Jaylon Smith's nerve not firing

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Great. Back to breaking down the trampoline video like it is Zapruder footage.

Great, back to whining about it like it was footage of an unfaithful spouse.

This is not footage of a bullet you cannot see like the Kennedy film. You can see his foot very clearly.
Ah, cute. We already went over this. An AFO does not prevent flexion of the forefoot downward. You claiming the AFO is rigid is either based out of being stubborn intellectual dishonesty (sorta like you claiming he was wearing the same bulky AFO from August of last year) or plain ignorance.

There are static AFOs and dynamic AFOs. The latter allows plantar flexion of the forefoot and rigidness to help lift the foot up.

Calling me dishonest after characterizing a paragraph as a blurb and claiming it doesn't mention nerve firing only to ignore the rebuttal is rich if not surprising from you.

I will reiterate that there is a news article that directly mentions his body is catching up to an already firing nerve.

As for your wishcasting of a new AFO:

I want you to take your argument about "stubborn intellectual dishonesty" --I knew you wouldn't be able to help yourself-- and apply it to your wishcasting that he is wearing a different brace. What evidence of a brace do you have at all whatsoever?

Further, I did not say that he was wearing it. I said it was obvious that he was not wearing it. He was wearing a dynamic AFO before, I linked its product page before after showing a still of it from TC. It had Ritchie stamped on the side of it making the search remarkably easy.

That was my entire point, he wore that brace before when we know he had a complete palsy. You are claiming that there is no change in that condition. Why would he change braces if there was still a complete palsy and no change?

Wearing a semirigid brace that he could in theory hide would be less support and imply an improvement in the condition.

Let's talk about AFO's though. There are several types of AFO's. There are the springloaded kind, like he wore before, that are big and bulky which he is clearly not wearing.

There are the semi-rigid kind that depend on the rigidity of the material they are made out of to return a foot to the upright position. That is what you are wishcasting that he is wearing. There are multiple reasons why I think that is not the case.

1) There is no evidence of him wearing one at all whatsoever.
2) They supply less support than the brace he was wearing before.
3) The motion in the video looks even and fluid. This would be near impossible to achieve with a semi-rigid piece of plastic strapped to the back of only one foot.
4) The thing about semi-rigid material is that it applies resistance regardless of the direction that you try and deform the material from its original shape. Sure it will pick the foot back up when it is pushed down but it will also work against any power the calf puts into the range of motion robbing an athlete of even more athleticism. Recall the motion was fluid and even.
5) He points the toe down at a steep angle without leverage on the way down. If he has a brace holding his foot up why would he fight the brace to the steep angle evident in the still? It looks to me that his peroneal is still weak and he just let his foot go after reaching the desired position which was the point of the exaggerated high knee hurdling.
Do you have an article that discusses the difference between nerve regeneration and nerve refiring?


No article is needed, just common sense. The damaged section of the nerve is essentially dead and it must fully regenerate meaning a new nerve must grow along the same path so there is a path for the nerve impulses to travel along. Once the new nerve has fully regenerated, it is hoped that it will refire meaning the nerve impulses will begin to travel to the muscle. Regenerating and refiring are two totally different things and I cannot believe that anyone paying attention hasn't known that since about two weeks after Jaylon was drafted. The nerve may fully regenerate or it may never reach the correct spot in order to control the affected muscle. It may regenerate fully and correctly and still never fire. He may never get control of his foot, he may get 100% control back, or he may get something in between. We do not know at this point but he is way behind the best case scenario and it is extremely bad news that his nerve isn't firing this far removed from the injury. That doesn't mean he will never fully recover but it does mean that it's much more likely he won't then the team ever expected when they drafted him.
I wish I knew how to post pics so I could post pics of my afo.

There are 2 types for the most part. Mine is bulky and has a strap that I have to strap over my ankle. These are for people who need more support and lift on their foot.

There are others that do not have the strap across the ankle and those are worn by people who dont need as much lift on their foot.

When you wear a afo you cant push your foot down. Thats the purpose of the afo.

They all have a straps that goes across the calf.

I have no clue what he wears but I'm assuming it's not the one I wear. It would very difficult to play and do what he has done in the videos with the one I wear.
I wish I knew how to post pics so I could post pics of my afo.

There are 2 types for the most part. Mine is bulky and has a strap that I have to strap over my ankle. These are for people who need more support and lift on their foot.

There are others that do not have the strap across the ankle and those are worn by people who dont need as much lift on their foot.

When you wear a afo you cant push your foot down. Thats the purpose of the afo.

They all have a straps that goes across the calf.

I have no clue what he wears but I'm assuming it's not the one I wear. It would very difficult to play and do what he has done in the videos with the one I wear.

