Is Garrett just plain dumb?

@vlad already posted about the penalty decision between 2nd and goal at around the 9 or 1st and goal at around the 13. it is plain obvious you decline the penalty. instead garrett took the penalty and gave the giants an extra down. i think most of us were immediately wondering what in the world is going on.

you combine that with some of the well known time keeping mistakes and repeated mistakes. and also the lack of creativity. i am coming to the plain simple conclusion that this mistake is not from time pressure, but the man may just be really dumb even if he is good at kissing ***.

is there any other reasonable explanation? i know he went to princeton, but a lot of jogs at princeton r supposed to be pretty dumb...

it would have been 2nd and 9, as it turned out they were backup and got minimal yards on 1st and had a 2nd and 11 as opposed to 2nd and 9
:lmao: do you even have the strained fingers grasp of a clue as in the when,why & how the 3 lettered word of YEA is to even be utilized ? ( excluding Jesus Christ's oft "yea verily" opening casing-liner)
SHEESE,PUTTY,,,,yer' basically proclaiming& painting the picture of yer pals, @Ranching & @dallasdave are SPORTIN' MATCHING FRILLY CHEERLEADER OUTFITS JUST LIKE THE ONE YER PRANCING AROUND IN,,,"YEA,ANTI-GARRETT TEAM,,,GO-FIGHT-WIN,,,RAH-RAH ,YEA" :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


ok u caught my spelling error, yeah
but thanks for english lesson!
@waldoputty --I think Melon is upset and his seeds are coming out all over !!! Might need to give him a quick course in Puttyism 101--Melon is over ripe and needs to be taken out. Think Melon is Garrett of our board :lmao2::lmao::lmao::laugh:
Ohya! I've a heaping pile of seeds that I could let rip in a cyclic fashion,,, you can bet yer' loser clownshoes on that DDo_O
oh god, dd melon wars r scary.
@Ranching, please referee this so something is left of the website please
He's done lost & will be in mental disarray daily FROM THIS DAY FORTH,,,JUST LIKE YOU ARE, AFTER HAVING ONCE SUFFERED THE AVENGING 175LB. MELON of WRATH coming down upon yer head,,,,as it tends to LEAVE ONES THOUGHTS in a NECK BRACE,,, permanently
I know that you are upset -you and your brother Putty not getting along. Just rem-family first so make up with your brother Putty and the world will be a much better place.--Puttyism 101
Upset? NO.,,,intolerant of his PUTTYNESS CRAP?,,,OHYA! you can bet those gay looking laces outta' yer' LOSER CLOWNSHOES on that DD:thumbup:

Garrett's problems are the result of character faults rather than lack of intelligence. He's a stubborn, inflexible egotist who lacks self-awareness and dodges responsibility. He always did everything right and nothing is his fault, the players just failed to execute the plan. He can't fail, he can only be failed.

Put another way, Garrett could look at a different coaching doing the same things he's doing, and see how they're doing it wrong. But he can't do that to himself. All coaches have this problem a little but, but Garrett is the poster child for that defect.
He's done lost & will be in mental disarray daily FROM THIS DAY FORTH,,,JUST LIKE YOU ARE, AFTER HAVING ONCE SUFFERED THE AVENGING 175LB. MELON of WRATH coming down upon yer head,,,,as it tends to LEAVE ONES THOUGHTS in a NECK BRACE,,, permanently

admit it melon, u want to be part of the puttyism grand lifestyle.
Garrett's problems are the result of character faults rather than lack of intelligence. He's a stubborn, inflexible egotist who lacks self-awareness and dodges responsibility. He always did everything right and nothing is his fault, the players just failed to execute the plan. He can't fail, he can only be failed.

Put another way, Garrett could look at a different coaching doing the same things he's doing, and see how they're doing it wrong. But he can't do that to himself. All coaches have this problem a little but, but Garrett is the poster child for that defect.

dont agree.
those bad decisions r not out of stubbornness.
they happen because he lacks intelligence to reason out the situation.

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