Jean Luc Picard vs. James T. Kirk

Stautner;3916218 said:
To be honest, never really gave the newer version a chance. I couldn't bear to see anyone screw with the show I watched as a kid.
That's a shame for the following reason. If you enjoyed Classic Trek (my pet name for The Original Series), you would really like Next Generation and perhaps even DS9 and Voyager as well.

I felt exactly the same way as you do when Next Generation first debuted. I tuned into the premiere episode Encounter At Farpoint, watched as the newest Enterprise separated it's primary and secondary hulls while still at warp and turned the television off right there. Disgusted. It was only after more than half of the first season had elapsed and hearing good reviews of the show that I gave it a second chance. I'm glad that I did. True story.

Here's a nonadversarial challenge for any Classic Trek fans who have never given the new show(s) a shot. The following are seven episodes from each spinoff of the original show. In my opinion, each are as good or better than any episode from the '60s series.

All will not be found on some top ten list somewhere on the Net. I do not consider all as being 'the best of the best'. These are just a few episodes I think would appeal to any Classic Trek fan's heart and imagination--so much so that it could generate enough curiosity in getting someone to watch even more:

Star Trek|The Next Generation
1. Darmok
2. The Inner Light
3. The Measure Of A Man
4. The Best Of Both Worlds
5. Redemption
6. Tapestry
7. Yesterday's Enterprise

Star Trek|Deep Space Nine
1. Trials And Tribble-ations
2. Whispers
3. The Visitor
4. In The Pale Moonlight
5. The Jem'Hadar
6. Visionary
7. Sacrifice Of Angels

Star Trek|Voyager
1. The Year Of Hell
2. Message In A Bottle
3. Timeless
4. Living Witness
5. Scientific Method
6. Scorpion
7. Endgame

Every one has their personal limits of what they really like, so I won't push things by suggesting anything from the last series, Enterprise. :p:
Just like Sean Connery will always be THE Bond, James T Kirk will always be THE Captain of the Enterprise.
DallasEast;3916495 said:
That's a shame for the following reason. If you enjoyed Classic Trek (my pet name for The Original Series), you would really like Next Generation and perhaps even DS9 and Voyager as well.

I felt exactly the same way as you do when Next Generation first debuted. I tuned into the premiere episode Encounter At Farpoint, watched as the newest Enterprise separated it's primary and secondary hulls while still at warp and turned the television off right there. Disgusted. It was only after more than half of the first season had elapsed and hearing good reviews of the show that I gave it a second chance. I'm glad that I did. True story.

Here's a nonadversarial challenge for any Classic Trek fans who have never given the new show(s) a shot. The following are seven episodes from each spinoff of the original show. In my opinion, each are as good or better than any episode from the '60s series.

All will not be found on some top ten list somewhere on the Net. I do not consider all as being 'the best of the best'. These are just a few episodes I think would appeal to any Classic Trek fan's heart and imagination--so much so that it could generate enough curiosity in getting someone to watch even more:

Star Trek|The Next Generation
1. Darmok
2. The Inner Light
3. The Measure Of A Man
4. The Best Of Both Worlds
5. Redemption
6. Tapestry
7. Yesterday's Enterprise

Star Trek|Deep Space Nine
1. Trials And Tribble-ations
2. Whispers
3. The Visitor
4. In The Pale Moonlight
5. The Jem'Hadar
6. Visionary
7. Sacrifice Of Angels

Star Trek|Voyager
1. The Year Of Hell
2. Message In A Bottle
3. Timeless
4. Living Witness
5. Scientific Method
6. Scorpion
7. Endgame

Every one has their personal limits of what they really like, so I won't push things by suggesting anything from the last series, Enterprise. :p:

When I first saw the 1701-D, I hated the windows. I thought it was a travesty to mess with such a sleek hull design, especially considering there was no need for them when the bridge doesn't have one.

Far Point was a horrible intro episode, but I loved SciFi and gave it a chance. Really good series. Never got into Voyager or Deep Space though.
DallasEast;3915559 said:

Sovereign Class would beat the snot out of the Constitution Class Monday through Saturday and twice on Sunday. :p:


Give me a Nebula class Starship and I'll kick both their arses!
CliffnMesquite;3916625 said:

Give me a Nebula class Starship and I'll kick both their arses!

