Jaylon Smith thread


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Good kid. But a bust

You must be quite qualified to be able to come to such a decision so quickly. The kid has played 5 NFL games coming back from a horrific injury that may have ended his career. You truly have a keen gift to be able to come to that decision in such a short period of time. You are ........ what’s the word I’m looking for? … an idiot.


Well-Known Member
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Too soon to say he is a bust, but really needs his snaps limited.

I get injuries are unpredictable, but I don't get the FO sitting on their hands after Hitchens/Lee got injured.
Making Jaylon play almost the entire game on defense is on the coaches/FO.

Sure, experience "helps" but I'm not sure how much it helps if he isn't at 100% and is playing tentative.


Well-Known Member
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Too soon to say he is a bust, but really needs his snaps limited.

I get injuries are unpredictable, but I don't get the FO sitting on their hands after Hitchens/Lee got injured.
Making Jaylon play almost the entire game on defense is on the coaches/FO.

Sure, experience "helps" but I'm not sure how much it helps if he isn't at 100% and is playing tentative.



Well-Known Member
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It's noticeable in games too that Jaylon doesn't always take on blockers. Some plays he'll blow the block up and some plays he back pedals almost 10 yards

There was a play against the Giants where he was literally blocked off the screen.

In my eyes an equally troubling issue is his penchant for missing tackles one-on-one in the hole. Can't have that.


Well-Known Member
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I look forward to watching the monumental shift in air currents once you all do that complete 180 on Jaylon. It may not happen this year (never expected it to.. He's a rook. Duh) but it will happen. I'm not going to care to remember your names when it does happen but you know who you are.
So just because someone "might" be good, at some point, some day, he doesn't deserve any criticism till then? Sorry, but that's a dumb way of thinking. Smith is terrible right now, stop defending it.

Can't believe someone of you actually thought he'd be better than Lee lmao.
All that athleticism he relied on in college, It's gone. & it's not like he can rely on his intelligence because it's not there yet either.

& P.S, I've always been a believer in Jaylon. I've been pulling for him ever since we drafted him. I wanna see that nasty combo of Lee & Smith. But I've already seen Enough. We need to get this liability off the field.


This is a house of learned doctors
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IMO, he was thrust in too early due to Hitchen's injury and he is miscast in what they are asking him to do. He should be in a Luke Kuechly type SLB role where he can attack, not read and react. If they wanted that style of player then they should have drafted Myles Jack.


Well-Known Member
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Take away what he loves and make him inactive against SF.

Just let him watch his Brother play from the sidelines in his street clothes.

Against the deadskins put him on special teams ONLY!

When the Chiefs come to town give him a few snaps on defense and see what he does.

Repeat for the next 3 games if there's no improvement.



Well-Known Member
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You must be quite qualified to be able to come to such a decision so quickly. The kid has played 5 NFL games coming back from a horrific injury that may have ended his career. You truly have a keen gift to be able to come to that decision in such a short period of time. You are ........ what’s the word I’m looking for? … an idiot.
Lol, sticks and stones......internet tough guy. Maybe we can meet face to face some day


Active Member
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Internet tough guy? Pot … kettle. Maybe we can meet behind the play area at your school when you get finished with your 9th grade math class. Looks like you are the one issuing challenges with the face to face comment which just proves my point …. You are an idiot. Thanks for confirming it for all of us.


Original Zoner (he's a good boy!)
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You can't select players in the 2nd round that have to red shirt a year if their second season becomes just a continuing rehab project (while gaining some game experience), with the hope their third season is a breakout.

Unless the player is a QB, and you really need one, it's a wasted selection.

Second rounders are too valuable to be used in this fashion.

Jaylon is going to have to blow up into one heck of a player to justify Jerry's gamble.


Stay Classy Philly/Minny
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do you remember the last game he played? he was horrible
I remember him being a tackling machine for his entire career.. For instance that play where Bennett made a reception in the flat for 7 yards when Hitchens was waiting for him to make a move before attacking, Lee would have tackled him for a 1 yard game.

Lee is an extremely smart player. Knows where people have to line up, can diagnosis plays very fast and is a play maker. The loss of Sean Lee these past two games has been disastrous for the cowboys D