Irvin to have 7am Wed press conference - Video in post 113

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So evidently a couple of palms were touched and a couple of elbows were touched. Is that the reason why someone would be told to move out of a hotel and be prevented from working? Maybe Irvin said something to the girl. Since when do words cause so much damage to a normal human being That a person again has to be fired from his job? The girl at some point has to come forward and advise what the problem is.
your basing that on what his lawyer said in video, and that may or may not be all that occurred.
He also said a pole blocked some of the encounter.
It is impossible for us to judge either way without seeing all of the video or audio, and they are not going to release that for the public to see.

The key is the NFL and goodell has seen it and I think that is why irvin was pulled, so they must have seen something they didnt like.

This is not for us to judge it will all be settled in court by a judge or jury, who will see and hear all the evidence.
If irvin wins he gets 100 mil, if he loses, he will need to find a new line of work.
If they sent the video to the NFL, that sounds very much shaky as regards legality.
I haven't read anything that indicates they sent the video to the NFL. They most likely made an allegation and said it was on video.
I haven't read anything that indicates they sent the video to the NFL. They most likely made an allegation and said it was on video.
Probably; actually sending the video sounded really strange to me.
Her identity will come out at some point. You cannot just make accusations, get a man tarred and feathered and expect to remain underground In protective custody forever.
I haven't read anything that indicates they sent the video to the NFL. They most likely made an allegation and said it was on video.
marcus made a updated post (post 307) that says the nfl was sent a copy, the only copy, and that I assume was done very quickly, by that evening.

Irvin's lawyer also asserts that Marriott has also already shared a copy (not a viewing) with a 3rd party (the NFL).
You would if it was the bank's biggest customer or you'd work somewhere else.

She is in the hospitality business and just like ticket agents for the airlines, trained to deal with difficult or irate people and she is expected to do so unless physically threatened.

My sons and daughter-in-law all come up through the food service industry as waitstaff and I was floored at some of the stuff they had to take from customers.

One chef in Austin when my son and his future wife worked set up a back room with a chair and an overstuffed pillow in it and a tennis racket. The wait staff could go in there, close the door, yell at the top of the lungs and beat the hell out of that pillow because he didn't want them losing their jobs.

Biggest customer of the bank or not, I am not letting anyone disrespect me to my face, fire me but I have great respect for myself and will be treated just like I treat people unless they get unruly with me. You are just not going to do it. I have great customer service skills, I am always grinning and have a smile but like I told one customer, don’t take my kindness for weakness my man. Like I told the CEO in his office, my motto is small enough to care, I treat the man with only $500 in the bank just like the customer who has $500K. Most know with my personality, If I got mad someone really pissed me off because I can tolerate a lot and takes a lot for me to get mad because I always grin.
Given that the hotel showed Irvin's lawyer the video, it would imply that the interaction in the lobby is the one in question.

That said, it would be interesting if Marriott knew that was not the video where it happened so they only resisted showing it as a stall or diversionary tactic.
Until we know the content of complaint we’ll all continue to speculate. I have several questions.

Perhaps there was more than one encounter in the hotel? Maybe there’s not surveillance on them all? Was this Irvin’s first night in the hotel?

I suppose this employee is the one who the alleged inappropriate behavior occurred? Were there any others?
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Her identity will come out at some point. You cannot just make accusations, get a man tarred and feathered and expect to remain underground In protective custody forever.
lol there is no tar or feathers being used.
You cannot just make accusations..........people have to make those to get actions taken lol.
If irvin is innocent, he will get his job back rep back, and the 100 mil.
If he is guilty, then he wont and it will no longer be just an accusation.

I think you want to see the evidence and judge for yourself, which isnt going to happen, and you want irvin to be innocent, which maybe he is
and maybe he isnt.

I am just curious, if the video showed him touching the womans breast or butt, would you consider that inappropriate ?
Some people are compelled to touch people they are talking to, and irvin may be one of those.

There was a guy who was kicked off of Survivor a few seasons back for touch females "inappropriately"
He was one that liked to touch people, esp females, and I didnt see where it was that bad lol but off the show he went.
He was warned about it, twice I think, then did it with a staff member who was female, and that was never shown.
But he was punished and it all made public, and the girl who first made a fuss about it, was saluted as a hero! lol

I think irvin should have kept his hands in his pants pockets when around females, and if they want to shake hands just refuse, keep
those hands in your pockets and heck dont even talk to them.
again.... some of you take his interview with some reporter about this incident as like it was in some court room. This is some jovial tye interview... Mike kind of laughing about the whole thing, kind of like friends would say... hey, yea I had a few...LOL, CHUCKLE, LAUGH. Hardly the seriousness that you would be telling that story if you were under oath in a court room.

