1. Yes, I watched the video and no, that’s not what happened. She was walking into the bar and Irvin came in drunk in the hotel and was moving one direction, saw her and went to her and she turned around and went back to him and they started talking.
2. Yes, per Michael’s Irvin’s own words he was drunk to the point he claimed he didn’t know he talked to anybody until they showed him the video.
Again, how is this so hard to comprehend? The lady hasn’t sued Irvin or asked for anything. She reported a problem, the hotel told the NFL Network and they removed him from the broadcast, but he gets to keep his job.
It’s Irvin and his lawyer who are making fools of themselves not letting this die down and pursuing a fruitless lawsuit while re-writing narratives.
If anything, they are giving grounds to the lady to sue for defamation.