It hurts even more now


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The only thing he won't do that he needs to do is lose. We've been stuck in 8-8ville for years. Because we're just too proud to tank.


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25 years of thinking or saying this everyone of those years:facepalm: And here we are again with Jerry saying" they'll be changes" except for the BIGGEST change we need. JERRY!

Redball Express

All Aboard!!!
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Watching Jerry "Al Davis" Jones and his goofy children run the Dallas Cowboys franchise off a cliff just breaks my heart. It's as if no matter who he hires, signs or drafts, it all has a clownish feel to it. There was a time not too long ago that I believed Jerry would do anything to win but just had a few bad breaks. But watch ing too many other teams come out of nowhere to become contenders, how is it that the Cowboys haven't come near a Super Bowl in over 25 years?

I know what I've said has been stated over and over, but just curious if any Cowboys fan believes in the McCarthy era. I just don't.
Uh huh.

Agree unfortunately.

The McCarthy hire was not well researched.

We need younger coaching that is more linked to the players and not being like McCarthy who built a career succeeding with players such as Farve and Rogers who pulled MC Carthy along into their Hoff careers.

He did not make them..they made him.

He can help all of us by taking the next job op.


Well-Known Member
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this is not an "I hate jerry thread is it?" Bob and Coach will bench you for thanking their thunder.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

You do realize that nothing we do here has any impact on results, right? Even the threads you like are useless in that regard.


Junior College Transfer
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Toad in the hole,extra gravy----darts, and sing God save the Queen.:yourock::yourock::yourock:
Watching Jerry "Al Davis" Jones and his goofy children run the Dallas Cowboys franchise off a cliff just breaks my heart. It's as if no matter who he hires, signs or drafts, it all has a clownish feel to it. There was a time not too long ago that I believed Jerry would do anything to win but just had a few bad breaks. But watch ing too many other teams come out of nowhere to become contenders, how is it that the Cowboys haven't come near a Super Bowl in over 25 years?

I know what I've said has been stated over and over, but just curious if any Cowboys fan believes in the McCarthy era. I just don't.
Campo, Gailey, Phillips etc > McCarthy


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I’m a fan out of habit more than anything now. I have zero passion for this franchise anymore. I think that’s how most long term fans currently feel. Jerry will keep focusing on young people and international fans to build his base, but eventually no one will care.

This x100! I used to plan watching games around my life and I missed family parties etc. Then one day I woke up and realized that what I was doing was pretty stupid so I became less passionate. After these last few seasons I’ll catch a game if it’s on in my local market or check the box score several times during the game. I’ve been a fan for 31 years and I’m only 42.


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Who is the last player that has run to Jerry Jones to undermine a coach? We always hear this talking point but I'm not sure this actually happens like the narrative says it does.
Interesting point! It wouldn't surprise me if Sean Lee went into Jerry's office saying Mike Nolan's scheme is terrible and the other guys don't like it either. No proof of that but who knows.


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You do realize that nothing we do here has any impact on results, right? Even the threads you like are useless in that regard.
You do realize this is a board for fans to talk about the Cowboys. Nobody here thinks they are going to change the way Jerry runs the team.


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I get so tired of this. Jerry is the owner. When he steps down/dies Stephen will take over. Go root for another franchise if you can't handle it because it's not changing.
I do too, then fans get butt hurt when you call them out


Well-Known Member
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I get so tired of this. Jerry is the owner. When he steps down/dies Stephen will take over. Go root for another franchise if you can't handle it because it's not changing.
I hear what you're saying. I felt the same way that you did for a very long time. But over the last 25 years, Ive watched countless team rise from rags to riches. And most of them had the common element of not holding on to some outdated legacy that holds a franchise back. The Joneses OTOH, constantly believe they are a piece or two for being SB contenders. This kind of thinking has kept us from allowing a true rebuild to happen and worse promotes an environment of entitlement and overpaying for players.


"We Are Penn State"
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Packers were 4-12 in '05. MM came on in '06 took them to 8-8 his first season. In '07 he took them to 13-13.

MM posted a 125-77 regular-season record in 13 seasons w/the Packers & a 10-8 mark in the playoffs. SB XLV Championship in 2010 all just after 5 years as an NFL head coach.

Good thing the Packers front office didn't listen to their fans after an 8-8 "medicore" season wanting him fired or Wodgers wouldn't have a Superbowl Championship.

Give the man a chance!


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..I might be on the other end looking at this situation. I really feel Jerry is trying his best to get us to the championship game. But they have no clue how to do it. They live on cliches' and old rudiments.

Probably to prideful to see other options.


Well-Known Member
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..I might be on the other end looking at this situation. I really feel Jerry is trying his best to get us to the championship game. But they have no clue how to do it. They live on cliches' and old rudiments.

Probably to prideful to see other options.
Great points :bow::bow::bow::welcome: Jerry better wake up and smell the coffee--Jerry is not getting any younger :hammer: