It is the end! LOST Final Season

Joe Rod;3400419 said:
:laugh2: Funny vid.

Did it really release the smoke Monster, though? I had thought that their dead mom showing up was the smoke monster (like how it took on the form of Jack's father to talk to him in season one).

That is an unexplained piece to me.

i think the mom was the original smoke monster...showing up as the dead mother to MIB...than killing a whole village of people alone and destroying the well's. She also knows what happens if you go into the light
I can't believe most people didn't like Across The Sea. It's mind-boggling to me actually...but whatever. For those of you who didn't like it I would just quit watching and think that the last episode of the series was The Canidate.
With MIB and Mother being painted as Adam and Eve, that means Jacob can only represent one of two things (God or Devil, Good or Evil). I think Jacob represents evil. When adult Jacob was with Mother in front of the bright light, he said that Mother always wanted MIB to be the one who defended it. She responded by saying that now she understood it was Jacob's purpose all along. I think she lied, she knew that MIB was the only one who could truly protect the light, so she had to keep him on the island. In the scene before her death, it seemed pretty clear that she knew she was about to die and it's not much of a leap to assume that she also knew how Jacob would respond. By becoming one with the light, MIB was forced to protect it.

MIB is the actual defender of the islands power/secrets, but he's an unwilling defender.

Jacob plays a support role in defending the island by making sure his brother can't escape.

The candidate then is either the one who can continue to contain the MIB, or the person who can replace MIB. To replace MIB, the person would have to willingly embrace the island. John Locke originally fulfilled this role (so it's no coincidence that MIB takes his form) but Ben, an agent of Jacob, killed him. Now, Jack seems to be filling the role.

If I had to take a wild guess, I'd bet that Desmond becomes the new Jacob and Jack become the new MIB.
I have to post it. It reminds me of The Man In Black trying to cross the sea!

May your soul find The Island! MR. DIO

Danny White;3400395 said:
For my 2 cents, I think the MIB turned into the Smoke Monster (as opposed to just releasing him).

If there's any doubt, this proves it:


:lmao2::lmao:available at WalGreens.
Great episode, and a perfect build up for the finale. Those that deny it need to go seek the light.
The Ominous;3408024 said:
Great episode, and a perfect build up for the finale. Those that deny it need to go seek the light.

Sunday can't get here fast enough.
I thought this past episode was a little underwhelming. I'm still excited for the finale but some of the "answers" this week were just a little weak-sauce.

On first watch, one of my least favorite episodes of the final season.
I need to start watching Kimmel more for these kind of bits:


I'm not completely sure what I just saw, but it was absolutely great. I definitely got a lump in the throat towards the end there.
Ozzu;3412079 said:

I'm not completely sure what I just saw, but it was absolutely great. I definitely got a lump in the throat towards the end there.

You and me both.

Perfect ending...I'm so surprised that I'm satisfied with how the show ended!!

Spoilers below - Highlight to see...

The flash sideways were the purgatory. They didn't die in the crash, that really happened. But they all eventually died on the island, off the island or whenever - likely Hugo and Ben being the last as they stayed to protect the island. The alternate reality was their way of having a happy ending together, before they all moved off to heaven.

Really, a great ending to the show!!!
they did not die in the crash...The alt was all of them getting together after the all had died (christian telling jack, some died before him, and some died long after) so when they finally all met up in the flash sideways(alt)...they let go
I'd love some supplemental stuff to go more into the history of the island, to see some of Hurley as the protecter, and other odds and ends.

Having said that...A very satisfying ending (probably the best series finale I've seen), and really for the characters, it was a complete story.
I loved the finale - Jack was always such a tortured soul so it was great for him to fulfill his destiny and find some peace in the end.

My only fear was after he fixed the light and died they would reincarnate him as "smokie 2" and he would be going at it with Hurley. Thankfully, they resisted.

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