News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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Fight it, lose, then have to serve those games at the end of the season when you're fighting for your playoff life.
Just to put the mail in the coffin of the notion that our recent troll is full of ****, recall him saying that fundamental fairness was subsumed by the CBA. I found this:

Fundamental fairness is a well established legal standard where we are all guaranteed fundamental fairness in a legal proceeding as outlined by the constitution. Now I have to admit that I made a mistake in thinking that it was speaking to equal treatment as to employer's punishments but I cannot fathom how a legitimate lawyer would not know that much less claim that Goodell and the CBA Trump everything. I admit that I am not a lawyer. Please excuse my mistake.

The Constitution still trumps everything, Goodell included.

It still dug at me though. I have had experiences in my life where employers I have worked with had gotten in hot water over inequitable punishments and I can recall Doty and Nelson taking the NFL to task over it in past cases. I did some digging and I found this:

That is what I thought. Anywho, the Brady Case would not have had those issues. It was within a completely different domain, game integrity vs criminal, and had no precedent. All these people saying that Zeke has no leg to stand on are not considering this facet of labor law.

The Conduct policy was amended a few years ago. bkight referenced it earlier in this thread:

I think it important to see how they defined a "disposition of a criminal proceeding"

Basically if they take you to court or if you agree to a plea deal then you are subject to discipline. Zeke was never even charged nor was his case even brought before a grand jury. The DA dropped it. Arrest is never mentioned as a basis for discipline.

Now if you say to that "Goodell has the authority to do whatever he likes" then again I point to you that Federal Labor Law does not allow unequal punishment. He cannot hide behind the new conduct policy. It does not apply. He has to punish Zeke just like he punished the others without the new policy since he is not using it this time either.

Zeke has a very good case.
Looks better after reading this.
This thing won't get heard in court until 2018 if it ever ends up in court.

If I were Zeke's lawyers, I would tell the judge that given the length and open ended nature of the NFL's investigation, they need at least an equal amount of time to review that evidence prior to a court date.
To me it doesn't matter if his chances of winning are small. Zeke, as a result of this suspension will now and forever more be labeled an abuser of woman. If he is innocent he should fight it right to the bitter end out of principle with the hope that the facts come out showing he did not do what is alleged.
Doesn't look good after reading this.

The bottom line is if a woman accuses you of anything, this commissioner will discipline you for it. It doesn't matter what the evidence is or what the legal system concludes he believes in #HerTruth and all that feminist nonsense.

Don't blame women. Blame men for allowing this to happen.
The bottom line is if a woman accuses you of anything, this commissioner will discipline you for it. It doesn't matter what the evidence is or what the legal system concludes he believes in #HerTruth and all that feminist nonsense.

Don't blame women. Blame men for allowing this to happen.

That also depends on what team you play for. That rule doesn't apply to a Giant.
My only concern with Zeke's defense is that none of his defense witnesses wanted to be interviewed by the NFL investigators. None of them!

That is very telling! Not in law but it screams that something just isn't right.
To me it doesn't matter if his chances of winning are small. Zeke, as a result of this suspension will now and forever more be labeled an abuser of woman. If he is innocent he should fight it right to the bitter end out of principle with the hope that the facts come out showing he did not do what is alleged.

They need to go after the Columbus DA.

Yes, I would remain skeptical if the DA stated that he believed EE of what the NFL would do. But, this gave the NFL a leg to stand on in their eyes.

In September 2016, the DA closed the case and cited specifically the sworn affidavits that showed she lied to police and said she would ruin his career and two sworn affidavits that stated she was in a bar fight with another woman prior.

Now the DA has stated that he believes Thompson.

What changed?

The DA is an elected official and the public can demand as to why he didn't arrest Elliott when he supposedly had photographic proof. Why he didn't arrest Thompson for a false statement and witness tampering? And why he would believe a person that lied to him and tampered with a witness?

Get him to change his opinion and now the league has less ground to stand on.

The problem Zeke has is Article 46 of the CBA which gives the Commish carte blanch power to discipline, even if his decision is wrong.

How the NFLPA ever agreed to this is beyond any reasoning I can come up with.

If I am Zeke, I fight this tooth and nail even if the odds are he is going to lose.
My only concern with Zeke's defense is that none of his defense witnesses wanted to be interviewed by the NFL investigators. None of them!

That is very telling! Not in law but it screams that something just isn't right.

This is why you can't trust the NFL's word.

1. Thompson's friend, Ayran Mason, supposedly did come forward to tell of Thompson asking her to lie and being present there when Thompson was in a fight.

2. The DA had sworn affidavits supporting EE. Those are legally binding statements and carry far more weight in the world than talking to NFL investigators. I could lie thru my teeth to NFL investigators and never even have the thought of having handcuffs slapped on me. But if you get caught lying in an affidavit, it would be a very unwise move.

Has Jerry said anything yet? Will be interesting to hear from the FO on this issue.

The Master Salesman and the King of Marketing Jerry Jones is purposefully manipulating the Cowboys Fan Base....

ZEKE screwed the Cowboys...Zeke Screwed Himself....Stop Blaming the NFL...His actions put the Cowboys season in jeopardy....Its No Ones Fault except ZEKE...

OWN IT ZEKE... Stop supporting Out of Control Idiots......Time to Grow the ___ UP

Jerry Jones is trying to trick you into thinking an Ezekiel Elliott suspension is unfair
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My only concern with Zeke's defense is that none of his defense witnesses wanted to be interviewed by the NFL investigators. None of them!

That is very telling! Not in law but it screams that something just isn't right.

I ask because I don't know, but where has this been reported?
The Master Salesman and the King of Marketing Jerry Jones is purposefully manipulating the Cowboys Fan Base....

ZEKE screwed the Cowboys...Zeke Screwed Himself....Stop Blaming the NFL...His actions put the Cowboys season in jeopardy....Its No Ones Fault except ZEKE...

OWN IT ZEKE... Stop supporting Out of Control Idiots......Time to Grow the ___ UP

Jerry Jones is trying to trick you into thinking an Ezekiel Elliott suspension is unfair


I don't need Jerry to tell me this is unfair.

I can look at the evidence we have and the rationale the league used and know it's unfair.

I don't need Jerry to tell me this is unfair.

I can look at the evidence we have and the rationale the league used and know it's unfair.

Unfair or Not......This is ZEKE's problem....He needs to OWN IT.......Do you see DAK PRESCOTT running around like a fool....NOPE...DAK is acting like a professional
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