Recap: Is Guyton a bust if doesn't win starting job at LT during camp?


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Smith was a great player, but Dallas unquestionably made the wrong pick.

I still think on that draft.

Watt would of transformed our defense alongside Ware.

However, the drafting of Smith was the start for the front office to make the offensive line more of a priority in the draft.
they let Romo get pummeled for years before drafting Smith, after guys like Adams, Davis and Colombo declined/left

Both players are HOF level players that had a great career ruined by injuries.

But once Smith showed his talent as a left tackle, the debate on that draft pick did die down. Just took a few years for Smith to blossom into that All-Decade Left Tackle.


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See a lot of talk about this in Cowboys fandom podcasts.

Some concern based on comments from Jones Boys and McCarthy that Edoga will be the starter.

First round picks are drafted to be impacts. Zack, TFred, Tyler Smith all drafted in similar ranges and won their jobs.

A lot of criticism on Jones Boys. If Guyton has too much of a learning curve to make coaches confident to start him, why let Tyron go?

Hmmm… so was Tyron a bust because he didn’t play the left side until his 2nd season.
And no, Tyler Smith was well on his way to initially losing the starting position at Guard when he was thrust into tackle his rookie season. The hysterical rantings of those with a childish need for instant gratification were rampant here.
The smart, intelligent coaching move would be to have Guyton play 2nd string initially with week 6 or so as the target. Guess we’ll see if our coaches actually coach or if they bow down to the hysterical youts!

Whiskey Cowboy

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He's a bust if he doesn't grow into his role and become a good NFL starter in the next 2-3 years. People expecting him to become starting LT today tend to forget that even Tyron was broken in on the right side as a rookie. He's a known project. He may struggle. Give him time to adapt.


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All the "I'm okay with ambiguity" talk yesterday seemed to indicate they're disinterested to remedy their obvious lack of stable options at 1-tech, and just slightly less concerning to me and pertinent to this thread, they seem ready to roll with Guyton at LT with no proven sustainable alternative on the roster unless you call Edoga "proven." (I don't.)

I love it when I'm wrong, and this apparently is going to be another season where I get the pleasure of eating crow later on because I was not comfortable with ambiguity.

Or not.


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See a lot of talk about this in Cowboys fandom podcasts.

Some concern based on comments from Jones Boys and McCarthy that Edoga will be the starter.

First round picks are drafted to be impacts. Zack, TFred, Tyler Smith all drafted in similar ranges and won their jobs.

A lot of criticism on Jones Boys. If Guyton has too much of a learning curve to make coaches confident to start him, why let Tyron go?

How are we calling players bust before they even are able to play year 1 lmao


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WRT Tyron by the way... he started as a 20 year old rookie at RT, because he had played there at USC, and because Doug Free was a pretty solid player. And Tyron had a strong rookie campaign.

JG switched Free and Tyron in 2012, and he struggled for a bit at LT. But by 2013, he was Tyron. I remember him playing Robert Quinn when Quinn had a 19 sack season and made All-Pro, and Quinn just quit halfway through the game because Smith was owning him so bad. That's greatness.

Anyway, Tyron had some growing pains, but he generally played very well while going up his learning curve and he showed some major promise. Even early on, most fans on the old message board thought that he was going to be a good one.


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No,..not camp, but do expect him to be an eventual starter ..somewhere along that OL per being a first round pick.

When was the last time in these last two decades where we've drafted an OL who did not start his rookie year ?

We draft immediate plug and play guys ..despite their rookie pre draft technical defects, ala Tyler Smith.



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The title of this thread is sort of unfair. Of course he’s not a bust if he’s not a bona fide starting LT in week one. It’s not like he was picked in the top 5-10 overall. He’s a player with significant talent and upside, but also some question marks. Like most late first round picks. Especially given that it was a draft loaded with OT talent, and he was like the seventh or eighth one taken.


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Picking at 29 you're getting a 2nd rd graded player 90% of the time. I don't give this team the benefit of the doubt on many things, but I will on 1st rd lineman as its been a while since they wiffed on one. Maybe jacob rogers? Or was he a 2? Looked it up #52 overall.

I’m also wondering how widely he was considered a “2nd round prospect”.

I saw dozens of mocks that had him going in the first, and scouting reports with first round grades.

Heck, called him a first round prospect weeks before the draft.


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That isn't Guyton. Not even close.
1. Wasn't elite in college.
2. Some scouts admitted he wasn't technically sound or ready to start.
3. Early reports from the cowboys reports are he isn't ready to start.

Well see when the pads come on in preseason games. The field won't lie.

big dog cowboy

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1. Wasn't elite in college.
2. Some scouts admitted he wasn't technically sound or ready to start.
3. Early reports from the cowboys reports are he isn't ready to start.

Well see when the pads come on in preseason games. The field won't lie.
You said it would take 2-3 years for him to be decent. Like I said, that isn't him. Once he learns the NFL game he will be fine. He will likely struggle in preseason games. So what? That doesn't mean he already hit his ceiling.

Tyron didn't start his first game as a rookie also. He was draft much higher than Guyton. Frankly I don't give a care if Guyton starts against Cleveland or not. That isn't why players are drafted. Not new news.