News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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The Pants Scenario:
1) Appeal
2) Have the lawyers drag it out until Sep 11th
3) The league reduces it to 3 games

....Mara cries and cries as Zeke puts up a buck fiddy and 2 TD's in week 1; Zeke returns for Green Bay where Dallas is 3-1 at the time
The Pants Scenario:
1) Appeal
2) Have the lawyers drag it out until Sep 11th
3) The league reduces it to 3 games

....Mara cries and cries as Zeke puts up a buck fiddy and 2 TD's in week 1; Zeke returns for Green Bay where Dallas is 3-1 at the time

I've seen one reporting that the NFL will not even consider an appeal to reduce the suspension unless their is new evidence. It's unlikely Zeke's lawyers will have any new evidence. If the NFL has in fact communicated that to Zeke, then they should file immediately with the courts on the basis that they have exhausted the appeals process with the NFL.
I've seen one reporting that the NFL will not even consider an appeal to reduce the suspension unless their is new evidence. It's unlikely Zeke's lawyers will have any new evidence. If the NFL has in fact communicated that to Zeke, then they should file immediately with the courts on the basis that they have exhausted the appeals process with the NFL.
The NFL should follow their own advice. Never should have suspended Zeke unless there was new evidence.
The problem Zeke has is Article 46 of the CBA which gives the Commish carte blanch power to discipline, even if his decision is wrong.

How the NFLPA ever agreed to this is beyond any reasoning I can come up with.

If I am Zeke, I fight this tooth and nail even if the odds are he is going to lose.

Federal labor law prohibits unequal punishments.
Unfair or Not......This is ZEKE's problem....He needs to OWN IT.......Do you see DAK PRESCOTT running around like a fool....NOPE...DAK is acting like a professional

Oh don't get me wrong. Zeke is a total knucklehead who parties too much and is generally a half wit when it comes to off the field stuff.

But that doesn't mean he hit this girl nor does he need to have his name sullied because the league ignored evidence that would refute the girl's story. They had a preconceived outcome and they fit the facts to make it work.
By the way, the most flabbergasting thing here is that apparently despite the fact her own friend and other witnesses claim she was never grabbed and pulled from the car, the league and its panel seem to believe that incident happened because they can place Elliott at the scene and her injuries in the photo could be consistent with that type of incident.

Holy %#}#^.
If I were Jerry Jones I would go full-out war on Goodell. I'd call a press conference and it would go something like this:
" Fellow NFL team owners, GM's, players agents, take heed! Next week it could be YOUR starting quarterback. Next month it could be YOUR 15 sack defensive end. At any time and with no time limit it could be YOUR #1 wide receiver. There need not be any lawful charges, convictions, or litigation of any kind. All it takes is an unhappy girlfriend, ex-wife, even just an acquaintance at a nightclub. Advise your players that they are at risk at ANY TIME! Owners, your season is at risk. That play-off run is subject to the whims of a biased and unreliable league Commisioner.
Oh don't get me wrong. Zeke is a total knucklehead who parties too much and is generally a half wit when it comes to off the field stuff.

But that doesn't mean he hit this girl nor does he need to have his name sullied because the league ignored evidence that would refute the girl's story. They had a preconceived outcome and they fit the facts to make it work.
I don't think anything he's done is really "knucklehead" stuff. The only thing you can really say is silly and that's to some is the St Pattys thing. Everything else is pretty normal stuff.
By the way, the most flabbergasting thing here is that apparently despite the fact her own friend and other witnesses claim she was never grabbed and pulled from the car, the league and its panel seem to believe that incident happened because they can place Elliott at the scene and her injuries in the photo could be consistent with that type of incident.

Holy %#}#^.

That's the scary thing. It proves nothing.

This is the same guy who wants to prevent Dallas from hosting the NFL draft because they don't have bathrooms for a make believe 3rd gender.

He must be taken down. Lose the pink, cut out this cancer before this league is destroyed.
I don't think anything he's done is really "knucklehead" stuff. The only thing you can really say is silly and that's to some is the St Pattys thing. Everything else is pretty normal stuff.

No, he's a knucklehead. Going all the way back to his OSU days.
That's the scary thing. It proves nothing.

This is the same guy who wants to prevent Dallas from hosting the NFL draft because they don't have bathrooms for a make believe 3rd gender.

He must be taken down. Lose the pink, cut out this cancer before this league is destroyed.

And I forgot, the alleged victim even sent a text asking her friend to cover for her lie.

