Is anyone listening to this idiot Hansen?


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bbgun;1368839 said:
Since you're in Nova, why don't you put on your Skins mittens and do it yourself, chump.

Did you really think you'd wound me with this lame, tired, endlessly recycled smear? Please.

I don't wanna wound you, I am a little more kind than that, I merely want you to not act like this is the worst team ever, and show a little optimisim


1st Round Pick
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If Romo is indeed a good Quarterback we are going to be a pretty successfull team regardless of who the Coach is.

Oh and as of post #62 in this thread... Dale Hansen is still an idiot.


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J.Jones21;1368845 said:
I don't wanna wound you, I am a little more kind than that, I merely want you to not act like this is the worst team ever, and show a little optimisim

My problem is with Jerry, not the team. Owners come and go, but my adoration for the team will never waver. Why do you spank your child when he does something wrong? Because you're a sadist? No, because you love him. To implore him to do better. To impart a lesson about right and wrong. I'm not hard on Jerry for the hell of it or to "stir" people up. He's earned my contempt. He's earned the skepticism over his meandering hiring process. How long are we supposed to live off the faded glory of 1992-1995? Forever?


The Boognish
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bbgun;1368849 said:
My problem is with Jerry, not the team. Owners come and go, but my adoration for the team will never waver. Why do you spank your child when he does something wrong? Because you're a sadist? No, because you love him. To implore him to do better. To impart a lesson about right and wrong. I'm not hard on Jerry for the hell of it or to "stir" people up. He's earned my contempt. He's earned the skepticism over his meandering hiring process. How long are we supposed to live off the faded glory of 1992-1995? Forever?

How noble of you.

Apparently there is a fine line between love and jaded with life.


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bbgun, no one takes you seriously.

Ask yourself, if you're giving knowledgeable and rational explanations for your positions, why doesn't anyone on the board take you seriously?

Is it really the case that 99.9% of this board is irrational, while you are not?


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theogt;1368876 said:
bbgun, no one takes you seriously.

Yeah, like you're well-respected. :rolleyes:

Ask yourself, if you're giving knowledgeable and rational explanations for your positions, why doesn't anyone on the board take you seriously?

Is it really the case that 99.9% of this board is irrational, while you are not?

A team message board always draws more sheep than realists. I thought you knew that. Instead of insults, you should be commending me for my courage. In any event, I'm not willing to pay the price needed to make you people like me. You're simply not worth it, and my soul is not for sale. Nighty night, shill.


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bbgun;1368882 said:
Yeah, like you're well-respected. :rolleyes:
Hey, Rack doesn't count.

A team message board always draws more sheep than realists. I thought you knew that. Instead of insults, you should be commending me for my courage. In any event, I'm not willing to pay the price needed to make you people like me. You're simply not worth it, and my soul is not for sale. Nighty night, shill.
You don't get it. There are a large amount of intelligent, football smart people on this site. They all see that you're just a troll without a serious contribution to add whatsoever. Honestly, what's the point of hanging around here if no one takes you seriously?


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You don't place a higher priority on hiring a little-known coordinator before your head coach. Period. You don't make your head coach accept any coach or player he doesn't want. Period. You don't bring guys into town without telling us if they're being interviewed for the top job or the defensive coordinator position. Period. You don't drag this out to such an extent that valuable guys like Greg Manusky are lost to other teams. Period. And you don't stand up at a press conference, shed a few fake tears, and tell the fans that Wade is your guy despite the fact that you interviewed a ton of guys after him. Double period. We should not be happy, excited or bummed (pardon the pun) about this hire. The appropriate response is wariness and skepticism.

That's an awful lot of non-self-evident self-evidents. Let's call them "false self-evidents." You make a couple of good points. Just a couple. We should be skeptical. But it's okay to be happy and excited at the same time. Skepticism is a method; happiness and excitement are emotions. Especially the happy part. It's in the Declaration of Independence, for goodness sakes. We get to pursue happiness and if the Hiring of Wade actually brings us happiness, that's all for the better. I also think the Manusky point is good and, generally, he didn't need to drag it out this long. Grabbing Wade a week earlier would have been better in the long run. But it's not that big of a deal and it most certainly is debatable.


Mick Green 58
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Dale Hansen was going to rip any choice not named Norv. The guy was in his element in the early 90s but as some on The Ticket have stated, he is now in a role of "Diminished Value", which I liken to Randy Galloway in some respects.

He is entertaining to listen too at time because of his "Shock N Awe" approach that is rampant on Talk Radio.

I still have not seen a sound argument to why people think the interview process was flawed. Jerry Jones did the most extensive and exhaustive search in his history as the owner, I dont see what is wrong with that.

Maybe some people just wanted him to hire the first guy he interviewed.

The only thing I agree with bbgun on is with Jason Garrett. If The Red-Head is indeed going to be the OC, I would have rather have seen Phillips make that decision.

- Mike G.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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bbgun;1368825 said:
What part of "I signed off on Wade last night" do you not understand, Gomer?

Actually, on rereading this, I see that you're due an apology... for some reason, I thought I was talkin' with philo here...

