You are nuts if you dont think those witnesses will be asked the questions I stated above. Irvin stated he meets people all day everyday and he cant tell you what they all talked about. You are trying to make it like he was in a drunken stuper.... of which witnesses would be able to testify to that as well as the video showing him walking would show that. You just keep wanting to go back to Mike answering some questions to some reporter like that is what will have more weight than the other stuff. Regardless.. I dont care what Mike said... NOTHING he could have SAID (as in WORDS) should cost any many their career. He didnt work with her, he isnt her boss..... they mean nothing to each other.
Let me ask you this.... if you went up to some person, any person at a bar and made some vulgar comment to them, could be sexual, could be non sexual, but vulgar. Do you think they would be able to sue you for damages and win?