And the league ignored that and thinks that last night's incident did indeed happen.

The Master Salesman and the King of Marketing Jerry Jones is purposefully manipulating the Cowboys Fan Base....

ZEKE screwed the Cowboys...Zeke Screwed Himself....Stop Blaming the NFL...His actions put the Cowboys season in jeopardy....Its No Ones Fault except ZEKE...

OWN IT ZEKE... Stop supporting Out of Control Idiots......Time to Grow the ___ UP

Jerry Jones is trying to trick you into thinking an Ezekiel Elliott suspension is unfair

Ehhh.... not exactly accurate.

Things like facts, credibility of witnesses and evidence matter.

I don't disagree that Zeke needs to wake up and grow up though.
And I forgot, the alleged victim even sent a text asking her friend to cover for her lie.

And the league ignored that and thinks that last night's incident did indeed happen.


This and the other information you posted is why I side more with Elliott. Ordinarily, I believe the women in these cases. But the mitigating factors in Zeke's case are so unusual and so strong, from an objective perspective you have to give his claim more weight.
And I forgot, the alleged victim even sent a text asking her friend to cover for her lie.

And the league ignored that and thinks that last night's incident did indeed happen.


that is the most ridiculous
that person's credibility should be entirely shot.
Long time Patriots fan here, scarred veteran of Deflategate. Sorry about Elliott, another miscarriage of justice. But that's the thing - justice is not Goodell's goal. His kangaroo court is predisposed to finding guilt, to please the press and/or other owners. Once they start investigating a player and find any evidence whatsoever of a misdeed, no matter how weak, it all quickly turns from an inquiry into an all out prosecution. They want you to believe they're playing the role of impartial judge, and will lie & mislead to the moon about that, but Roger is just a rabid DA at that point. They exaggerate the negatives, hide/omit any evidence that's in the player's favor, and shamelessly use the press and social media to further their case. Their process is fundamentally unfair, and there is no judge in their model.

Saints fans will tell you the same thing.
By the way, the most flabbergasting thing here is that apparently despite the fact her own friend and other witnesses claim she was never grabbed and pulled from the car, the league and its panel seem to believe that incident happened because they can place Elliott at the scene and her injuries in the photo could be consistent with that type of incident.

Holy %#}#^.

This is not true. The NFL spokesperson acknowledged that she lied about that particular incident. They are saying that her injuries were sustained over a multi-day period in her apartment, when Tiffany/Zeke were staying together at her apartment in Ohio. And they say the time stamps on her photos on her iPhone match the days/times she says the incidents happened. So, their case is not that 'one incident'. Their case is that over a period of several days in Ohio, Zeke/Tiffany were together in her apartment and more than one act of violence occurred. The photos on her iPhone, including time stamps, correspond to the days she says Zeke assaulted her in her apartment. Zeke's team provided potential scenarios for how the bruises occurred (falling down the stairs, fights, etc) but no evidence to support.

I believe it is highly likely that Zeke is responsible for acts of violence. Zeke has never come out and said "I didn't commit an act of violence" instead he talks about the incident she did lie about (pulling her from car), the fact she said 'I will ruin your career' and 'inconsistencies'. If he really didn't commit any act of violence, he would come out and say very clearly, "I absolutely committed no act of violence against Tiffany. I am wrongly accused. I never hit her, choked her, or anything of the sort". He isn't saying anything close to that.

And, because Jerry probably realizes he is likely responsible, you won't see Jerry come out aggressively to defend Zeke again. He knows Zeke probably is responsible for acts of violence. Instead, I expect the focus of the appeal and Jones' comments will center around reducing the # of games to a more 'reasonable level'.
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Goodell and Mara have a dictatorship and monopoly and will do whatever is needed to make that stronger. The needs to be an uprising of some sorts. But who has the balls to do it. The owners do. Jones and Kraft can start it if they really wanted to. They need to.
One more thing, before someone says 'why didn't she report the violence when it happened'. I suspect she was still hoping to be Zeke's girl and willing to absorb it. But once she saw him in the car with the other chick (this was day 3 or 4), she finally lost it and realized she wasn't going to be his GF, and shifted her focus to try to ruin him.
No, he's a knucklehead. Going all the way back to his OSU days.
My thing is where is the knucklehead stuff. You or somebody else saying it doesn't make it true. Like I said I just asking for the "knuckelhead" stuff. I don't see it because like I said outside of the top incident everything else is quite normal.
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