News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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he said if zeke does it again, that means he said zeke did it with no conclusive proof.
that is character defamation.

yes there are work place rules, but you also have to treat employees equally for punishment. it is now commonly accepted that the accuser has attempted to falsify evidence. that should discredit her totally in terms of any evidence. that includes injuries that she could have inflicted on herself. for that evidence to count, she needs a video of herself continuous during the time period.

basically her meal ticket was threatened and taken away.

Then he can sue, but he'd better be completely innocent because now he will have to testify at length, and a ton of witnesses will, too. It will get very public and very ugly, and everything will come out. Everything.
Careful. The local authorities in Columbus now have access to information they didn't before. They could reopen this case.
Well if they have new information then they should be fired. Because they botched the investigation. And if Zeke did do it then I have no sympathy for him. I was one of the few on here that was yelling about signing Greg Hardy but they better have proof.
Like any employer, the NFL has a right to expect a certain code of conduct from its employees.

I've fired multiple people for their behavior on work road trips. Fired others because of social media posts. If I hire and pay you, I have the right to expect a certain decorum from you. Don't like it? Work somewhere else, or learn to not use your own name on Twitter.

This is not character assassination. Zeke is doing that himself.
Its not the same. If i was accused of being a child molester and you fire based on a rumor i would put together a legal team and sue your *** quicker than you can say rehire. My point is there is a difference between being seen on facebook puffin a joint and being accused of a crime
Well if they have new information then they should be fired. Because they botched the investigation. And if Zeke did do it then I have no sympathy for him. I was one of the few on here that was yelling about signing Greg Hardy but they better have proof.
They didn't have the technology required to gather the metadata from the phones that corroborated her story. The NFL did. That's just a budget item. I'd be concerned if I'm a Columbus resident because the police don't have the latest capabilities.

Now they have that information, and might reopen the case.
Its not the same. If i was accused of being a child molester and you fire based on a rumor i would put together a legal team and sue your *** quicker than you can say rehire. My point is there is a difference between being seen on facebook puffin a joint and being accused of a crime
Not in civil court. That's what this basically is. That's how they got OJ.

Zeke didn't go to jail.
Then he can sue, but he'd better be completely innocent because now he will have to testify at length, and a ton of witnesses will, too. It will get very public and very ugly, and everything will come out. Everything.

well he has already proof that she try to falsify evidence.
he has the affidavits.
i dont know what she could possibly have.

she falsified evidence, so any bruises etc could have been caused by her.
that would be a lot more believable.

she has no money, so suing does not do a lot of good.
so it is really the people twittering about it.
They didn't have the technology required to gather the metadata from the phones that corroborated her story. The NFL did. That's just a budget item. I'd be concerned if I'm a Columbus resident because the police don't have the latest capabilities.

Now they have that information, and might reopen the case.

How are they going to get metadata from phones? They'd need a warrant.
They have evidence. Enough evidence to know he did something wrong and violated league policy is not the same thing as enough evidence to win a court case, and it doesn't need to be. If there were enough evidence for conviction in court, then he'd be banned from the NFL for life, I would hope.

Just accept the fact that he's violated league policy and will serve a short suspension...big deal. It's easy to stand in court, and despite proof that the injuries were incurred during the week she was with him, and say "maybe she fell, maybe she got in a fight, maybe anything"....there's no video or witness...he said, she said. But it's a lot harder to stand before a panel of folks who aren't meeting the legal standards but the work place standards and offer a bunch of possible ways it may have happened that are less feasible that DV.

Many a man has grabbed a woman by the wrists or arms and restrained her, leaving bruises. Maybe that's minor; certainly used to be viewed that way, but today, that's domestic violence whether people like it or not.

People are sometimes convicted in court with circumstantial evidence. It's certainly enough for letting an employee go. I prefer to focus on the team, not Zeke's suspension. What he did may be very very minor and may not even include striking a woman, but it seems clear to the independent investigators that he did something.
They have evidence. Enough evidence to know he did something wrong and violated league policy is not the same thing as enough evidence to win a court case, and it doesn't need to be. If there were enough evidence for conviction in court, then he'd be banned from the NFL for life, I would hope.

Just accept the fact that he's violated league policy and will serve a short suspension...big deal. It's easy to stand in court, and despite proof that the injuries were incurred during the week she was with him, and say "maybe she fell, maybe she got in a fight, maybe anything"....there's no video or witness...he said, she said. But it's a lot harder to stand before a panel of folks who aren't meeting the legal standards but the work place standards and offer a bunch of possible ways it may have happened that are less feasible that DV.

Many a man has grabbed a woman by the wrists or arms and restrained her, leaving bruises. Maybe that's minor; certainly used to be viewed that way, but today, that's domestic violence whether people like it or not.

People are sometimes convicted in court with circumstantial evidence. It's certainly enough for letting an employee go. I prefer to focus on the team, not Zeke's suspension. What he did may be very very minor and may not even include striking a woman, but it seems clear to the independent investigators that he did something.

The burden is on HER to proof that she did not falsify the other 'evidence'
How are they going to get metadata from phones? They'd need a warrant.
Not from hers if she agreed to it. They corroborated her timeline with the metadata of the pictures of her bruises and her encounters with Zeke.

It's still circumstantial, but it added up chronologically.
They have evidence. Enough evidence to know he did something wrong and violated league policy is not the same thing as enough evidence to win a court case, and it doesn't need to be. If there were enough evidence for conviction in court, then he'd be banned from the NFL for life, I would hope.

Just accept the fact that he's violated league policy and will serve a short suspension...big deal. It's easy to stand in court, and despite proof that the injuries were incurred during the week she was with him, and say "maybe she fell, maybe she got in a fight, maybe anything"....there's no video or witness...he said, she said. But it's a lot harder to stand before a panel of folks who aren't meeting the legal standards but the work place standards and offer a bunch of possible ways it may have happened that are less feasible that DV.

Many a man has grabbed a woman by the wrists or arms and restrained her, leaving bruises. Maybe that's minor; certainly used to be viewed that way, but today, that's domestic violence whether people like it or not.

People are sometimes convicted in court with circumstantial evidence. It's certainly enough for letting an employee go. I prefer to focus on the team, not Zeke's suspension. What he did may be very very minor and may not even include striking a woman, but it seems clear to the independent investigators that he did something.

Show me what evidence they have - nothing in their NFL statement showed this. You are speculating.

Actually, from the NFL statement - they actually confirm they don't have enough - and it's really just an assumption on their part that Zeke did something.

So, really, you're just talking out of your *** here. This entire thing hinged on them proving Zeke put his hands on her - nothing in the NFL statement brought up anything else, just that they sided with her story - but also confirming they don't have enough evidence to prove he touched her.
They didn't have the technology required to gather the metadata from the phones that corroborated her story. The NFL did. That's just a budget item. I'd be concerned if I'm a Columbus resident because the police don't have the latest capabilities.

Now they have that information, and might reopen the case.

Metadata means nothing.

EE acknowledged all along that he was in Columbus. The only thing metadata proves is that the pictures she took occurred on the day she said they did and were taken in Columbus. The DA has never questioned the validity of when and where they were taken.

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