Is anyone else tired of hearing about this oil leak?

ABQCOWBOY;3424021 said:
The part I don't understand at all is that, according to reports, we have had several nations come to us and offer resources (Boats and Booms) to try and help us contain this spill. We have refused all assistance. I don't get that at all. I mean, if we had resources all lined up and ready to try and contain the slick, don't get me wrong, not saying stop the leak, but contain the oil slick all lined up and ready then I could understand this but we don't. After 47 days or whatever it is now, we don't have crap ready to try and contain this thing and we are turning away help? That, I don't understand at all. We should have had an army of people ready to dig into this thing and try and fight this thing. Makes zero sense to me.

This is what gets me. Not to get all political or anything, if--as it was pretty obvious to me from the beginning--the accident was going to be this difficult and long-time to fix, why didn't the Feds expend their energy mobilizing containment/cleanup/coastline protection measures, which was the one thing that people somewhat knew how to do (unlike figuring out how to stop the flow of oil a mile down), instead of the grandstanding and finger-pointing? I think a lot of people would be much happier about the role of the Obama administration in all this if there was some kind of measurable, visible response on their part in place while the engineers (BP or otherwise) work on the harder stuff.
Teren_Kanan;3423544 said:
I really don't care. I'm kinda an ******* I guess. It's a bad thing, I understand, and sad news, but whatever.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
Doomsday101;3423462 said:
It will take a long time in some instances but yes the land will heal itself. Oil does break down over time

Do you work for BP?

I won't take credit for the following, but it applies here so /plagiarism on

The problem is, most of what crude oil breaks down into naturally is worse than the crude oil.

The primary chemical components of crude oil are alkanes, and cycloalkanes as well as some aromatic hydrocarbons and asphaltenes. The alkanes and cycloalkanes are the primary chemical constituents that will break down, but usually the larger chains into smaller chains.

From smallest to largest chains, here are some of the most common alkanes:


Methane, Ethane, Propane, and Butane are gaseous. Pentane, Hexane, Heptane, and Octane go into gasoline.

The rest usually go into Diesel.

So no matter what, this **** stays around in the environment.
Teren_Kanan;3423544 said:
As with many things. If It wasn't shoved in my face on the TV constantly, I would not know about it at all.

I really don't care. I'm kinda an ******* I guess. It's a bad thing, I understand, and sad news, but whatever.

Years from now it will just be one of those "Hey remember that time when there was an oil leak" kind of things.

Sadly it is exactly the mentality you express, that other people will express that makes serious conditions take place for future operations.

There was a similar situation that happened years ago and they basically did all the same things they did in this situation with all of the failed attempts to fix the problem and it is just history repeating itself.

Same with coal mining accidents where numerous coal workers get killed because of safety issues and people rant and rave about it but just like you, too many people just don't care and forget so down the road it will happen again.

History repeating itself. Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it.

But that is what many of this era are like. As soon as some new big story comes along the other one is quickly forgotten.

Then a few years or more down the road something happens again and people start ranting and raving instead of fixing it from the previous problems.
BrAinPaiNt;3424103 said:
Sadly it is exactly the mentality you express, that other people will express that makes serious conditions take place for future operations.

There was a similar situation that happened years ago and they basically did all the same things they did in this situation with all of the failed attempts to fix the problem and it is just history repeating itself.

Same with coal mining accidents where numerous coal workers get killed because of safety issues and people rant and rave about it but just like you, too many people just don't care and forget so down the road it will happen again.

History repeating itself. Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it.

But that is what many of this era are like. As soon as some new big story comes along the other one is quickly forgotten.

Then a few years or more down the road something happens again and people start ranting and raving instead of fixing it from the previous problems.

Honestly for anyone to say they don't care about this after seeing those pictures is repulsive.
ConcordCowboy;3424132 said:
Honestly for anyone to say they don't care about this after seeing those pictures is repulsive.

Not OSU/Michigan repulsive but yeah, I have to say that I probably agree with you.

"The spill is not going to cause big problems because the gulf is a very big ocean..."

“The environmental impact of this disaster is likely to have been very, very modest.”

“You know, I’d like my life back.”
ConcordCowboy;3424148 said:

"The spill is not going to cause big problems because the gulf is a very big ocean..."

“The environmental impact of this disaster is likely to have been very, very modest.”

“You know, I’d like my life back.”

I guarantee you he won't step foot off that ship.
I officially am against BrainPaint now. Why? Guilty by association. BP.

Don't get me started on why I'm politically against BP! :laugh2:
nyc;3424159 said:
I officially am against BrainPaint now. Why? Guilty by association. BP.

Don't get me started on why I'm politically against BP! :laugh2:

This really is disasterous. The problem was the water depth. At one mile deep water, some of things that have been successfully tested (as far as blowout control) don't hold up as well.

The USA has an incredible success record in the gulf. There have been thousands of wells drilled with almost no major spills in the last 30 years. That's what makes this even worse. It wipes out a very good track record for hundreds of other companies all in one fell swoop in some short-minded people's eyes.

