News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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My thing is where is the knucklehead stuff. You or somebody else saying it doesn't make it true. Like I said I just asking for the "knuckelhead" stuff. I don't see it because like I said outside of the top incident everything else is quite normal.

Hitting chicks isn't normal or acceptable. I agree with you that all the other stuff is pretty normal. Heck I would be hanging out in clubs, scoring chicks, etc. at 22 if I were him too.
One more thing, before someone says 'why didn't she report the violence when it happened'. I suspect she was still hoping to be Zeke's girl and willing to absorb it. But once she saw him in the car with the other chick (this was day 3 or 4), she finally lost it and realized she wasn't going to be his GF, and shifted her focus to try to ruin him.

as known as 'guilty unless proven innocent'.

oh my heart bleeds for her.
may be she can find the nearest bridge or highrise window.
falsifying evidence damages credibility beyond acceptability

life is short
GO FOR IT!!!!!

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This is not true. The NFL spokesperson acknowledged that she lied about that particular incident. They are saying that her injuries were sustained over a multi-day period in her apartment, when Tiffany/Zeke were staying together at her apartment in Ohio. And they say the time stamps on her photos on her iPhone match the days/times she says the incidents happened. So, their case is not that 'one incident'. Their case is that over a period of several days in Ohio, Zeke/Tiffany were together in her apartment and more than one act of violence occurred. The photos on her iPhone, including time stamps, correspond to the days she says Zeke assaulted her in her apartment. Zeke's team provided potential scenarios for how the bruises occurred (falling down the stairs, fights, etc) but no evidence to support.

I believe it is highly likely that Zeke is responsible for acts of violence. Zeke has never come out and said "I didn't commit an act of violence" instead he talks about the incident she did lie about (pulling her from car), the fact she said 'I will ruin your career' and 'inconsistencies'. If he really didn't commit any act of violence, he would come out and say very clearly, "I absolutely committed no act of violence against Tiffany. I am wrongly accused. I never hit her, choked her, or anything of the sort". He isn't saying anything close to that.

And, because Jerry probably realizes he is likely responsible, you won't see Jerry come out aggressively to defend Zeke again. He knows Zeke probably is responsible for acts of violence. Instead, I expect the focus of the appeal and Jones' comments will center around reducing the # of games to a more 'reasonable level'.

LOL. So they admit she lied about the one incident but then don't believe she lied the other times? And the burden of proof isn't on them to prove he hit her, the burden of proof is on Elliott to explain how she got her bruises?

Think about what you just said.
This is not true. The NFL spokesperson acknowledged that she lied about that particular incident. They are saying that her injuries were sustained over a multi-day period in her apartment, when Tiffany/Zeke were staying together at her apartment in Ohio. And they say the time stamps on her photos on her iPhone match the days/times she says the incidents happened. So, their case is not that 'one incident'. Their case is that over a period of several days in Ohio, Zeke/Tiffany were together in her apartment and more than one act of violence occurred. The photos on her iPhone, including time stamps, correspond to the days she says Zeke assaulted her in her apartment. Zeke's team provided potential scenarios for how the bruises occurred (falling down the stairs, fights, etc) but no evidence to support.

I believe it is highly likely that Zeke is responsible for acts of violence. Zeke has never come out and said "I didn't commit an act of violence" instead he talks about the incident she did lie about (pulling her from car), the fact she said 'I will ruin your career' and 'inconsistencies'. If he really didn't commit any act of violence, he would come out and say very clearly, "I absolutely committed no act of violence against Tiffany. I am wrongly accused. I never hit her, choked her, or anything of the sort". He isn't saying anything close to that.

And, because Jerry probably realizes he is likely responsible, you won't see Jerry come out aggressively to defend Zeke again. He knows Zeke probably is responsible for acts of violence. Instead, I expect the focus of the appeal and Jones' comments will center around reducing the # of games to a more 'reasonable level'.
Good post.
Clearly, I need to read more about this case.
My thing is where is the knucklehead stuff. You or somebody else saying it doesn't make it true. Like I said I just asking for the "knuckelhead" stuff. I don't see it because like I said outside of the top incident everything else is quite normal.

