Irvin Press Conference Live - 3/14/2023

After watching the video it’s now clear why Marriott fought so hard to keep it from being released, even going so far as to disregard a judge’s direct order.

The video supports Michael’s claims and undermine’s Marriott’s.

The video, in combination with multiple eyewitness who saw the encounter, spell doom for Marriott and the accuser.
no, no, no... just read the posts above yours. Its so obvious to all what was happening. Its only you Irvin fans that have his poster in your garage that cant see the "Truth.".....smh
Lol. Mike's witnesses don't even look like they're paying attention most of the time. Their accounts are pretty much discredited. Neither of them even saw the initial encounter to opine on it. They got sweet photos though. Not that they'd be endeared to Mike at all for anything. No, not at all.

And this was nothing to do with physical, only about what was said and the aftermath of that.
Lol who cares what you think they saw.

If I were Mike and she wants to play this phantom game then all bets are off. I’d trot those two guys out for their side of the story every time.

The only one endearing to Mike is this fraud who is making accusations lol.
What everyone's opinion here does not matter, this will be decided in a court of law not here.
It's funny that to people who support Irvin he didn't do anything wrong and to people who don't like him he's jack the ripper.
I had friend who played for the NFL back in the late 90's.
During rookie orientation they were told not to put yourself in compromising positions because people will take advantage of your fame.
You need verbal recordings. If not, anything can be assumed or made up from either party.
This is the first true statement I've
Everyone handles a situation differently.

And females are in a much more vulnerable situation than men when it comes to being hitting on.

Agree but not always know several female managers that will get you told and put guys in their place and have no problems with doing so in public.
Its ok to fight for all peoples rights and not condon whitch hunts..those also were bad. Again let the system play out but to dig in off of accusations is not good for society either.
There has to be a starting point. And the accusations are.

There doesn’t appear to be anything illegal like sexual assault which I agree with Irvin and his attorney . But the alleged language used is concerning .

Inappropriate behavior by a celebrity with known sexual misconduct history should be a concern.

Do Cowboy fans believe that anyone who ask to speak with Irvin looking for an autograph or selfie deserve to be hit on with Cat Calls?
Have you ever been trapped in a conversation and tried to gracefully extricate yourself from it?

Irvin was a guest and she is staff so there is that dynamic at work.
Yes I have been trapped in conversations when I met somebody in a parking lot at the food store but when you are at work you have the perfect alibi to get away at any time especially when your manager is clapping their hands and trying to get your attention all you have to say is I have to get back to work by manager needs me very simple
Agree but not always know several female managers that will get you told and put guys in their place and have no problems with doing so in public.
Understood . Like I said everyone handles this differently . She chose to remain cordial with Irvin and made a formal complaint afterwards or later .

Regardless how the interaction unfolded I’m not sure it was deserving of some of his alleged verbiage.
Everyone handles a situation differently.

And females are in a much more vulnerable situation than men when it comes to being hitting on.
Not when they're at work they're accountable to their job and can say as much and get back to work without offending anyone.
There has to be a starting point. And the accusations are.

There doesn’t appear to be anything illegal like sexual assault which I agree with Irvin and his attorney . But the alleged language used is concerning .

Inappropriate behavior by a celebrity with known sexual misconduct history should be a concern.

Do Cowboy fans believe that anyone who ask to speak with Irvin looking for an autograph or selfie deserve to be hit on with Cat Calls?
If she continued to do her job like she should have been doing while she was on the clock and like her manager obviously wanted her to be doing by clapping his hands trying to get her attention to get back to work there wouldn't have been a problem.
She chose to put her job on hold even though her manager was calling her and pacing back and forth angrily to interact with a celebrity and did so for almost 2 minutes not just a quick high shake hands or a selfie chose to have a full-blown conversation.

She made the choice The converse with the celebrity over continuing to do her job it is her fault.
She was worried about offending him? If he said what she said he said and there policy as they stated is very clear, thats seems like a reach to me. Again nothing is in stone fact about any of this but the actions they took and the words they filed in the complaint and the policy they put out..."I didnt want to offend our guest" is going to be a tough one to stand behind.

Basically would be saying "I didnt want to offend our guest while he was being very in appropriate" BUT i did in fact want him out of the hotel and to affect his job because i was that offended", again the video falls very short of showing here that upset.
Not offend but not let it escalate into a scene.

