News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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I see 3, maybe 4, guaranteed wins there without Zeke. The other 2 are still winnable, we just need to adjust the game plan a little. Not to mention both GB and the Giants beat us with Zeke last year. My fear is he appeals it and it gets pushed back to the middle of the season when our schedule gets tough.
Looks like the appeal probably will be filed late today or Monday. Appears Zeke side wants sue the NFL in Federal Court (sure Goodell will enjoy that). The CBA could really go up in smoke in Federal Court, something like innocent until proven guilty even if it doesn't fit your code of conduct. Going to be interesting to say the least. Have to believe on appeal, Goodell probably cuts the sentence in half if not more. Still going to be at least 2 weeks to resolve on the NFL office and if Zeke's guys (attorneys) file for a stay in Federal Court then it is possible that it won't be heard until February means he possibly (POSSIBLY) could play the whole season before anything really is decided. Geez!
Wow, the NFL is a mess. The Giants kicker gets one game for admitting hitting his wife and now this.

On the other hand, if Zeke did do it, he is a scumbag and deserves this and more.
Puzzled by the fans in here turning on Zeke....the alleged DV issue happened BEFORE he was drafted. And acting like a youngster while no different than Gronk.....whose behavior is WIDELY celebrated. The NFL has set it's players...and Zeke in particular...up to be extorted left and right!!!!!!!!!
I don't see many turning on him. I think most want him to grow up but unless there is a lot more evidence 6 games is ridiculous.
Well time for the wait till next year crowd to emerge...this team missed a golden opportunity last year and several were saying wait till next year...well if this holds DMAC and Morris will not bring what Zeke does. Freaking and utter complete crap!
Not as good without Zeke obviously,but this team, this OL esp will play,even harder with attitude, and Morris will make the cut now, and be the lead back until Zeke returns.
Glass half full, and I will always evaluate forward considering the circumstance, so having said that, behind this OL, I think its very possible that offensively
that this team can over come this nut punch.
Probably cost us a potential trade or roster prospect, but this team will over come this BS.
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