Jaylon Smith thread


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I love the kid, but let’s be honest......he is a gimp right now and he is hurting the team. You can’t play MLB with a gimp knee, you just can’t.

Teams will continue to isolate him one-on-one and he can’t compete right now. He should not be on the field, I am sorry but it is what it is.


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I'll save the mods a second and post a thread for him.

I love Smith's heart. I love his spirit. I hate seeing him on the field.

He shouldn't even be active on game day let alone playing significant snaps. He is not ready. You can get dozens of other players to do better than him right now.

Stop being stubborn and be sensible. It's killing this team.
I thought we were done creating threads on this guy... we need to move on... i posted back in the spring about his drop step. Most people thought he looked good back then, but to me he looked off. I knew he would struggle- and believes his career is over...


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Coaching staff again. He shouldn't have been put in a situation to start.
You're right....the real culprits are the Coaching Staff.....they are hanging him out to dry unforgiveable....He simply needs recovery and situational play. Lee missing games again?.....no depth....no talent....no speed. Yep....coaching staff.


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I don't even fault his physical limitations as much as I do his mental mistakes. You can watch his drops in coverage and he just seems to be lost, having his back turned, and not really locating anything. When he needs to fill a gap, it seems more often than not he puts himself out of position.

Don't get me wrong, anything to the boundary shows his physical limitations. Side to side, he simply doesn't have any burst. But even in the box he's finding himself simply lost on what his responsibilities should be.


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We need to blame the coaches for putting us in the position to have to rely on Jaylon or Rolando McClain's crazy *** for being too immature to stay on the field. He was the perfect MLB for this defense and we haven't even tried to replace him. We need an LB that can knock a guard off his path and free up Lee and Hitchens to do their thing. Jaylon is a clean up guy and not a playmaker on this level...at least not yet. He needs a clear path to the ball carrier and room to run sideline to sideline. A thumper he is not.


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I've been saying it since Day1. Posting breakdowns and clips from analysts. Just watch. He doesn't initiate contact. He waits till it comes.

It's so obvious. Sure he's a great story. Sure it's remarkable how far he's come. But he's no bueno right now.
But he leads the team in tackles. :lmao2:


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How many clueless homers told us all how Smith was going to change our defense? By the time this guy is ready to actually play at 100% he will be cut from the team.
Chances are he will never be 100%

People need to come to grips.

Same people that thought he’d be a stud this year are now posting he needs another year.


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Chances are he will never be 100%

People need to come to grips.

Same people that thought he’d be a stud this year are now posting he needs another year.

yep........................I agree.


Pixel Pusher
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I hope he can return to pre injury form but he’s clearly not close yet. Right now he’s a liability.

He was never pre-injury in the NFL.

I had been saying that there were four things Jaylon had to do that people were assuming was a given:

1. Recover from injury
2. Prove he can play in the NFL
3. Prove he can play in the NFL at a high level
4. Prove he can play in the NFL at an elite level

As far as I can tell, he hasn't even really done #1 yet, but people were expecting him to skip right to #4.
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Smith is playing because Hitchens was hurt and now Lee is hurt. That's not his fault. Otherwise, he wouldn't be out there so much.

But yeah, let's create another thread to bash the kid because God knows he's the only reason this defense sucks. Frankly, I'm more annoyed by veterans who can't make a damn play to save their lives.
circumstances aside, he is a zero. No push or instincts.......bad angles, reacting and behind the play. I hope the game slows down form and things click