Is anyone watching the AAF?

Everyone on the field knew it wasn't a catch but the replay guy couldn't see it?

The fix is in! Conspiracy! :muttley:
If Birmingham wins their championship, you will have your answer.
I can tell this is a feeling out process because 2 of these 3 games both teams look like their still getting acclimated to football

Hopefully this league stays around as a developmental league that 6-7th rounders and free agents who haven’t been signed can sharpen their skills
I wonder how the AAF will compete with the XFL when it comes back next year. I feel like what the XFL has planned could potentially produce a good product.
The XFL is going to spend a lot of money based on the premise that all the hype about the number of people ticked off at the NFL is real.
Plus the XFL will be actively recruiting players to go straight to the league instead of spending 3 years in college and their minimum salary is double that of AAFs + they offer health insurance for all players through one year after they leave the league. A perk not even the NFL offers.

XFL will surpass AAF given the funding and media machine behind it.
The XFL is going to spend a lot of money based on the premise that all the hype about the number of people ticked off at the NFL is real.
They think the buffoonery that brings fans to watch wwe will work for football as well. I doubt it. And yet there are still those who believe wwe bouts are real. :facepalm:
Plus the XFL will be actively recruiting players to go straight to the league instead of spending 3 years in college and their minimum salary is double that of AAFs + they offer health insurance for all players through one year after they leave the league. A perk not even the NFL offers.

XFL will surpass AAF given the funding and media machine behind it.

When did you start working for the XFL’s marketing department?
Was all into the Sky Judge thing, but they blew that one. Bad.

Well we all knew the Sky Judge wasn't real when everyone could hear him, he spoke in plain english, and everyone agreed on what he said. So it shouldn't be any surprise to find out he is error prone.
AAF = NFL I didn’t see much of a difference in play speed, just different jerseys
The games last night were loosely officiated. They let them play.

And I loved the Sky Judge feature. It was great. And the decisions were live and took about a minute or so to get it right.

The Sky Judge concept is what I've been saying the NFL should do.

The NFL refs union makes everything political which is a big part of the lack of innovation or improvements.
They think the buffoonery that brings fans to watch wwe will work for football as well. I doubt it. And yet there are still those who believe wwe bouts are real. :facepalm:

If they try to add any of the asinine professional wrestling crap like they did last time, it'll be short lived.

But it's a good sign that the Commissioner this time around is Oliver Luck, not some guy named Tyler Schueck (don't bother Googling, nothing there).
If they try to add any of the asinine professional wrestling crap like they did last time, it'll be short lived.

But it's a good sign that the Commissioner this time around is Oliver Luck, not some guy named Tyler Schueck (don't bother Googling, nothing there).

They aren’t. Vince said it was a mistake and now the focus is more on professional football

However I wouldn’t mind Vince Jim Ross and jerry lawler calling a game
Plus the XFL will be actively recruiting players to go straight to the league instead of spending 3 years in college and their minimum salary is double that of AAFs + they offer health insurance for all players through one year after they leave the league. A perk not even the NFL offers.

XFL will surpass AAF given the funding and media machine behind it.

If the NFL decides they want the AAF to be successful then funding won't be a problem.

What are the rules with regards to the NFL and players that don't go to college but do turn "Pro" by playing in another league.

If the NFL can still require then to go to college for two or three years before being eligible to play in the NFL, then very few players with college starter type talent would take the bypass college for the XFL option. Almost all players with college starter type talent believe they'll go to the NFL.

Most of the AAF players were college starters.
If the NFL decides they want the AAF to be successful then funding won't be a problem.

What are the rules with regards to the NFL and players that don't go to college but do turn "Pro" by playing in another league.

If the NFL can still require then to go to college for two or three years before being eligible to play in the NFL, then very few players with college starter type talent would take the bypass college for the XFL option. Almost all players with college starter type talent believe they'll go to the NFL.

Most of the AAF players were college starters.

Eric Swann entered the draft after playing semi-Pro football and no college football.

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