out? No one brought up the did. Then you tried to make a convoluted point using it about the manager. It’s like the intoxication thing. You just shoot from the hip with zero knowledge of events. It’s obvious your take on dvd TD is purely because you want Mike to win so you have zero objectivity
I agree with that common sense approach, however I recall a female student speaking at a University of California Berkeley symposium on sexual abuse and she shared that when a male student merely asked her for her phone number she equated it as sexual assault…….this is the world we now live in…..hurrah
Agreed as i said when this started we dont know "Hey pretty lady" could be considered unwanted sexual advance when to the other party its just a nice hello to a woman. Diferent parts of the world, country, state have diferent slanges and greetings...but what Marriott put out is in no way that it was bad and if MI said that then he gets what he gets...NOW saying that nothing in that video shows me the female employee was disgusted or trying to get out of the conversation...she was cracking jokes and clearly left with a non disgusted handshake.
Nobody is alleging a crime. She said he sexually harassed her. She reported it privately to her employer, which is what you're supposed to do.

Irvin is mad because Marriot did what the NFL asked and reported the incident to the NFL (who then viewed the videotape and decided to remove him from coverage).
In order for it to be sexual Harassment doesn't Michael have to have a business connection with her ?
In todays climate you don’t necessarily have to prove accusations . This isn’t a criminal charge.

He was just removed from the premises . It’s a civil case. And if this wasn’t a celebrity no one cares.

The fact he was probably on a short leash with the Networks from prior accusations is most likely the bigger problem for Irvin. Surely the networks have a clause in their contracts in event he had another incident .

And why his only out is his suit against hotel.
you are right, if he wasnt a celebrity NOBODY, including Marriott would have cared. The man in question would have went to his room, went to bed and went on with the rest of his life.
He settled a 2007 sexual assault case out of court.
Again this means nothing except that the case was settled. He doesn't have a repeated history of it. I know that he has been falsely accused a lot more than he's settled.
In todays climate you don’t necessarily have to prove accusations . This isn’t a criminal charge.

He was just removed from the premises . It’s a civil case. And if this wasn’t a celebrity no one cares.

The fact he was probably on a short leash with the Networks from prior accusations is most likely the bigger problem for Irvin. Surely the networks have a clause in their contracts in event he had another incident .

And why his only out is his suit against hotel.
I was referring to a comment from a poster “he should be fired”
I don’t recall anyone claiming there was a crime . I agree with Irvin’s side in that it’s evident no sexual assault occurred.

But inappropriate sexual content while not against the law could get you booted from a bar or hotel.

And a “catcall” from a celebrity with his history might be enough. See ya Mike..
For someone like you, it might be.
you are right, if he wasnt a celebrity NOBODY, including Marriott would have cared. The man in question would have went to his room, went to bed and went on with the rest of his life.
Or just been kicked out of hotel. Or not to return after checking out.

Patrons are removed from premises more often than most realize for inappropriate behavior .

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