Everyone loses here. The US government--lest we forget--gets 18-25% of all oil revenue off the top (before expenses and taxes) for any well drilled in the Gulf federal waters. They get some omore when the comanies pay billions in taxes. The states also get huge $s for wells drilled in stae waters. Plus these companies employ 10s (hundreds?) of thousands of people nationwide who all pay taxes and buy goods and contibute to out roads, schools, etc,etc.

There is a big picture here. This screw-up was not on purpose (obviously) and will harm a lot more than just our environment....and, sadly, some human life. BP underestimated their capability of handling a blowout at this depth and the U.S. fast tracked the operation and did not require the normal environmental impact and hazard study required for such a project. I hope everyone has learned something, but does not overreact.
DFWJC;3424250 said:
This really is disasterous. The problem was the water depth. At one mile deep water, some of things that have been successfully tested (as far as blowout control) don't hold up as well.

The USA has an incredible success record in the gulf. There have been thousands of wells drilled with almost no major spills in the last 30 years. That's what makes this even worse. It wipes out a very good track record for hundreds of other companies all in one fell swoop in some short-minded people's eyes.

Everyone loses here. The US government--lest we forget--gets 18-25% of all oil revenue off the top (before expenses and taxes) for any well drilled in the Gulf federal waters. They get some omore when the comanies pay billions in taxes. The states also get huge $s for wells drilled in stae waters. Plus these companies employ 10s (hundreds?) of thousands of people nationwide who all pay taxes and buy goods and contibute to out roads, schools, etc,etc.

There is a big picture here. This screw-up was not on purpose (obviously) and will harm a lot more than just our environment....and, sadly, some human life. BP underestimated their capability of handling a blowout at this depth and the U.S. fast tracked the operation and did not require the normal environmental impact and hazard study required for such a project. I hope everyone has learned something, but does not overreact.

I agree. This is a tragic incident and I think all expect BP to pay for this accident but as you said the fear is the over reaction to a commodity that is critical to this nation. In 2005 3.1 Million were injured in car accidents and over 47,000 died yet we do not stop building cars and driving.

I think it important that the industry find what happened what failed and what needs to be done to improve but what we can't do is demonize the industry and prevent them from providing a service that is critical to this nation.
Doomsday101;3424295 said:
I agree. This is a tragic incident and I think all expect BP to pay for this accident but as you said the fear is the over reaction to a commodity that is critical to this nation. In 2005 3.1 Million were injured in car accidents and over 47,000 died yet we do not stop building cars and driving.

I think it important that the industry find what happened what failed and what needs to be done to improve but what we can't do is demonize the industry and prevent them from providing a service that is critical to this nation.

The problem is...similar situation happened before. And they basically went through step by step doing the same things and in the end it was the relief wells that worked in the other incident. Chances are it will be the relief wells that help end this one as well.

Now even if we discount any wrong doing by anyone that led to this would think that going into the future that anyone that wants to do offshore drilling around US territories would be required to install at least two relief wells along with the main rig. Now I would think that it would be best if that requirement would come from all oil companies as an agreement instead of having it mandated on them. At the very least that would help if a situation like this happened again.
BrAinPaiNt;3424304 said:
The problem is...similar situation happened before. And they basically went through step by step doing the same things and in the end it was the relief wells that worked in the other incident. Chances are it will be the relief wells that help end this one as well.

Now even if we discount any wrong doing by anyone that led to this would think that going into the future that anyone that wants to do offshore drilling around US territories would be required to install at least two relief wells along with the main rig. Now I would think that it would be best if that requirement would come from all oil companies as an agreement instead of having it mandated on them. At the very least that would help if a situation like this happened again.

They have not had an incident in off shore drilling for many years the overall track record in off shore drilling is actually pretty darn good.

I wish I could tell you it will never ever happen again but equipment fails accidents do happen.

Had this accident happened in shallower waters this well would have been capped much quicker bit different when drilling at 1 mile below.

Last thing you could mandate these companies but they are drilling in international waters along with drilling companies from China and other nations who are not going to be subjected to any mandate.
ConcordCowboy;3424132 said:
Honestly for anyone to say they don't care about this after seeing those pictures is repulsive.


Its gotten the Polar Bears now too!!
Doomsday101;3424331 said:
They have not had an incident in off shore drilling for many years the overall track record in off shore drilling is actually pretty darn good.

I wish I could tell you it will never ever happen again but equipment fails accidents do happen.

Had this accident happened in shallower waters this well would have been capped much quicker bit different when drilling at 1 mile below.

Last thing you could mandate these companies but they are drilling in international waters along with drilling companies from China and other nations who are not going to be subjected to any mandate.


Very nice.
zrinkill;3424333 said:

Its gotten the Polar Bears now too!!

That's it!

One of them HAS to eat you now.
zrinkill;3424338 said:

Very nice.

I will say if BP is found to be negligent then they need to pay for that. I think the hard thing now days is finding balance we want these companies following safety regulation and being held accountable when they are negligent.

What I fear is that you will have those who have their own agenda that will want to put such harsh restrictions on the industry that it cripples them
Doomsday101;3424371 said:
What I fear is that you will have those who have their own agenda that will want to put such harsh restrictions on the industry that it cripples them

That is exactly what is gonna happen.

Heck its happening in this thread.

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