It appears Steve Dennis got fired from ESPN 103.3

HighTechDave said:
Breaking News!!!!

Steve Dennis is replacing Dan on the Bob and Dan Show! fans of the Ticket are so tired of being wipped by Dan and his constant interruptions, that they would rather put up with Steve Dennis' "over-loud voice/mouth".

This of course IMHO.

Dan, shut up please and let Bob ramble? thank you
Oh come on...Bob and Dan are a harmonious loving couple compared to those guys on the Hardline. If Steve is going to replace anyone over there let it me Mike and all of his constant and annoying Baseball crap.
I'll go with you on the baseball crap for sho. that wips me more than anything
Oh come on...Bob and Dan are a harmonious loving couple compared to those guys on the Hardline. If Steve is going to replace anyone over there let it me Mike and all of his constant and annoying Baseball crap.

Dennis would be an adequate replacement for Greg Williams, since they both offer very little.

Or a solid replacement for anyone on the Musers, since that entire show carries a big bag. Gordo has his funny moments, but most of the time that entire show is a beating.
EastDallasCowboy said:
Dennis would be an adequate replacement for Greg Williams, since they both offer very little.

Or a solid replacement for anyone on the Musers, since that entire show carries a big bag. Gordo has his funny moments, but most of the time that entire show is a beating.
I agree that Greg doesn't offer much...Corby carries the other two and they ride along shamelessly.

I don't get much of the Musers...My schedule is such that I am usually not tuning in until Norm is on the air.
SilverStarCowboy said:
The Tickett is getting buried by ESPN.

I liked Dennis much much better than the Little Ball of Poop.
doesn't mean it's better. i enjoy the ticket because it reminds me us me and the fellas sitting around talking sports.
SilverStarCowboy said:
The Tickett is getting buried by ESPN.

I don't know where you got that idea because the Ticket crushes ESPN 1033 in the ratings

For the current quarter the Ratings were

Ticket 2.8

ESPN 1.9
jlust22 said:
No, he's wrong. In the last ratings book, ESPN radio did their best ever and still got beat out by the Ticket a pretty wide margin. The Ticket is pretty stiff competition as they are definitely one of the most successful sports radio stations in the country with an incredibly loyal listener base.

From the Dallas Morning News:

ESPN averaged a best-ever 1.9 share to finish 23rd in the crowded market, according to Arbitron. Meanwhile, The Ticket (1310-AM) scored a 2.8 share to finish 13th.

In men's 25-54, the most desirable demographic for sports talk, The Ticket was No. 1 with a 7.4 share, while ESPN scored a 3.9 to finish seventh.

There are alot of people under 25 and over 54 who listen to radio, not to mention women. They don't count?

ESPN radio says that it is #1, the leader in Sports Radio in the Metroplex on commercials everyday. I dunno maybe they count men under 25 and over 54 in their poles.
SilverStarCowboy said:
There are alot of people under 25 and over 54 who listen to radio, not to mention women. They don't count?

ESPN radio says that it is #1, the leader in Sports Radio in the Metroplex on commercials everyday. I dunno maybe they count men under 25 and over 54 in their poles.

The ratings I posted (2.8 for the ticket, and 1.9 for ESPN) is ALL listners, male or female age 12 and over. ESPN is not the #1 listened to station by any measure
For all curious, as of June 10, 2006 here are the show vs show ratings breakdowns for The Ticket vs ESPN:

Time Ticket ESPN
Morning drive Dunham & Miller 9.3 Mike & Mike 3.3
Late morning Norm Hitzges 7.8 Dennis & Engel 2.4
Early afternoon BaD Radio 8.7 Dan Patrick 3.0
Afternoon drive Hard Line 9.7 Galloway & Co. 3.3

Got this from http://www.***BANNED-URL***/sharedc...ts/bhorn/stories/061006dnspohorn.312e767.html
P1's to the rescue! ESPN Radio is crap, the ratings posted here prove that!:bow:
Hiero said:
wow the big ball of ugly. I would say she's made for the radio, but I hate her personality.


Hate is never a beautiful thing...and this is the proof.
Ozzu said:
For all curious, as of June 10, 2006 here are the show vs show ratings breakdowns for The Ticket vs ESPN:

Time Ticket ESPN
Morning drive Dunham & Miller 9.3 Mike & Mike 3.3
Late morning Norm Hitzges 7.8 Dennis & Engel 2.4
Early afternoon BaD Radio 8.7 Dan Patrick 3.0
Afternoon drive Hard Line 9.7 Galloway & Co. 3.3

Got this from http://www.***BANNED-URL***/sharedcontent/dws/spt/columnists/bhorn/stories/061006dnspohorn.312e767.html

And expect that even the "Hate" part of what was "Dennis & Engel" will get replace, maybe before the Cowboys season is over.

They have already switched that time slot several times and have always failed to gain any ground on The Ticket.

- Chuck Cooperstien...failed
- Newey Scruggs...failed
- Don't remember who...failed
- Dennis & Engel...failed
- "The Little Ball of Hate Show"...destined to fail like the rest.
Shes calling it the little ball of hate show.

I can not believe they fired Steve. Gah this is such crap.

Especially the week of Ohio State vs Texas.

Their new management needs to get a clue. This is such garbage gah.
I even emailed them to ask what was up with the LBOH show... They've expunged all evidence of Steve, and they did it with with no warning. I should know, because I listen to the show every day.

And before anyone attacks me for that (sigh), I listen to them because even though JFE gets bashed every day, at least this time of year (and almost year-round) they talk Cowboys almost non-stop. I'd rather hear that than talk about what was on TV last night, or fart jokes, or recordings of Donovan trying to get his wife to play dress up, or whatever. Maybe my workplace is old-fashioned, but some of the stuff on the Ticket could darn near get me sued if my secretary came in while they were going off on some T&A they saw on TV. Just the other day, Dan talked about porn for at least 20 minutes. :rolleyes:

We've been through this a billion times, and I know the Ticket has its huge fans. That's fine. But I'd point out that Pro Wrestling gets higher ratings than, say, the NFL channel. Or the rare interesting ESPN NFL matchup shows that actually break down film and talk Xs and Os. Does that make wrestling "better" for the sports fan than those shows?
Great post Lab.

I too hate the ticket. If you want to hear about football listen to 1033.

If you want fart jokes listen to the ticket. Hell I never even know when they are telling the truth about a guest being on the show cause half the time theyll put someone on there that sounds like the person and just make fun of who ever that person is supposed to be.

Ive emailed 1033 3 times today and havent got a response back.

I guess someone will have to find Steve Dennis's email.

I've lost a lot of respect for this station on how they have handled this whole thing.

But please pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaase dont put Hansen and Jen Jen on the same show.
By saying they're the leader they're not actually saying they have the most listeners, even though they want people to think that. They've been pretty aggressive in trying to seize the DFW market and have failed miserably. I listened to them during commercial breaks at the Ticket and late at night, but I just got tired of their attack ads against the Ticket (not to mention their billboards).

The middle age male demographic as the most sought after group for any broadcast, sports talk or otherwise. They tend to spend the most money so advertisers put a strong emphasis on trying to reach them.

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