It appears Steve Dennis got fired from ESPN 103.3

bobtheflob said:
By saying they're the leader they're not actually saying they have the most listeners

exactly, is also is them saying that they are the leader in information, breaking news, whatever, it's self-promotion basically
BigDFan5 said:
I don't know where you got that idea because the Ticket crushes ESPN 1033 in the ratings

For the current quarter the Ratings were

Ticket 2.8

ESPN 1.9

ESPN seems to have a wider range so maybe they are only losing to the ticket within a certain area? ie only within Dallas and Tarrant counties?

FWIW wrt Dennis and Engle...Dennis is not a bad guy to have on the show but I don't think that he really generates much interest. To be honest he was quite boring most of the time. Jen Floyd has always been fairly interesting on ESPN especially before she became obsessed with TO.
They should have moved Steve Dennis back to Galloway and Company and fired Brian Esteridge, that guy is a moron.
GTaylor said:
They should have moved Steve Dennis back to Galloway and Company and fired Brian Esteridge, that guy is a moron.
Amen, Amen, and Amen again. Estridge is beyond horrible. If people think Galloway is negative, they should listen to this tool.

Hey GTaylor, do you think if we email them enough they might do it? :)
It seems the list of local radio personalities that should be retained is a small list indeed. What does it say about our society when you need to be a bomb throwing dingbat to get ratings?:confused:
Gah this show really sucks without Steve Dennis.

Its starting to get more and more obvious what he meant to this show.

Why oh why will they not even tell their listeners why they made the change?
HighTechDave said:
I'll go with you on the baseball crap for sho. that wips me more than anything

Me too...

However, Norm's been a whipping lately. A lot of baseball on the DEAD Rangers. But worse. All this Human Growth Hormone talk is way overboard. I would rather listen to one of his rants.

All he talked about today was both.

Since the Ticket became the Cowboys radio station, they talk less about them. Their TC was horrendous in the morning.

I hope it doesn't carry over into the season.

Can't stand ESPN shows, but will listen when other crap is on the other stations. TO and Cowboy hate is all 103.3 talks about....
Chocolate Lab said:
Amen, Amen, and Amen again. Estridge is beyond horrible. If people think Galloway is negative, they should listen to this tool.

Hey GTaylor, do you think if we email them enough they might do it? :)
Man I'd be willing to try, guy is a beating and when he gets on a soapbox his excuse for other opinions is "I don't care". What talent he must have to be able to come back with that great argument...sigh.
I want Mickey Spagnola to have a radio job, I liked Newy, Kurt Minafy(sp) and Hanson used to talk Cowboys when the tickett first started. When the tickett first started it was ALL about local sports especially the Dallas Cowboys. Apparently I am the monority, I could listen to straight Dallas Cowboys talk all day long.

All this other "stuff" for me is non-entertaining. Like bad jokes and picking at Bill and what amounts to trying to tear apart the Dallas Cowboys organization. All I can see is Hansen, Galloway, Riens and the rest trying to boost their own egos.

So call me a homer, I like football, objective real Dallas Cowboys football talk, not all of this negative conjecter trying to be created by pre-madonna writters and reporters, hell it could be Martha Stewart or some bum off the street on the radio with any kind personality because that doesn't interest me, if they'd talk Cowboys the right way, the way they talk Steelers in Pittsburg, or Packers in GreenBay or just about any NFL team Nationwide, I'd listen.
Big Dakota said:
Oh OK i see. I'm certainly not a local so i have no idea where he works. I just hear him on ESPN. But i guess i see him on the sideline of the PS games so i guess that was his work for CBS 11?
He also works for the Cowboys Silverstar network.

Dont be shocked if he ends up doing work for the Cowboys pre-post on the Ticket.

Quite possibly why he left.
GTaylor said:
They should have moved Steve Dennis back to Galloway and Company and fired Brian Esteridge, that guy is a moron.
not to mention that Esteridge talks bad about the Boys when he is a freaking LIONS FAN!
jterrell said:
He also works for the Cowboys Silverstar network.

Dont be shocked if he ends up doing work for the Cowboys pre-post on the Ticket.

Quite possibly why he left.
Dennis is often the butt of a lot of jokes on The Ticket.
I listen to GAC after work b/c the ticket has stupid nonsense non-Cowboys topics. Like some of you, I would prefer to listen to some no name person talk Cowboys then the Ticket talk about what they did last night or pranks.
I finally tuned in to the Ticket today to see what all the fuss was about. All I heard was some guy dressed as a Catholic school girl racing another guy dressed as a baby. This garbage is superior to ESPN? Very disappointing.
jterrell said:
He also works for the Cowboys Silverstar network.

Dont be shocked if he ends up doing work for the Cowboys pre-post on the Ticket.

Quite possibly why he left.

Actually that will never happen. Steve Dennis and babe laufenberg used to make appearences together on the ticket. The last time was like two years ago, apparently after leaving Steve Dennis said some bad things and ticked off the wrong people at the ticket.

If you ever hear the ticket to their enemy talk, mostly the musers in the morning they list Steve Dennis as Ticket enemy number 1. I think from listening to them talk about it even management do not like the guy.

Pretty much I would bet you will never see dennis or newy scruggs work for the ticket.

Steve Dennis works for cbs 11 which is the cowboys official network, they handle the official cowboys shows like Special edition with jerry jones and brad sham on saturday nights, the cowboys official pregame show on sundays at 10:30 and the Huddle with Bill Parcells and Babe laufenberg at 10 am on sundays. So steve Dennis will be involved with the pregame show on cbs 11 but that is it.
Chocolate Lab said:
Amen, Amen, and Amen again. Estridge is beyond horrible. If people think Galloway is negative, they should listen to this tool.

Hey GTaylor, do you think if we email them enough they might do it? :)

I say this to people all the time about esteridge, He used to work with newy in the morning when I first moved here and this was my impression of him..

A redneck hillbilly who speaks a combination I have never heard before Hillbilly ebonics. He sounds like he is trying to be this urban hip hop guy and in the next breath he sounds like waylon jennings...

I never got it, never understood how that could happen and always have had a hard time understanding him when he speaks, literally.
The only straight up Cowboys talk that I see anywhere on either station is Mickey Spagnola when he does the Ranch Report segments on the Ticket. That is where you get the best and most straight forward talk about the team. If JJT had a regular segment that would be good; he has really stepped up his game this year.

Of the radio shows that I hear; Bob and Dan on the Ticket are the best. They will be having the Drew Bledsoe segments and they have the most rational takes of any of them. I would switch over to ESPN during 'the Hardline' but I think that is when Galloway is on and I refuse to listen to that tool.

Luckily I have some other interest besides the Cowboys (baseball is NOT among them). Besides I usually know more about the team than the guys on the radio just from hanging out here. So I don't mind that they try other subjects.
JJT normally has a weekly spot with Norm during the football season.

And yes, the Drew Bledsoe Show on BaD radio should kick *** this year.
I e-mailed Barry Horn,who is the sports media writer for the dallas morning news.He said that Steve Dennis was fired,and that he was looking into the reasons why,but at the time he didn't know why.
He mustve slapped jen on the butt or something. I cant believe they would just fire him.

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