If this goes to court, you can guarantee that those witnesses will be asked if Irvin appeared to be drunk, if he had trouble walking outside to take pics, if he slurred his speech at all when they spoke with him.
I really can’t comprehend your mindset or explanation. It’s juvenile. It wasn’t like that at all. Someone above put his quote. He literally explained a situation that at the time NONODY Knew about. He literally said he didn’t remember because of drinks. AGAIN it’s not a guilt thing but just a reality vs fan boys acting like he didn’t dumb out
Until we know the content of complaint we’ll all continue to speculate. I have several questions.

Perhaps there was more than one encounter in the hotel? Maybe there’s not surveillance on them all? Was this Irvin’s first night in the hotel?

I suppose this employee is the one who the alleged inappropriate behavior occurred? Were there any others?
yeah it would be great if we could see the videos hear what was said and interview the female, but that isnt going to happen.
We in the public love to judge these things ourselves lol, but this time better to just let this legal action run its course and see how it turns
Also what we think isnt going to change anything.

The one thing that sticks in my mind is irvin was taken off NFL Network immediately, so why would nfl do that unless they had seen the video,

and thought o man we need to dump him now! I think ESPN also dumped him.

Irvin is an adult, he has $, so I figure he can take care of himself.
I really can’t comprehend your mindset or explanation. It’s juvenile. It wasn’t like that at all. Someone above put his quote. He literally explained a situation that at the time NONODY Knew about. He literally said he didn’t remember because of drinks. AGAIN it’s not a guilt thing but just a reality vs fan boys acting like he didn’t dumb out
And several people have said he was drunk when he said I had a few drinks. I don't think any of the witnesses have said he appeared intoxicated. His attorney said he drank water in the press conference.
This is why we have lawyers... I had a few drinks and I was drunk are two different things. You think the witnesses will testify if Mr. Irvin was "Drunk," if this goes to court?
I don’t know or care what witnesses will say. I’m just saying that he was based on his own words. You seemed to want to challenge me on it for some reason, so I showed you his own quote.
I really can’t comprehend your mindset or explanation. It’s juvenile. It wasn’t like that at all. Someone above put his quote. He literally explained a situation that at the time NONODY Knew about. He literally said he didn’t remember because of drinks. AGAIN it’s not a guilt thing but just a reality vs fan boys acting like he didn’t dumb out.

You are nuts if you dont think those witnesses will be asked the questions I stated above. Irvin stated he meets people all day everyday and he cant tell you what they all talked about. You are trying to make it like he was in a drunken stuper.... of which witnesses would be able to testify to that as well as the video showing him walking would show that. You just keep wanting to go back to Mike answering some questions to some reporter like that is what will have more weight than the other stuff. Regardless.. I dont care what Mike said... NOTHING he could have SAID (as in WORDS) should cost any many their career. He didnt work with her, he isnt her boss..... they mean nothing to each other.

Let me ask you this.... if you went up to some person, any person at a bar and made some vulgar comment to them, could be sexual, could be non sexual, but vulgar. Do you think they would be able to sue you for damages and win?
And several people have said he was drunk when he said I had a few drinks. I don't think any of the witnesses have said he appeared intoxicated. His attorney said he drank water in the press conference.
once again.... people either dont listen, or simply cant comprehend what is being said. Not only that, Mike even turned down the offer of a drink because he said he needed to get to his room as he had an 8am show to due.... but yea, he was so drunk he couldnt walk?????? smh

Witnesses? why the heck do we need witnesses? We have the crew from CowboysZone that already have this case cracked. Better than Sherlock Holmes.

Same with Jerry and his supposed Love Child. Just ask a few in here. They will tell you all the details about why Jerry does what he does, what he will do in the future... irs amazing how much those people in here know.
your basing that on what his lawyer said in video, and that may or may not be all that occurred.
He also said a pole blocked some of the encounter.
It is impossible for us to judge either way without seeing all of the video or audio, and they are not going to release that for the public to see.

The key is the NFL and goodell has seen it and I think that is why irvin was pulled, so they must have seen something they didnt like.

This is not for us to judge it will all be settled in court by a judge or jury, who will see and hear all the evidence.
If irvin wins he gets 100 mil, if he loses, he will need to find a new line of work.
the video WILL be released. A judge has already ordered them to release it. They are gonna get bit... slapped pretty soon over this lack of listening to the judge.

And yes, we do know what happened. How many times must you hear 2 grown men tell you exactly how the conversation went?????
I haven't read anything that indicates they sent the video to the NFL. They most likely made an allegation and said it was on video.
I haven't read anything that indicates they sent the video to the NFL. They most likely made an allegation and said it was on video.
IF the video was sent to the NFL, that only helps Mike's case. The judge didnt order Marriott to send a copy of the video to the NFL.
I doubt it, it is people like you they want to protect her from.
they wont be able to protect her when this goes to trial, and she shouldnt be protected. You gonna make claims against someone, you arent going to hide for long. She wasnt raped or sexually assaulted, so why does she get to stay anonymous?
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