You are assuming she wanted what happened to happen and that wasn’t her call. Someone else made that call.
According to some of the supporters she should have been proud the Playmaker was hitting on her. Something she could have told her grandchildren about . Lol
Proud? Nope, but clearly part of life. If men didnt hit on woman, none of us would be here. In today's world, Im not sure how a guy is supposed to ever go on a date with a woman without risk of being accused of doing or saying something inappropriate. I think Ca was trying to get something passed that REQUIREd permission to be given before people have sex. I could be wrong, but I do think I remember hearing that at some point.
Humans are going to human.

It is completely unrealistic to expect a society in which one is completely free of never having to have something "inappropriate" (whatever the hell that means) said to them.

If I were her, and I wasn't interested, I would have laughed, made a joke about his "smooth move route running" and walked away chuckling.
There has to be a starting point. And the accusations are.

There doesn’t appear to be anything illegal like sexual assault which I agree with Irvin and his attorney . But the alleged language used is concerning .

Inappropriate behavior by a celebrity with known sexual misconduct history should be a concern.

Do Cowboy fans believe that anyone who ask to speak with Irvin looking for an autograph or selfie deserve to be hit on with Cat Calls?
No but i also dont think every pearson is honest in the world, again your taking a hard stance that it was how the Marriott said it was and you have the same word from one side to go off of that you do that the other side is saying they didnt say it..Do you know the Marriott employee's sayign this? Do you know they are honest people? Again the system needs to play out.
After watching the video it’s now clear why Marriott fought so hard to keep it from being released, even going so far as to disregard a judge’s direct order.

The video supports Michael’s claims and undermine’s Marriott’s.

The video, in combination with multiple eyewitness who saw the encounter, spell doom for Marriott and the accuser.
All true my cowboy brother she flat out stop doing her job and was insubordinate to her manager who was clearly clapping and trying to get her attention and get her back on track to have a conversation for almost a full 2 minutes with a celebrity.

Who disobeys their boss and stands around for 2 minutes having a conversation with somebody that is talking inappropriately to them and offending them really doesn't make any sense.

And if she was so offended why did she shake hands with him after the conversation.
even if he said that WHO CARES. She could have flirted with him... look at the little golly gee leg kick.... and she said she would be off the next 2 days and he responded by saying hell come look for her...... I dont care. The video speaks LOUDLY to any of us not wanting Irvin hammered, and you have admitted nothing would be finer than to have him lose his job. Now who is being objective?
I am objective about what happened but yes, I would like to watch the NFLN without that loud mouthed amateur ruining it.

I think he said what they are alleging but that itself does not warrant him losing his job.

Until proven otherwise, I think him breaking his own story and saying what he did got him into more hot water with the NFLN than the hotel encounter.
Proud? Nope, but clearly part of life. If men didnt hit on woman, none of us would be here. In today's world, Im not sure how a guy is supposed to ever go on a date with a woman without risk of being accused of doing or saying something inappropriate. I think Ca was trying to get something passed that REQUIREd permission to be given before people have sex. I could be wrong, but I do think I remember hearing that at some point.
According to some of the supporters she should have been proud the Playmaker was hitting on her. Something she could have told her grandchildren about . Lol
I have to think you are referencing me since I just said something somewhat related. What's the matter, you don't have the intestinal fortitude to call me out directly?

What have I said that makes me a "supporter"? (Hint, the answer is nothing)

I also didn't say "she" or "should be proud". You aren't understanding what you are reading.

I'll give you credit for somewhat engaging. Your cohorts CC and MR just go into hiding rather than address the tough question.
No but i also dont think every pearson is honest in the world, again your taking a hard stance that it was how the Marriott said it was and you have the same word from one side to go off of that you do that the other side is saying they didnt say it..Do you know the Marriott employee's sayign this? Do you know they are honest people? Again the system needs to play out.
Valid point, we know nothing about the woman, the manager or anyone else involved in this.

However, I do know more than I want to know about Irvin and this incident fits his pattern.

So, with only part of this known, I tend to believe the woman but it doesn’t really matter because I am not on the jury and have no responsibility in this but to have fun with, yet another, off season gift from the Cowboys organization.

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