90% of Cowboy Nation is fine with Dakota "WENTZ 2.0" Prescot........LOL, LOL! WENTZ 2.0 has been here for many years and has basically
nothing to show for it, except a fat bank account and a bunch of "WAIT UNTIL NEXT YEARS". We're stuck with our own WENTZ 2.0 and if he can't play his way to an NFC Championship or SB then the front office has to give him the Philly treatment and either trade or cut him. I expect after this season, WENTZ 2.0 will have been here 8 years with no real success except a bunch of stats that don't mean didley squat and if JJ wants to be taken seriously AND we know he does, he needs to cut bait with this over hype, overpaid, less than mediocre wannabe NFL QB.