He had some drug issues at OSU. Shoot, Bosa moved out of his apartment with Elliott claiming he needed to get himself away from that type of stuff.

Pulling shirt down. Being two feet from a guy knocked out. Speeding over 100 mph. It's been reported in some places that he's had numerous issues with partying and doing dumb stuff that a person with his notoriety shouldn't do.

There isn't a shred of doubt he's a nitwit.
LOL. So they admit she lied about the one incident but then don't believe she lied the other times? And the burden of proof isn't on them to prove he hit her, the burden of proof is on Elliott to explain how she got her bruises?

Think about what you just said.

It's right here. Do a google search on Pete Harvey:


LOL. So they admit she lied about the one incident but then don't believe she lied the other times? And the burden of proof isn't on them to prove he hit her, the burden of proof is on Elliott to explain how she got her bruises?

Think about what you just said.

Yes, this is what they (the NFL) are saying (not me). It isn't a burden of proof situation (he isn't in court). It seems as though Goodell's approach is to decide based upon 'likelihood'. He thinks it is highly likely that Zeke committed acts of violence based upon everything he saw and heard.
All I am saying is if they acknowledged she lied about one of the incidents, that makes them look worse.

They did. Pete Harvey explicitly stated that in a press conference call to the press. He said that Thompson lied about the 1 incident on the 21st and acknowledged that Thompson asked her friend, Mason, to lie for her as well.

Yes, this is what they (the NFL) are saying (not me). It isn't a burden of proof situation (he isn't in court). It seems as though Goodell's approach is to decide based upon 'likelihood'. He thinks it is highly likely that Zeke committed acts of violence based upon everything he saw and heard.

Totally understand that this isn't a court of law and the threshold is lower than a court. But there are serious holes in this girl's story and the league has basically taken the approach of instead of proving with some level of certainty Elliott did this, they in fact have taken the tact that it's up to Elliott to prove how this girl got her bruises and if he can't, then they believe he did it. That's preposterous IMO.

Oh they acknowledge she completely fabricated one of her alleged attacks but apparently give that zero weight in weighing the credibility of Elliott versus this girl.

In the end, Elliott may have no battle here and is screwed based on how the CBA is written. But while I think Elliott is a total dipwad, when it comes to something as serious as DV, the league is basically sullying his name and ruining his reputation over circumstantial evidence that basically is because Elliott can't prove the bruises weren't caused by him, ergo that means he did it.
They did. Pete Harvey explicitly stated that in a press conference call to the press. He said that Thompson lied about the 1 incident on the 21st and acknowledged that Thompson asked her friend, Mason, to lie for her as well.


Then that makes them look worse. You have a clear incidence of the victim lying and they continue to paint her as the victim.
This is not true. The NFL spokesperson acknowledged that she lied about that particular incident. They are saying that her injuries were sustained over a multi-day period in her apartment, when Tiffany/Zeke were staying together at her apartment in Ohio. And they say the time stamps on her photos on her iPhone match the days/times she says the incidents happened. So, their case is not that 'one incident'. Their case is that over a period of several days in Ohio, Zeke/Tiffany were together in her apartment and more than one act of violence occurred. The photos on her iPhone, including time stamps, correspond to the days she says Zeke assaulted her in her apartment. Zeke's team provided potential scenarios for how the bruises occurred (falling down the stairs, fights, etc) but no evidence to support.

I believe it is highly likely that Zeke is responsible for acts of violence. Zeke has never come out and said "I didn't commit an act of violence" instead he talks about the incident she did lie about (pulling her from car), the fact she said 'I will ruin your career' and 'inconsistencies'. If he really didn't commit any act of violence, he would come out and say very clearly, "I absolutely committed no act of violence against Tiffany. I am wrongly accused. I never hit her, choked her, or anything of the sort". He isn't saying anything close to that.

And, because Jerry probably realizes he is likely responsible, you won't see Jerry come out aggressively to defend Zeke again. He knows Zeke probably is responsible for acts of violence. Instead, I expect the focus of the appeal and Jones' comments will center around reducing the # of games to a more 'reasonable level'.

Last time I checked, innocent until proven guilty was the standard.

She not only lied but she attempted a conspiracy to defame him. That is not in question. Yet you take her on face value for the other instances?