My bad, my total bad... in my defense, as I pointed out in another thread, I'm struggling through a pretty severe bout of vertigo right now, and I should probably be horizontal, not posting to message boards... but I've been horizontal for the best part of 36 hours now, I NEEDED to get upright for a while...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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bbgun;1368882 said:
Yeah, like you're well-respected. :rolleyes:

A team message board always draws more sheep than realists. I thought you knew that. Instead of insults, you should be commending me for my courage.

There's no real courage involved in playing the contrarian...

In any event, I'm not willing to pay the price needed to make you people like me.

Which strongly suggests you lack the social skills to make yourself well-liked...


Cowboys Make me Drink
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bbgun;1368821 said:
What are you, a psychologist? You think this is personal? It has nothing to do with 11 years of ineptitude and disappointment? What about all the other critics who haven't been canned by Jerry? Are they delusional too?

For you to try and pretend Hansens hate is not personal is hilarious and makes you look foolish

Dale and I attack the team;

At least you are now being honest about who you follow mindlessly behind. you sheep.

you attack fellow posters. That's the difference.

Attacking you is not like attacking a fellow poster. As I said in another thread you are here for our amusement, a punching bag or our clown if you will. You make us laugh and occasionally we take a swipe at you. You reply in your usual "I am so offended way" and we laugh. Now give me a witty comeback come on dance clown dance

Attacking me ain't gonna get this team where it needs to go. Only Jerry can do that, by stepping down or relinquishing control over all non-business matters. Don't hold your breath

No but attacking your dishonesty sure is fun


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silverbear;1369384 said:
Actually, on rereading this, I see that you're due an apology...

Someone get the smelling salts 'cause I'm about to faint.


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theogt;1368884 said:
You don't get it. There are a large amount of intelligent, football smart people on this site. They all see that you're just a troll without a serious contribution to add whatsoever. Honestly, what's the point of hanging around here if no one takes you seriously?

OK, I'll just disconnect my brain and spout pro-Cowboy platitudes. "Jerry knows what he's doing. TO is a team player, not a cancer. The coaching search was expertly conducted. Dale, Jen, Galloway, Cowlishaw, JJT, Luksa, The Ticket, ESPN, PFT, and all the other 'mediots' suck."

God it's easy being you.


The Boognish
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bbgun;1369828 said:
OK, I'll just disconnect my brain and spout pro-Cowboy platitudes. "Jerry knows what he's doing. TO is a team player, not a cancer. The coaching search was expertly conducted. Dale, Jen, Galloway, Cowlishaw, JJT, Luksa, The Ticket, ESPN, PFT, and all the other 'mediots' suck."

God it's easy being you.

i can understand not giving jerry the benefit of the doubt. You seem to attack him with moe glee than anyone but i can understand it.

The TO thing not so much. He missed meetings and got a personal foul call after a celebration, things that all players do. He didnt bash teammates, coaches or management while playing through an injury and still putting up great numbers. i dont see the venom here.

As for the coaching search how can you sign off on who we hired and then say that it was done wrong. im kinda confused here. If he would have hired Phillips and Garrett at the same time instead of waiting to talk to the guys in the superbowl it would have been okay in your book?

And never ever ever use PFT as a source of media respectability.


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bbgun;1369828 said:
OK, I'll just disconnect my brain and spout pro-Cowboy platitudes. "Jerry knows what he's doing. TO is a team player, not a cancer. The coaching search was expertly conducted. Dale, Jen, Galloway, Cowlishaw, JJT, Luksa, The Ticket, ESPN, PFT, and all the other 'mediots' suck."

God it's easy being you.
I criticize the team quite a bit actually.


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bbgun;1369828 said:
OK, I'll just disconnect my brain and spout pro-Cowboy platitudes. "Jerry knows what he's doing. TO is a team player, not a cancer. The coaching search was expertly conducted. Dale, Jen, Galloway, Cowlishaw, JJT, Luksa, The Ticket, ESPN, PFT, and all the other 'mediots' suck."

God it's easy being you.

It's adorable how you have this overinflated sense of self worth wherein you make yourself a martyr and equate yourself to the forum's personal Jesus.

I can't decide whether it's adorable or pathetic.

We're all so lucky to have your tired act around. It's unfortunate, because sometimes, when you let the shtick down and just roll with it, you seem engaging enough. But developing a persona for the other 99% of the time, and hiding behind that just suggests a person who isn't interesting enough on his own merits to engage in conversation - thus sheepishly following around the radio personalities you idolize.

Enjoy being the contrarian and sucking onto guys like Hansen and Galloway like they're YOUR personal Jesus. If you think that's unique or of value to the community, you don't pay attention to the trolls that come and go.


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bbgun;1368882 said: should be commending me for my courage...

LOL, "courage"! "Courage" is a soldier going to Iraq and risking getting his/her *** shot off every day. How you can even use that word to describe what you're doing which is going on the internet and arguing the ins and outs of what is essentially a kid's game with people you are and forever will be safely physically separated from by miles and miles of cable/telephone wire is beyond me...