Jason Hatcher on what’s different about Washington: The head coach isn’t policing the team

Hatcher may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but he knows enough about Washington to realize the best way to win the hearts of the Washington faithful is to criticize the Cowboys and praise the Commanders. Voila! Instant popularity guaranteed. They'll swallow it, hook, line and sinker, every time!
Hatcher may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but he knows enough about Washington to realize the best way to win the hearts of the Washington faithful is to criticize the Cowboys and praise the Commanders. Voila! Instant popularity guaranteed. They'll swallow it, hook, line and sinker, every time!

1. If beating the Commanders alone means a good season, your definition of good and mine differ greatly.

Well, I can understand why you thought I meant it was going to be a good season for Dallas, but that isn't what I was saying. When I said, "Oh, this season is gonna be good...", I was implying that the Commanders were going to be in trouble if they are letting the inmates run the asylum up there in DC. I am a firm believer that when the players are making any of the decisions in lieu of the coaches, you are about to partake in a cluster ****.

So, what I actually meant was that Washington is in position to have a really bad first season under Gruden, and that I will enjoy watching it happen. I wasn't even thinking about the Cowboys won/loss record this year.

2. I doubt seriously this approach continues through Training Camp. For right now, it makes sense to let the veterans dictate their conditioning for training camp. They know what's best for their bodies better than anyone. They are professionals and should be able to police themselves. I have a feeling though that atmosphere will change once the pads come on.

You think they're are letting the players make their own decisions and that they will suddenly turn into Bill Parcells and run a tight ship once camp starts?

If so... that's where you and I really disagree.
Well, I can understand why you thought I meant it was going to be a good season for Dallas, but that isn't what I was saying. When I said, "Oh, this season is gonna be good...", I was implying that the Commanders were going to be in trouble if they are letting the inmates run the asylum up there in DC. I am a firm believer that when the players are making any of the decisions in lieu of the coaches, you are about to partake in a cluster ****.

So, what I actually meant was that Washington is in position to have a really bad first season under Gruden, and that I will enjoy watching it happen. I wasn't even thinking about the Cowboys won/loss record this year.

I stand corrected.

You think they're are letting the players make their own decisions and that they will suddenly turn into Bill Parcells and run a tight ship once camp starts?

If so... that's where you and I really disagree.

Fair enough. But let me modify those words you put my mouth real quick. I'm not sure if it will be a Parcell's ran camp. But any son of Chucky, has got to have a little discipline and he will likely tighten the reigns once training camp starts. Just my thoughts. But I wouldn't count on them having a bad season...they still have some really good pieces up there.
Fair enough. But let me modify those words you put my mouth real quick. I'm not sure if it will be a Parcell's ran camp. But any son of Chucky, has got to have a little discipline and he will likely tighten the reigns once training camp starts. Just my thoughts. But I wouldn't count on them having a bad season...they still have some really good pieces up there.

You might be right, man. And I did kinda put those words in your mouth and it wasn't what you said... my bad.

Prior to what Hatcher said, I was kind of in wait-and-see mode with the Commanders. I really like Jon Gruden a lot and because of my respect for him, I haven't ruled out his brother doing well.

However, what Hatcher said is really bad news for Commander fans, IMO. I know that if I were a Skins fan, I'd be really upset. I can't imagine any way you could take what he said as a positive for the Commanders.

As much as I have respect for Jon Gruden - and by proxy his brother - the way Danny Snyder runs that franchise might be too much for anyone to overcome.

Frankly, I think Mike Shanahan is a fantastic coach, and if Snyder's web and RG3's entitlement was too much for him... then I doubt if the pseudo-Gruden has much of a chance.
Sounds like a terrible situation lol. Sounds just like Wade's way of doing things. I'm not a fan of that way but obviously the vet payers do. Hatcher got PAID and now he can chill at camp and do what he wants, can't blame him for loving that. I'd much rather have the coach policing the team, who else is going to? The owner? GM? Team captains? There are few men in the league with that kind of power. Ray Lewis was one of them.
You might be right, man. And I did kinda put those words in your mouth and it wasn't what you said... my bad.

Prior to what Hatcher said, I was kind of in wait-and-see mode with the Commanders. I really like Jon Gruden a lot and because of my respect for him, I haven't ruled out his brother doing well.

However, what Hatcher said is really bad news for Commander fans, IMO. I know that if I were a Skins fan, I'd be really upset. I can't imagine any way you could take what he said as a positive for the Commanders.

As much as I have respect for Jon Gruden - and by proxy his brother - the way Danny Snyder runs that franchise might be too much for anyone to overcome.

Frankly, I think Mike Shanahan is a fantastic coach, and if Snyder's web and RG3's entitlement was too much for him... then I doubt if the pseudo-Gruden has much of a chance.

I think it's a bit soon to take too much stock in what is being said right now. Sometimes change is all the catalyst a team needs to come back to life, so-to-speak. Not too many years ago the 49ers were terrible. Enter Jim Harbaugh and the rest is history. There was a debate earlier in this thread measuring what styles seem to work best and it has always been my contention that a coaches style is not nearly as important as rather or not the players buy in to the coach and his system. If the current players love to play for him, he will get results. I also added in a previous post on this thread that the people said coach surrounds himself with also is more important in my mind. But that is just my opinion, I'm not an expert...just a big believer in the cliche that there is more than one way to skin a cat.

I didn't know it was Gruden brother, I assumed he was a son, but in hindsight, Gruden might be a bit young to have a son old enough to be a Head Coach. And no worries on putting words in my mouth; it was simply your interpretation of what I said; I did not take offense. I just wanted to clarify what I meant.
This tells m that Hatcher wanted to be lazy and take time off in practice. But JG would not allow it.
Of course I may be wrong, but it could be true also.

So Hatcher and fellow Commanders teammate vets...run the team with what appears will be a soft coach [we don't know, as these are just Hatcher's take] and rethink your decision after a Commanders bad season.
I know I'm late to this thread... but, lol, what?

He can't be serious, can he?

Oh, this season is gonna be good...

Those comments in particular we're completely ridiculous. I can't wait to see what kind of team they put on the field after a full offseason of 3 win players "setting the foundation" LOL.

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