Is there any doubt now that officials are crooked?

The trick to this discussion is to stay on track, don't get dragged into any strawman arguments. There could be no organized conspiracy against a specific team out of malice, the owners wouldn't stand for it, but it's obvious that these officials are not calling these games straight. When you look at the who, when and where these things are happening then patterns reveal themselves and they almost always revolve around money, standings, ratings, home team, etc. Anything that improves their bottom line the owners will tolerate.

As for Micah, that's beyond atrocious. The NFL officials seem to be more and more tolerant with offensive holding, maybe they're compensating for the drought of quality offensive linemen in the NFL?
You do not know this for certain and the evidence is mounting that there is a conspiracy against the Cowboys. Not calling the games straight is itself a conspiracy of rigging the games.

It is more profitable to appease the Cowboys haters which is a far larger faction than Cowboys fans.
Seriously. The cowboys are the nfls biggest draw. Fans and people who want to watch them lose.

Dallas going to the SB would break the current most watched record out of the water. Commercial pricing would be insane for the network hosting the SB
That has nothing to do with what is happening from week to week pertaining to penalties.
I dug those numbers up, and they also confirm darling team status for both Pittsburgh and Green bay - two teams who a lot of people think get ref calls their way most of the time - and that perception is correct.

The numbers confirm that Dallas is a ref dog and GB and Pittsburgh are ref darlings.

We had 18 of 23 season from 2000-2022 with 100+ penalties (last in the NFL) and ZERO seasons with 80 or less (again, last in the NFL).

Green Bay? Only 11 seasons with 100+ and 4 seasons with 80 or less.

Pittsburgh? Only 10 seasons with 100+ and 3 seasons with 80 or less.

People who try to say their is no conspiracy will claim that the calls even out in the long run. They sure do for ref darlings like Pittsburgh and Green Bay who's numbers are close to each other, but then we get to Dallas and we have numbers that are far too out of the median to be human error, and we have far too large of a sample size with well over 300 games and 2 decades.

Also, this does not take into account the no calls which are just as effective in screwing Dallas as the bad calls.

Then, take into account the history of all time bad calls that have cost Dallas the Ice Bowl, Super Bowl 5, Super Bowl 10, the 1994 NFCCG, and the Dez double standard game (Dez didn't "catch it" while Cobb "did" - both calls were wrong). Dallas should probably have 4 more SB titles to it's name.
Thank you!! Nice research. It’s hard to argue against the facts. Don’t get me going on that ‘94 NFCCG Deion on Irvin. I’m still pissed about that. That was so blatant.
You completely destroyed your own argument of no organization yet patterns around this a that. That is called organized corruption. And the lack of holds on Micah when they are called all the time on other pass rushers destroys your argument. It is directed, organized, targeted, and not incompetence. And why is it that on every close call at the marker, Dallas gets screwed, but the opposing team always gets the close call regardless. Watch, listen, and learn. It is the most deceptive, insidious, and ingenious way to screw dallas and no one ever says anything.
What I'm saying is that the officials are organized and intentionally affecting games, but the reasons revolve around money, ratings, making sure the "right" teams and players are more likely to be successful or maybe keep a game from being a blowout... Different reasons, but it is not malicious intent, they're not doing it because they all hate Dallas per sey, they're actually doing what the NFL and owners want them to.
What I'm saying is that the officials are organized and intentionally affecting games, but the reasons revolve around money, ratings, making sure the "right" teams and players are more likely to be successful or maybe keep a game from being a blowout... Different reasons, but it is not malicious intent, they're not doing it because they all hate Dallas per sey, they're actually doing what the NFL and owners want them to.
You might be insane…jk. So many people would have to be involved that word would have gotten out years ago. Complete silliness.
Addendum to my previous posts:

Isn't strange how McCarthy's Packers team was a ref darling, and then when McCarthy goes to Dallas suddenly it's penalties galore as if Dave Campo were still on the sidelines.

It has everything to do with the sticker on the helmet. That is the only reason left. Occam's Razor.
Addendum to my previous posts:

Isn't strange how McCarthy's Packers team was a ref darling, and then when McCarthy goes to Dallas suddenly it's penalties galore as if Dave Campo were still on the sidelines.

It has everything to do with the sticker on the helmet. That is the only reason left. Occam's Razor.
Well, that proves it. You are obviously correct.
I know a lot of people who have stopped watching. As for myself, it's difficult since I played the game for years and have enjoyed playing and watching. So it pains me to see or think that something so loved could ever be corrupted.

The owners hired Roger G. to make money and the NFL is an entertainment business. To think the human factor/TV ratings and gambling hasn't effected the integrity of the league is well...The real hope and dream.

I keep watching because I want to believe everyone is on the up and up and we'll see a fair contest of skill, like games I played in and watched in the earlier years. I have to admit, it is getting harder.

So that is why I keep watching the games Beast, still hoping and praying it can get back to that thing I enjoyed so much in my youth.
I can respect that.

As for myself, I just watch the games with my dad. He is in his 80s and I am not sure how much longer he is going to be around.

So, for 3 hrs every Sunday I go over to his place and we watch the Cowboys or somebody else if the Cowboys are not playing that day.

When he does pass on, that is what I am going to remember, not if the Cowboys got screwed by the refs or not.
You do not know this for certain and the evidence is mounting that there is a conspiracy against the Cowboys. Not calling the games straight is itself a conspiracy of rigging the games.

It is more profitable to appease the Cowboys haters which is a far larger faction than Cowboys fans.
Looool, unhinged.

Cowboys owner Jerry Jones on @1053thefan on Micah Parsons not drawing an offensive holding penalty since October:

“I don’t think the intent (by the refs) is to take a player of his skill and limit him. … There’s no question that Micah is having restrictions that if turned loose would result in a sack of the quarterback.”

Jones says officials are making judgment calls on plays others can’t make, but Parsons can.
Ok, so call the holding penalties that are being ignored OR change the rules to allow the OL to hold if the intent is to protect the qbs
For the 100th time…losers whine about the officials. I guess they been on us for 28 years????
Ever since Jerry signed that Nike deal and decided to take on Pepsi and not Coke in the mid 90s is what started all of this. Then Jerry not approving Goodell (along with the Raiders and Saints), made things worse. Jerry's TV negotiations, bringing in billions for the NFL, just doesn't seem to matter. Fact of the matter is - people who have absolute power in the NFL do not like the Cowboys. They will see to it that they don't sniff the Super Bowl ever again. If 2017 and the Ezekiel Elliott saga wasn't enough evidence of that, then nothing will be. The people on the panel that decided to suspend Zeke were two Giants fans, an Eagle fan, and a former Commander. That's like having a Jewish man be tried by a jury full of *****. Not fair at all - but appointed by Goodell never-the-less. Yet Tyreek Hill is regarded a hero after belting his kid around (helping give Dallas a loss on Christmas Eve), when he should be put in prison. Zeke was totally cleared on all charges - yet still had a 6-game suspension.

So, yes, there is a conspiracy against the Cowboys.

If you want to go back even further, you can thank Mr. Ryan of NFL Films for labeling the Cowboys team as "America's Team" in 1978. Dallas was the glamorous franchise everybody loved until then. Dallas and their fans has had a bullseye on their backs ever since. Don't tell me that's not true - I lived it.
Jerry trying to mitigate the damage caused by Micah and DLaw.
Using reverse psychology on them now.

School of JWB. We will see if it works.
It can't make things 100% needs to be exposed, and Booger blew his opportunity. Especially since FOX had already laid the groundwork for him by citing the 38 quarter thingy. Taking the high road isn't gonna make a damn bit of difference.

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