News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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There were reports of numerous calls to police about domestic violence and four independent individuals the league asked to have a look at the evidence all concluded she was abused....take your head out of the sand!

There are sworn affidavits from witnesses saying nothing happened, and texts released from the girl who told her friends to lie. On the record.

The NFL has statements from a plaintiff.

This could get ugly.
So 4 independent people looked at the evidence and found enough there but the cops didn't think she was credible?

DA presses charges, and the standard for a criminal charge and conviction is a lot higher than in public ...does you job need a conviction to fire you???
I wish Jerry would just boycott the season. Refuse to have his team step on the field until Goodell is removed. Yes that would never happen for a million reasons. But something needs to happen to have that piece of trash Goodell out.

Yes Ezekiel needs to grow up. Yes he has serious issues. Its likely he did those horrible things. But he was not prosecuted by law. The NFL should not be able to hand down punishment if law enforcement decides to drop cases. Simple as that. They are dipping their hands in the wrong areas.
I don't see many turning on him. I think most want him to grow up but unless there is a lot more evidence 6 games is ridiculous.
Every MATURE person wants immature people to grow up! I would be the FIRST person to say he deserved it IF.....IF....there was strong evidence to suggest he did it. We have VIDEO of Mixon knocking a woman out! He was drafted and will not miss ANY games. With Zeke....we have accusations....we have a police investigation that yielded NOTHING! What am I missing?
Its hurt Dak more than people want to realize. Dak had the highest QB rating in the league on play action because of the threat of Zeke...Sorry my man but McFadden just doesn't do to a defense what Zeke does.
Agreed but are you saying we can't beat the 49'ers, Rams and probably Cardinals and Broncos without him? The first two are guaranteed and the last two are still very good chances with the rest of our offense intact.
I feel Jerry doesn't sue (regardless of he ultimately wins) he deserves whatever comes his way
well we might be able to draft that pass rusher we need next draft
You know l just cannot understand the logic of the NFL. If the Police were satified..why would the league want to further tarnish their own brand and product. Just makes no sense.


1.They have whiffed on so many DV cases that had all of the evidence they needed so they are using this to appease all of the groups that have been angered in the past.

2. Goodell doesn't want this much power anymore because he has consistently screwed up on his rulings so a harsh punishment here guarantees leverage in the CBA negotiations. (The owners can use this as a negotiating chip and protect some of their other powers)

3. It gets talk shows to stop talking about Colin Kaepernick as much. Ezekiel Elliot will be the discussion and Kaepernick will get talked about far less now.
Take off your Cowboys goggles for a second and look at all the situations he lands himself in. Just because he didn't break a law according to police investigation doesn't mean there's no smoke on all these other incidents he continually finds himself involved in.

We know the NFL doesn't need the force of law to enforce the conduct policy. the nfl conduct policy can basically be summed up as "whatever we feel like". So you have to keep your nose clean. Zeke doesn't think he has to do that, apparently. So get the f off me with this silliness BS.

Its the leagues rules, and you have to play by them.
I don't wear glasses my man. I'm consistent period so don't make it otherwise because I disagree with you. Who said there was no smoke? I didn't. You should address that person. I said you can't go around on this minority report vibe and punishing folks with no proof. If they have proof we haven't been privy to cool but otherwise nah. The only silliness is you seeming happy he got suspended so you can grandstand even though from what we currently know he didn't do nothing.
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