News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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Yup I knew this is coming. Guys we screw this season. Injuries, suspensions, counting on rooKs to start is too much. 9-7 at best put it in the books. The league have a agenda against the Cowboys. Use them for ratings but screw then screw them how ever they can.
9-7 could very well get us in the playoffs. Zeke is great but our O line is the number one reason for his success. McFadden and Morris, along with the rest of our offense, will be serviceable enough to win the games we should win even with Zeke. We'll be fine.
Have you not seen the publics reaction to Goodell in every city he shows his face?
The fans are united in hatred for this man.
Oh I do believe that. But it's because of what he has done with the league and probably going after their players. I don't know if there was another head of a sports league that was so hated. I used to have so much respect for Pete Rozzelle . Miss him terribly.
You say let's be honest and then come with this silly stuff. If he didn't do it there is no grounds for suspension period. It doesn't matter how many times you get near the line if you don't actually cross it. This isn't supposed to be minority report where folks can get arrested for thoughts and actions that haven't been done yet.

Take off your Cowboys goggles for a second and look at all the situations he lands himself in. Just because he didn't break a law according to police investigation doesn't mean there's no smoke on all these other incidents he continually finds himself involved in.

We know the NFL doesn't need the force of law to enforce the conduct policy. the nfl conduct policy can basically be summed up as "whatever we feel like". So you have to keep your nose clean. Zeke doesn't think he has to do that, apparently. So get the f off me with this silliness BS.

Its the leagues rules, and you have to play by them.


So in other words they found something the POLICE did not?
So don't break up with a crazy ex, so she can't try to ruin your career?
Hey, if there is evidence out there that he did it, **** him.

However, everything out there so far paints this as a crazy ex trying to punish him for dumping her

You know how you avoid that?

Make better choices on to whom you want to get into a serious relationship with.
Goodell will be lucky to make it out of the 2018 draft in Frisco TX. alive. Can you imagine what it will be like when he steps on stage. He may seriously need to employee the Secret Service to make it out of the building. If I were JJ I wouldn't let him in the door. Just go on with business as usual and when Goodell rolls up to the gate in late April just tell security to not admit him.
I told everyone yesterday...... when you have 4 investigators specifically assigned to fight DV, he was getting suspended

"Show me the man and I will show you the crime" - Stalin's secret police

Giants superfan Friel was going to find something...... they don't work on it for a year to say nothing
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