Is anyone else tired of hearing about this oil leak?

Jon88;3422393 said:
I know I am. I know it's bad and has affected a lot of people, but the media has really taken off and run with this.

I'm tried of hearing about it not being capped yet.
vta;3423078 said:

Upon the next tree shalt thou hang alive, until famine cling thee...

vta;3423078 said:

Upon the next tree shalt thou hang alive, until famine cling thee...

I like...Contemplate this on the tree of Woe.

Looks like they are about to get it done. Watching live footage and they are close to getting capped.
BrAinPaiNt;3423196 said:
I like...Contemplate this on the tree of Woe.

Doomsday101;3423197 said:
Looks like they are about to get it done. Watching live footage and they are close to getting capped.

Well it's about time.
Jon88;3423422 said:
Well it's about time.

They are not there yet making good progress on this attempt. When you are at 5,000 feet that is no easy task. Many of the things that have tried have been very successful in the shallower waters but at 5,000 feet dealing with extreme pressure it becomes very difficult.

Believe me I expect to see BP pay for what has happened but I do not think for one second that they have not attempted to shut this off as quick as possible the longer this last the worse it is for BP.
The damage has been done and there's no way to ever fully clean this crap up, especially in marshlands, etc.
Kilyin;3423450 said:
The damage has been done and there's no way to ever fully clean this crap up, especially in marshlands, etc.

It will take a long time in some instances but yes the land will heal itself. Oil does break down over time
Interestingly enough its because this has only happened very rarely is why they really are not prepared for it. This is the first really bad spill anywhere in a very long time.
As with many things. If It wasn't shoved in my face on the TV constantly, I would not know about it at all.

I really don't care. I'm kinda an ******* I guess. It's a bad thing, I understand, and sad news, but whatever.

Years from now it will just be one of those "Hey remember that time when there was an oil leak" kind of things.
Teren_Kanan;3423544 said:
As with many things. If It wasn't shoved in my face on the TV constantly, I would not know about it at all.

I really don't care. I'm kinda an ******* I guess. It's a bad thing, I understand, and sad news, but whatever.

Years from now it will just be one of those "Hey remember that time when there was an oil leak" kind of things.

I just saw some of the video just now after they put the cap on. It don't look good. BP's talking about needing to adjust vents and stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I hope this isn't just BP blowing more smoke.

BP says "some" oil is coming up the pipe. I sure would like BP to define "some."

I'd like to see some pressure and temp readings inside the cap area from BP. I think they are pumping warm water or some gas down there to minimize the formation of ice sryatals. Wonder if it is working?
If you don't care, don't ****ing watch.

For those of us that are effected by it (and for most intelligent adults....that means YOU), I'd rather know what's being done than be left wondering. It might lead me to ask stupid questions or post stupid threads.
The part I don't understand at all is that, according to reports, we have had several nations come to us and offer resources (Boats and Booms) to try and help us contain this spill. We have refused all assistance. I don't get that at all. I mean, if we had resources all lined up and ready to try and contain the slick, don't get me wrong, not saying stop the leak, but contain the oil slick all lined up and ready then I could understand this but we don't. After 47 days or whatever it is now, we don't have crap ready to try and contain this thing and we are turning away help? That, I don't understand at all. We should have had an army of people ready to dig into this thing and try and fight this thing. Makes zero sense to me.

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