Thank goodness the legal system doesn't allow such nonsense.
Then that makes them look worse. You have a clear incidence of the victim lying and they continue to paint her as the victim.

I suspect Tiffany came clean and acknowledged she lied about the car incident when the NFL spoke to her (probably multiple times), and admitted she did ask her friends to lie and help ruin him. But she was probably consistent and articulate regarding the other violence incidents, and had the pics (with time stamps) on her cell phone. Whereas Zeke focused on the fact that she wasn't credible (because she lied) but never came out and said 'I didn't commit any violence. period'. Add then his witnesses weren't willing to talk in person, which is bad.

Without being there face to face to hear Tiffany and Zeke talk, who knows, but I can see how you would come to the conclusion that he probably committed violence. He was evasive and defensive, she was probably direct, showed pictures and described all the incidents in detail. It's very different than a court of law. It's a man's opinion on 'likelihood'.
I suspect Tiffany came clean and acknowledged she lied about the car incident when the NFL spoke to her (probably multiple times), and admitted she did ask her friends to lie and help ruin him. But she was probably was consistent and articulate regarding the other violence incidents, and had the pics (with time stamps) on her cell phone. Whereas Zeke focused on the fact that she wasn't credible (because she lied) but never came out and said 'I didn't commit any violence. period'. Add then his witnesses weren't willing to talk in person, which is bad. Without being there face to face to hear Tiffany and Zeke talk, who knows, but I can see how you would come to the conclusion that he probably committed violence. He was evasive and on the defense, she was probably direct, showed pictures and described all the incidents in detail. It's very different than a court of law. It's a man's opinion on 'likelihood'.

Falsifying evidence destroys credibility.
How can that not be crystal clear...

Lets start by signing Ray Rice!!!!!!!
Hitting chicks isn't normal or acceptable. I agree with you that all the other stuff is pretty normal. Heck I would be hanging out in clubs, scoring chicks, etc. at 22 if I were him too.
Now acceptable I'll agree with but normal please. If it wasn't normal we wouldn't have laws in place for it in the first place. Now the rest we can agree with.

He had some drug issues at OSU. Shoot, Bosa moved out of his apartment with Elliott claiming he needed to get himself away from that type of stuff.

Pulling shirt down. Being two feet from a guy knocked out. Speeding over 100 mph. It's been reported in some places that he's had numerous issues with partying and doing dumb stuff that a person with his notoriety shouldn't do.

There isn't a shred of doubt he's a nitwit.
Drugs issues are quite normal for young people and even old. I already said pulling shirt down was the one thing people could say was knuckleheaded stuff. Speeding please if that's the case this whole board is full of knuckleheads unless their cars are slow lol. People party all the time and unless you have some proof of it being more than partying you aren't sounding much different than the nfl right now. There is a shred of doubt because unless you are Tim Tebow most of the things listed are normal things. I don't think those things that normal people do everyday make one a knucklehead. If you do cool we can agree to disagree.
I suspect Tiffany came clean and acknowledged she lied about the car incident when the NFL spoke to her (probably multiple times), and admitted she did ask her friends to lie and help ruin him. But she was probably was consistent and articulate regarding the other violence incidents, and had the pics (with time stamps) on her cell phone. Whereas Zeke focused on the fact that she wasn't credible (because she lied) but never came out and said 'I didn't commit any violence. period'. Add then his witnesses weren't willing to talk in person, which is bad. Without being there face to face to hear Tiffany and Zeke talk, who knows, but I can see how you would come to the conclusion that he probably committed violence. He was evasive and on the defense, she was probably direct, showed pictures and described all the incidents in detail. It's very different than a court of law. It's a man's opinion on 'likelihood'.

And now we have another one making up stories to condemn Zeke.

You have no idea what Elliott or Thompson said to the NFL but you certainly seen intent on talking yourself into a condemnation.
And now we have another one making up stories to condemn Zeke.

You have no idea what Elliott or Thompson said to the NFL but you certainly seen intent on talking yourself into a condemnation.

Dude. My opinion doesn't matter. Neither does yours. This isn't about me. I am speculating how the committee and Roger could have reached their conclusion that he committed violence. I am simply backing into a potential scenario on how it played out based upon everything I am hearing and reading.
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