Irvin Press Conference Live - 3/14/2023

Here is the statement from a witness to the interaction:

“We walked back to go into the bar, [Irvin] went straight to go to his hotel room, and I guess somebody that worked there, I don’t know if it was a waitress or a bartender I guess came up and said, ‘Hey Michael Irvin.’ And he said, ‘Oh, nice to meet you, I’m Michael’ and shook her hand. The crazy part was it was like a 30-second interaction. It could’ve been a minute. I didn’t really think much of it ‘cause it was just a fan kind of thing.”

What the video does not show is the woman at the point where Irvin turns towards the entrance to the bar. This witness claim she called out to Irvin, which is why he turned towards her. This witness refutes the idea that Irvin turned to her on his own. So let's put that to rest now unless you can provide a witness statement that counters this witness.

But again, it is unimportant to the main case Irvin has against the hotel and the woman. The question is still, did Irvin do anything so egregious that it warranted the hotel calling his employer to get him fired? Was the hotel honest in its statements to Irvin's employers? Why did ESPN remove Irvin from the air? If ESPN acted on false statements by the hotel, then Irvin has a legitimate claim to damages.

There are 2 more people that we need to hear from... actually we need to hear from the woman also. But it will be very interesting to hear the managers explanations for his actions. Why did he clap at her? Why did he stand there "Leering," at Mike and the woman with his hands on his hips? Why did he go into the bar area and stand there for the remainder of the conversation looking back and forth between mike and the lady and the TV. It appears he is clearly watching them and waiting for the woman to get back to work. Why did the manager IMMEDIATELY proceed towards the woman the exact second the conversation ended and why did he take her off into some other area? What did the woman say to you during YOIUR conversation with her immediately after you removed her from the bar area. Lastly, have you and woman X ever been involved in anything other than a work relationship?

Next, the guy that spoke to Mike as soon as the woman walked away. What was said at that time? If you heard Mike say something so rude and you were cowrokers, were you concerned for her as Marriott has claimed? If you were concerned for her why did you go take a selfie with Mike? Lastly, were you offended when Mike got really close to you in order to take that selfy?
The boogie man said he would return when she was working.
According to some of the supporters she should have been proud the Playmaker was hitting on her. Something she could have told her grandchildren about . Lol
This is absolutely ridiculous she is completely at fault her manager clearly was trying to get her attention and wanted her to do something That's why he was clapping his hands she wanted to talk to Michael and spent almost 2 minutes doing so shaking hands in the beginning and the end of the conversation Michael kept his distance didn't try and hug or kiss her or anything inappropriate.

No one spends 2 minutes talking with someone who is passing inappropriate comments to them no one shakes hands at the end of the conversation with someone who has insulted them with inappropriate sexual comments.

Manager clearly wanted her to get back to work and she ignored him and continued to talk to Michael actually putting her job in Jeopardy to continue the conversation.

I hope Michael nails are *** to the wall this kind of crap should not be tolerated

Lol, almost like the manager was jealous.
According to some of the supporters she should have been proud the Playmaker was hitting on her. Something she could have told her grandchildren about . Lol
Yeah, the fact that he’s warthog butt ugly doesn’t matter.

Did she even know who he was? According to him, he told her to Google him.
That video did not exonerate Irvin as his supporters would like but that won't stop them.

I remember seeing at least one say if that triple face slap is on that video, he's cooked. I guess we can assume that security guard was not lying about what he saw and heard?

I have gotten a kick out of all of our resident forensic body language readers telling us she was having a grand ole time until the mean ole jealous manager stepped in.
If she was being talked to in such an inappropriate sexual manner why did she spend two minutes on the conversation when her manager obviously wanted her back to work and she was at her job and could have easily said I have to get back to work
The video supports what Michael and multiple eyewitnesses say.

It appears to be a normal conversation between two people who were enjoying themselves.

The woman swings her leg out towards the end in a playful manner just before she shakes Michael’s hand to leave. It’s clear she was relaxed the whole time based on her body language.

