Is there any doubt now that officials are crooked?

Im not sure I've seen the picture, but there have been several plays where Micah has been getting held in situations that would've impacted the play, but weren't called.
This^ and unless Micah has adopted a new off-the-wall pass rush that requires him to look straight up to the sky, I think the zebras missed a few “hands to the face” calls.
This was the shortest title for this thread that I could think of following a game I watched on Saturday morning. At any rate, I was watching the Liverpool Arsenal match on TV on Saturday morning, and the announcer said something that I thought might be good for the Cowboys players to learn. He said that his dad taught him (he played in the Premier League) to learn the referee's name and to politely address him. Say for example the ref's name is Dak. He would refer to him as Mr. Dak. Typically, by approaching him politely in that way, the ref would be a bit more inclined to have a 50-50 call go in your favour if you approach him politely throughout the course of the game. Publicly calling out the refs hasn't helped the Cowboys. Micah still gets held. Perhaps approaching him the way the announcer stated might be a way to get the refs to actually call holding when Micah gets held?
Ok, so call the holding penalties that are being ignored OR change the rules to allow the OL to hold if the intent is to protect the qbs
just like hail mary muggings by the defense, they aren't going to call it, nor will they change the rules. its just an unspoken disregard of the rules, kinda like some laws we have in place that aren't enforced (plenty to choose from) that cause people to want new laws.

Cowboys owner Jerry Jones on @1053thefan on Micah Parsons not drawing an offensive holding penalty since October:

“I don’t think the intent (by the refs) is to take a player of his skill and limit him. … There’s no question that Micah is having restrictions that if turned loose would result in a sack of the quarterback.”

Jones says officials are making judgment calls on plays others can’t make, but Parsons can.

This is a bad take by Jerry. The ref should not assume a player cannot make a play. They no longer use that logic for PI even when the ball is seriously underthrown of overthrown, so why do it with holding?

Micah is held all the time. I get that there is some holding on every play but the problem is consistency. If you won't call holding when Micah is held, then don't call it when the Cowboys players hold someone barely.

I was watching the Raven-49ers game last night and I saw the 49ers holding about 15 times, especially their WRs on those outside runs. They called 1. Every time I saw them do it I said to myself, if that was a Cowboys TE or receiver holding like that it would have been called for sure. We just want consistency.
This is a bad take by Jerry. The ref should not assume a player cannot make a play. They no longer use that logic for PI even when the ball is seriously underthrown of overthrown, so why do it with holding?

Micah is held all the time. I get that there is some holding on every play but the problem is consistency. If you won't call holding when Micah is held, then don't call it when the Cowboys players hold someone barely.

I was watching the Raven-49ers game last night and I saw the 49ers holding about 15 times, especially their WRs on those outside runs. They called 1. Every time I saw them do it I said to myself, if that was a Cowboys TE or receiver holding like that it would have been called for sure. We just want consistency.

Like I said, I think Jerry is trying to play the Goodell game. We don't know what's been said behind the scenes.
Exactly. I cant wait till he dies and the Jones family sells. All a bunch of jerks. Everyone hates them.
One, you should never wish death on anyone over a sports team that your only vested interest in is personal enjoyment. Two, you will be waiting for a very long time. Jerry has stated multiple times the Dallas Cowboys will never be sold. I promise you there is verbiage in his will. The team will go to his wife should she outlive him then to Steven and then his children. That's how things work with people who have that much money.
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Ever since Jerry signed that Nike deal and decided to take on Pepsi and not Coke in the mid 90s is what started all of this. Then Jerry not approving Goodell (along with the Raiders and Saints), made things worse. Jerry's TV negotiations, bringing in billions for the NFL, just doesn't seem to matter. Fact of the matter is - people who have absolute power in the NFL do not like the Cowboys. They will see to it that they don't sniff the Super Bowl ever again. If 2017 and the Ezekiel Elliott saga wasn't enough evidence of that, then nothing will be. The people on the panel that decided to suspend Zeke were two Giants fans, an Eagle fan, and a former Commander. That's like having a Jewish man be tried by a jury full of *****. Not fair at all - but appointed by Goodell never-the-less. Yet Tyreek Hill is regarded a hero after belting his kid around (helping give Dallas a loss on Christmas Eve), when he should be put in prison. Zeke was totally cleared on all charges - yet still had a 6-game suspension.

So, yes, there is a conspiracy against the Cowboys.

If you want to go back even further, you can thank Mr. Ryan of NFL Films for labeling the Cowboys team as "America's Team" in 1978. Dallas was the glamorous franchise everybody loved until then. Dallas and their fans has had a bullseye on their backs ever since. Don't tell me that's not true - I lived it.
I’m a conspiracy theorist about a lot of things going on in this country but there is nothing you can say or show me to make me believe anything other than poor management from the GM position on this team is why we haven’t done anything in the playoffs in 27+ years. Excuses, excuses and more excuses for an organization who doesn’t put winning a SB as the top priority.
Even if you accept that the D failed to get a stop would you not concede that it's a LOT harder to get said stops when the opponent is allowed to blatantly hold our guys? If you tilt the playing field to make it more difficult for the guys to do their jobs how can you then complain that they don't do their jobs as well as you would like? Yes the Cowboys got a number of calls against the Eagles.. but that's not the point.. There were probably 20 other calls they DIDN'T get that got swept under the rug because they won going away. Just because you won the game doesn't mean they didn't TRY to screw you.. Sometimes they just fail at it.
2 point game w/ an exciting ending. They got exactly what they wanted, and manipulated the calls to do so.

If this game is called honestly, we win by 10. They don't care who wins, exciting endings keep people watching. People watching = increased ad revenues. It's just not complicated when you think of it in the right perspective.
1) Spotting the ball close to the first down marker and the most egregious and insidious.

Notice Dallas always gets the short end of the stick close to the marker. The opposing team almost always gets the close call. Very deceptive, very clever.

2) Holding calls on D Line and Parsons. Parsons never gets holding calls no matter how egregious.

3) Holding calls on receivers. This is random at best. Many egregious holds on recievers (removing Cee Dees underwear) are missed.

4) Tackling and holding linebackers (see Clark Miami game). Flat out holds and tackles on linebackers never called.

5) Ticky tack calls mostly on Tyler Smith and barely perceptible.

6) Ghost calls like the one on Parsons for late hit.
7) Who decides which crew refs which game. It should be totally random not a rigged choice.
On the bright side, the Eagles were called for I think 9 penalties against the Giants -in Philly. that had to be a shock to their system. They even called Lane Johnson for holding - which seems very iffy to me. Maybe the league is hearing all the complaining about the refs and trying to make sure it does not look too one sided. If the Lions get a holding call for tackling Micah next week, perhaps all the complaining is doing some good.

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