How many INEXPERIENCED QBs are there after 13 years in the NFL. Man you dont even make sense anymore. Your blind hatred for bledsoe has fried your brain.
To call him a poor decision maker is ludicrous. Your an idiot. Flat out.
13 years of doing anything, your NOT inexperienced.
I am thinking you've never heard of 'having a bad game' 'Not seing a corner cause you have 3 Dlinemen in your face'. I mean come on, you can not sit here and say cause that Denver INT Bledsoe is a bad decision maker.
Think about the passes he connected on, Was he just lucky that 60+% of the times, The drops that were on the money. The audibles. Do you even watch the damn games. If you think Bledsoe is making bad decisions you think Bill would let him drive us into the ground.
Wanna talk about bad decisions. Let talk about your boy Carter. Now theres an Einstein. let me think about this. I play QB for the boys, my coach is one of the biggest bad ***** in the league, I am stupid and really need to study 20 hours a day. But let me smoke this joint and snort this line of coke before I go sit with Parcells for 4 hours and watch a movie. Hell he probably brought popcorn to the film sessions.
Get out of here with your fabrications and your one sided blind hatred agenda against Bledsoe. Your making a fool of yourself and your schtick is getting real old and tiring fast.