GimmeTheBall!;2427314 said:
A troll surfs other sites to be cantankerous and getting kicks out of invading others' territory and stuff.
No, actually a troll goes on a site for the sole purpose of stirring up *** and creating an uproar. I do none of that, so by definition I am not a troll. If I was a troll, why have I been here over 2 months without getting banned? I don't stir up ****, I participate in threads, and a select few of the fans here throw fits and ***** like babies, only because I am not a Dallas fan. It's pathetic and childish that they can't carry on a debate or conversation, based completely on who my favorite team is. It shows immaturity and petty behavior.
The huge majority of fans here have shown me nothing but respect, so I form my opinion of Dallas fans on them, not the 5%ers that can't act like decent human beings, just because I'm a rival fan. Is every single person you care about in your life a Dallas fan? I highly doubt it. It's sad to form your opinion of somebody based on what teams they like, because you have no idea what you can miss out on as far as life and relationships go by doing that.
I married a Dallas fan. On game day, we rag each other, and we have fun with it. We never let it carry over outside of the game though, because it doesn't matter. Life is more than football, a lot more.
GimmeTheBall!;2427314 said:
I find it unsettling that you would be here and not with your hog sisters in D.C.
Most Skins fans don't like me. How's that for some ironic ****? They don't like that I comment based on reality, instead of blowing fairy dust and rainbows up their *****. I have loads of respect from fans of many different teams though, because I always give credit and respect where it's due. People are people, I could give a damn what team you like. I like talking to people, that's why I'm here. ES has banned me multiple times, yet I don't get banned here? Yeah, I don't get it either.
GimmeTheBall!;2427314 said:
You hang around enough with peeps who do not like you and pretty soon you get into trouble.
Let's see, from my experience in life, most people don't like me. I'm an outspoken ****** that knows too much and isn't afraid to tell people what I think of them. Oddly enough, the friends I have I keep for life, because they have nothing but respect for me because of how I am.
I'm not hanging around people who don't like me, I'm just hanging around. Nobody has come out on here and said "hey, I don't like you." If they did, I wouldn't mind, everyone has a right to their opinion. To base your like or dislike for me based on the fact that I am a Commanders fan, however, shows what a hollow person someone is.
A very small few people on here have disrespected me, but it's expected, because you find ignorant a-holes everywhere in life. I let it roll off my back, because I'm a better person than that. I have a thick skin, and nothing seems to get to me, so I let it go.
If you want to bash me, call me a troll, or dog me just for being a Skins fan, that's on you. It's childish and lame, especially since I didn't ever come on here picking a fight, or judging anyone based on the fact they were a Cowboy's fan.
Even though I'm a Commanders fan, I'd be right there with you guys jumping on a Skins fan that came here and disrespected everyone just to stir up ****. I don't play that, I don't care who you are.
Learn to relax a little, and accept people for who they are, not for what team they like. You'll be a better person for it.
GimmeTheBall!;2427314 said:
Don't go away angry, just go away.
Right behind you big guy