Take a pic of it on your phone. Email the pic or otherwise transfer it to your computer. You can use paint or similar utility to crop the pic to what you want to use. Go to a free image hosting site like tinypic.com and upload the pic. Take the url the site gives you and use it to post the pic here.
No article is needed, just common sense.

I'm sorry, but I don't consider medical issues a matter of "common sense." If they were, everybody would be a doctor. (I apologize to my audience of Internet doctors. :laugh:)
Quite frankly, that's the problem, i.e., posters who think that by reading an article here or an article there they're as qualified as a licensed, professional doctor.
Actually, I was more interested in reading a published doctor who offered a peer-review article on the topic. I thought you might have understood my request, which I think is very reasonable if indeed the information is "common sense."
Asking for a verifiable source? Yeah, I'm funny that way. ;)
We're going to find out in the next few months if there's any chance Smith can return to form or even play. I'm prepared for the worst possible news that he can't play with this and is forced to announce his retirement. I'm not expecting that at least not at this point but once he gets to training camp and preseason and tries to play he and the team may come to the realization that's it's just not going to happen.

I'm sure the Cowboys/Jerry are going to at least try and play him because of the premium pick they gave up for him. They want to get at least some kind of contribution from him even if it's in spots so it's not a complete waste of a premium draft pick. We can speculate all we want but once we get to training camp THAT'S when we're going to find out if there's any chance Smith can contribute in 2017.
Take a pic of it on your phone. Email the pic or otherwise transfer it to your computer. You can use paint or similar utility to crop the pic to what you want to use. Go to a free image hosting site like tinypic.com and upload the pic. Take the url the site gives you and use it to post the pic here.
Thanks, I'll try lol I'm not the sharpest tool when it comes to this. Mine is the old fashion bulky one. I have hopes that I can move to a different one If They do surgery on my ankle. That's some of the reason I have to wear the bulky one. I'll find out next week if they will do the surgery. They say it might be beyond repair. I have decent movement but my ankle prevents me from having better movement. I lost 2 in of length in my fibula which is causing ankle problems.
Thanks, I'll try lol I'm not the sharpest tool when it comes to this. Mine is the old fashion bulky one. I have hopes that I can move to a different one If They do surgery on my ankle. That's some of the reason I have to wear the bulky one. I'll find out next week if they will do the surgery. They say it might be beyond repair. I have decent movement but my ankle prevents me from having better movement. I lost 2 in of length in my fibula which is causing ankle problems.

Ouch. Mend well, sir.
I'm sorry, but I don't consider medical issues a matter of "common sense." If they were, everybody would be a doctor. (I apologize to my audience of Internet doctors. :laugh:)
Quite frankly, that's the problem, i.e., posters who think that by reading an article here or an article there they're as qualified as a licensed, professional doctor.
Actually, I was more interested in reading a published doctor who offered a peer-review article on the topic. I thought you might have understood my request, which I think is very reasonable if indeed the information is "common sense."
Asking for a verifiable source? Yeah, I'm funny that way. ;)

I have never claimed to be a doctor. Further, I am more than comfortable deferring to jobber and doc. In fact when they contradict me, I adjust my stance to be in accord 9 times out of 10.

Thing is they have not been contradicting me on this issue.

Further, I do not make statements that appeal to authority for all the whinging about my vocabulary. I present evidence and facts which allow people to make up their own mind.
I'm sorry, but I don't consider medical issues a matter of "common sense." If they were, everybody would be a doctor. (I apologize to my audience of Internet doctors. :laugh:)
Quite frankly, that's the problem, i.e., posters who think that by reading an article here or an article there they're as qualified as a licensed, professional doctor.
Actually, I was more interested in reading a published doctor who offered a peer-review article on the topic. I thought you might have understood my request, which I think is very reasonable if indeed the information is "common sense."
Asking for a verifiable source? Yeah, I'm funny that way. ;)

Medical issues become common sense when they have been explained ad nausea and are very easy to understand in the first place. When it comes to nerves, regenerate and refire are totally different processes and are not interchangeable terms. What more would you like to know?
Speculation and updates mean nothing. The best proof for what he can and cannot do is his performance on the field.

He could heal completely and suck. He could have permanent issues and make it to the Hall of Fame.

Despite having only half a hand, Jason Pierre Paul had more sacks than any Cowboy last season. Charlie Waters once played an entire season with a pin inserted into his shoulder.

We never really know.

Said it at the time and stand by it, it was an unnecessary risky pick early in the 2nd. We're going to need to change our philosophy and go for solid doubles/triples instead of swinging for the fences when a strikeout is more likely.

Ya I thought it was worth the risk but we haven't really hit on defensive players unfortunately. Was hoping the smith injury would be a lot better by now.
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