Is Anyone Else Apathetic To This Franchise?


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Not jumping ship. Not hating them. Still a fan but just apathetic to their games. You don't get excited for wins and don't sulk over losses. It has been happening for me over the past few years. Once the game is over, I turn off the tv, don't listen to any post game shows. I post on here a little and then they are out of my mind. I move on. Win or lose. There is no hope in sight for this franchise at all.

I don't think I will ever stop watching completely and I definitely won't root for another team.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Got there a few years ago. Two things are apparent to me:

1. As long as the Joneses run the team as they've been running it I will never see another Cowboys SB.

2. The Joneses will never change how they run the team. It's fantasy football at the highest level and they're making a fortune, win or lose.


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Not jumping ship. Not hating them. Still a fan but just apathetic to their games. You don't get excited for wins and don't sulk over losses. Even some as an adult. It has been happening for me over the past few years. Once the game is over, I turn off the tv, don't listen to any post game shows. I post on here a little and then they are out of my mind. I move on. Win or lose. There is no hope in sight for this franchise at all.

I don't think I will ever stop watching completely and I definitely won't root for another team.

Yes. I’ve been a fan since 1975. I used to cry as a kid after losses...heck as an adult. Monday’s sucked. It was because they expected greatness so down years were so rare. Starting midway through the Garrett era I was more concerned with enjoying time with my kids than games because I knew they’d fail in the end. Last year I was almost excited about a loss because I thought we could start over. Now I just watch and shrug


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My apathy took a deep dive last season. At an all time high currently. Won't buy another ticket or piece of merchandise. Will spend money elsewhere.

I remember watching this team from 2007-2018 specifically and drinking myself into a stupor and getting furious over losses, and screaming and cursing. Now, all you can do is laugh. And I'm laughing on a weekly basis under this regime.


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Agreed. For my sanity, I had to disengage somewhat. Not being able to sleep after a game because you are grinding on it isn't healthy.

I'm a football fan first even though the cowboys are who got me interested to begin with. So, I will happily watch & appreciate good football wherever it is being played.


This is a house of learned doctors
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Not at all! I bathe in the pain of embarrassing losses and come out stronger (at least until the ulcer medication wears off).


Well-Known Member
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Not jumping ship. Not hating them. Still a fan but just apathetic to their games. You don't get excited for wins and don't sulk over losses. It has been happening for me over the past few years. Once the game is over, I turn off the tv, don't listen to any post game shows. I post on here a little and then they are out of my mind. I move on. Win or lose. There is no hope in sight for this franchise at all.

I don't think I will ever stop watching completely and I definitely won't root for another team.
I used to be bummed for days. Not anymore.


Well-Known Member
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Not jumping ship. Not hating them. Still a fan but just apathetic to their games. You don't get excited for wins and don't sulk over losses. It has been happening for me over the past few years. Once the game is over, I turn off the tv, don't listen to any post game shows. I post on here a little and then they are out of my mind. I move on. Win or lose. There is no hope in sight for this franchise at all.

I don't think I will ever stop watching completely and I definitely won't root for another team.
Not apatheic... If there was a way to back and look at the majority of their posts....
My overall summary would be the problem starts at the top. It's a culture problem, Jerry Jones being the leader is the problem.
The once great Cowboys of yesteryear are 100% gone. We are not America's team and we have not been for over 15 years.
Jerry Jones does not care about winning a SB. Please put that on your mirror. His desire is to have a circus not a football team. He want's to be the hot button topic on a daily basis. He wants to compete well enough to be talked about. Winning the SB doesn't matter to him.
He has won the game of life. Franchise is worth over 5 billion, in reality it would take 7-8 billion to really buy them. He bought this team for 150 million.
He won 2 SBs in 5 years than another in his 7th year of ownership. He was the maverick behind individual marketing, with Pepsi, Nike back in 1995. He was part of the TV deals moving the FOX. He is a great businessman. But he was never the football guy. He still thinks he knows best because he is the owner.
We WILL NEVER WIN ANOTHER SUPERBOWL. Put that in 3 inch headlines.
Nothing about the way he runs this organization shows me that SB is the front offices goal. They dont come into the office and focus on how to make this team better on a daily basis. Jerry has no incentive to win, or any incentive to change. He will do this another 10 years, the reings will be passed to the next of kin.
Since 1996 we have not won a 2nd round playoff game. We have not played in a championship game since January 1996. What were you all doing in January 1996, when we beat the Packers??? Madden was talking about the crown on the field in Texas Stadium.
If we were bought by a owner who wants to win the whole organization would be cleared out, smart football people would be brought in.
This whole organization needs to be cleaned from top to bottom. We need to be rescued by the league from this toxic ownership group.
Bill Walsh once said every year you are only really competing with 6-7 teams to win the SB.
Richard Feynman said....
The first principle is that you must not fool yourself — and you are the easiest person to fool."


Well-Known Member
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Absolutely. About 2 years ago this started to kick in. I just care don't that much anymore. I pretty much bailed last night @ 21-3. Years ago, this would never have happened. I watched the finale of The Vow instead. Sad.


Well-Known Member
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Got there a few years ago. Two things are apparent to me:

1. As long as the Joneses run the team as they've been running it I will never see another Cowboys SB.

2. The Joneses will never change how they run the team. It's fantasy football at the highest level and they're making a fortune, win or lose.
Co signed


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I’m apathetic to the NFL as a whole now. Fantasy football is really the only reason I pay attention. I’m still a Cowboys fan but no nearly as die hard as I was just a couple years ago.


Well-Known Member
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Yes, absolutely. I scream less and less at the tv, don't drink as much trying to drown my sorrows, don't yell at the wife anymore although being divorced might have something to do with that...I miss buying the SB merchandise on the back page of the USA Today. What the hell happened?


Well-Known Member
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For the better part of a decade now, I don’t get upset for losses and wins don’t feel as good as they used to. I don’t know if it’s just me getting older or a quarter century of mediocrity or a mix of the 2 but I definitely don’t care as much as I used to