Mansta54;3454569 said:
No I don't think Vick is scum
Man, I'm trying real hard to understand your argument here...
Yes, Vick served his time; does that REALLY mean that all is forgiven, and we'll all just forget about the past?? Does that magically wash away all the sick, sadistic things he did??
Think of it this way-- scholars who have studied serial killers have come to the conclusion that most of them started out abusing animals... IOW, if you abuse animals, you have no respect for life, and that often turns into no respect for human life...
So, I ask you, are you so confident that Vick has been redeemed magically by his time in jail that you'd be content if he bought the house next to yours??
but to compare him to a child rapist is silly..
Not if you truly understand the point being made-- it appears that you, like the rest of us, would want nothing to do with a child rapist in your neighborhood, even after he got out on parole... so clearly, there are SOME crimes that you would consider unforgivable (which is why the original poster chose such a heinous crime for his example)...
So, it you can't completely forgive the child molester, then it doesn't make sense that you're willing to completely forgive the animal abuser... IMO, they're similar sociopathic activities, the only difference is in the degree of the offense... both involve the torment of the defenseless for sick "fun"...
I consider all child molesters to be irredeemable, and I consider all animal abusers to be irredeemable... child molesters are worse, but both are bad...
No matter how long Michael Vick lives, he will never be able to achieve redemption for his sadistic, inexcusable behavior...
And no, I'm not saying he should be back in jail, as you have repeatedly noted he has done his time... but I don't want to hear "forgive and forget" for that piece of crap...
In conclusion, if you don't think that a man who killed dogs for fun and profit is "scum", what the hell DOES it take for you to call a man that?? I'll even go a step further than that, anybody who has even attended a dog fight is scum...