Marriott and the accuser better get their checkbooks ready for the damage they caused to Michael’s reputation and career.
Possible but quite probable that he had stuff for her to do and spending almost 2 minutes fraternizing with a guest was not part of her work schedule and should have been done on her own time not companies time

Agree, he either wanted her back to work or something.
If she was being talked to in such an inappropriate sexual manner why did she spend two minutes on the conversation when her manager obviously wanted her back to work and she was at her job and could have easily said I have to get back to work
Have you ever been trapped in a conversation and tried to gracefully extricate yourself from it?

Irvin was a guest and she is staff so there is that dynamic at work.
Agree but in this case when said, most victims are trying or running to get away from the person, not seeing that here at all. Like I said what I saw was vice versa.
Even if the employee approaches Irvin and she was in no physical threat , I’m not sure it excuses his potential inappropriate sexual exchanges .
Have you ever been trapped in a conversation and tried to gracefully extricate yourself from it?

Irvin was a guest and she is staff so there is that dynamic at work.

As I stated before just because you are in customer service (been in over 30 years) doesn’t mean if someone is disrespecting you or said something inappropriate that you have to stay there and smile and then shake hands. Been in the spot numerous of occasions and by some big people with money but I wasn’t putting up with it don’t care who you are.
I’m sure Irvin is approached all the time by fans who want a pic or autograph . But that doesn’t give him a green light to make sexual innuendos or cat calls .
Very sad your take. And the evermore reason there needs to be accountability.
I bet the women down at the bingo hall just LOVE you when you ride in on your white stallion, armor clanking and sword held high.

Accountability he says. Accountability for a few non-threatening words that lead to nothing.
From what it showed with her kicking her leg and all she was giddy to be talking to a celebrity all while her manager was ticked off she was wasting company time

Heck don't we have a lip reader here at the forum that can tell us exactly what was said by zeroing in on the two while they were talking
Have you ever been trapped in a conversation and tried to gracefully extricate yourself from it?

Irvin was a guest and she is staff so there is that dynamic at work.
She was worried about offending him? If he said what she said he said and there policy as they stated is very clear, thats seems like a reach to me. Again nothing is in stone fact about any of this but the actions they took and the words they filed in the complaint and the policy they put out..."I didnt want to offend our guest" is going to be a tough one to stand behind.

Basically would be saying "I didnt want to offend our guest while he was being very in appropriate" BUT i did in fact want him out of the hotel and to affect his job because i was that offended", again the video falls very short of showing here that upset.
As I stated before just because you are in customer service (been in over 30 years) doesn’t mean if someone is disrespecting you or said something inappropriate that you have to stay there and smile and then shake hands. Been in the spot numerous of occasions and by some big people with money but I wasn’t putting up with it don’t care who you are.
Everyone handles a situation differently.

And females are in a much more vulnerable situation than men when it comes to being hitting on.
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The boogie man said he would return when she was working.
even if he said that WHO CARES. She could have flirted with him... look at the little golly gee leg kick.... and she said she would be off the next 2 days and he responded by saying hell come look for her...... I dont care. The video speaks LOUDLY to any of us not wanting Irvin hammered, and you have admitted nothing would be finer than to have him lose his job. Now who is being objective?
It still amazes me that Irvin defenders can’t comprehend the basic fact that the video supports more the narrative of “Mariott” than Irvin and his lawyers flip-flopping and bizarre conspiracy narrative, which damages their credibility.

That’s the whole point.
Oh, it's like debating against anti-Cowboys conspiracies during the regular season. There, folks also deny plain video and the black and white rulebook for a desired result that ignores the truth. I just like seeing what happens when it gets pointed out.
After watching the video it’s now clear why Marriott fought so hard to keep it from being released, even going so far as to disregard a judge’s direct order.

The video supports Michael’s claims and undermine’s Marriott’s.

The video, in combination with multiple eyewitness who saw the encounter, spell doom for Marriott and the accuser.

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