*sigh I have the Star Trek Legacy video game.

1.Sovereign class
2.Galaxy class
3.Ambassador class
4.Nebula class

Would like to see how Infinite Space ranks the ships too though.
CliffnMesquite;3916625 said:

Give me a Nebula class Starship and I'll kick both their arses!

Yeagermeister;3916830 said:
Show-off. :mad:
MonsterD;3916844 said:
BIGGER show-off. :mad: :mad:

Fine then! If you two want to play that game, I'll just sic Kathryn Janeway on both of you. :laugh1:
DallasEast;3916900 said:
Show-off. :mad:
BIGGER show-off. :mad: :mad:

Fine then! If you two want to play that game, I'll just sic Kathryn Janeway on both of you. :laugh1:

She cheated lol
SaltwaterServr;3916585 said:
When I first saw the 1701-D, I hated the windows. I thought it was a travesty to mess with such a sleek hull design, especially considering there was no need for them when the bridge doesn't have one.

Far Point was a horrible intro episode, but I loved SciFi and gave it a chance. Really good series. Never got into Voyager or Deep Space though.
Here are twelve and nine-minute intros, respectively, of the episodes Sacrifice Of Angels (DS9) and Year Of Hell (Voyager) for anyone's entertainment:[youtube]G46rFZsf9gQ[/youtube]
[youtube]7tYcpmwniQA[/youtube]I will say this though. Of all five series, Voyager has the best lead-in (the part where a television show displays the opening credits) of them all in my opinion.
How did I miss this thread?

Kirk, hands down -- though I have developed more of an admiration for Picard over the years.

I also liked Janeway. Sisko always struck me as the quintessential statist so I wasn't terribly high on him. I have difficulty gauging Archer because I can't see through Scott Bakula.

I was always enamored of the Enterprise A; its hull design was the most aesthetic of any Enterprise--sleek and clean. Additionally, it had transwarp drive (before TNG arbitrarily decided transwarp "didn't work") and it could sustain numerous photon volleys without having a warp core breach (unlike some other Enterprises I know).

I was also partial to Akira-class starships:

And I almost forgot to mention: The Enterprise would eviscerate a Star Destroyer.

actually Enterprise never had Transwarp- they tried it on Excelsior and even after they put the pieces back in Scotty took out it did not work. Was not until Voyager got back from the Delta Quadrant that they had a chance to make it work.

Agree the Enterprise first seen in TMP was the best of all; but I liked the Ambassador Class Enterprise from TNG episode "Yesterday's Enterprise."

Best episode of TOS was "City on the Edge of Forever"
TNG- torn between the season ending double episode vs the Borg and Locutus; and the "Inner Light"
I always laugh at the idiots that think A Star Destroyer would have any chance against the Enterprise. The Shields on the SD were a joke. And Anti-Matter beats a reactor for power any day. Finally if they wanted to the Enterprise could just beam in a bottle of anti matter with a timer. BOOM goes the SD. While the SD's primitive Lasers might warm up the Enterprises shields, that was all it would do.
burmafrd;3917041 said:
actually Enterprise never had Transwarp- they tried it on Excelsior and even after they put the pieces back in Scotty took out it did not work. Was not until Voyager got back from the Delta Quadrant that they had a chance to make it work.

Agree the Enterprise first seen in TMP was the best of all; but I liked the Ambassador Class Enterprise from TNG episode "Yesterday's Enterprise."

Best episode of TOS was "City on the Edge of Forever"
TNG- torn between the season ending double episode vs the Borg and Locutus; and the "Inner Light"

According to "Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise", the Enterprise A had transwarp. And, really, transwarp drive is the only way Star Trek V makes any sense. How else did the Enterprise reach the center of the galaxy? It's far beyond Federation territory. :p
burmafrd;3917045 said:
I always laugh at the idiots that think A Star Destroyer would have any chance against the Enterprise. The Shields on the SD were a joke. And Anti-Matter beats a reactor for power any day. Finally if they wanted to the Enterprise could just beam in a bottle of anti matter with a timer. BOOM goes the SD. While the SD's primitive Lasers might warm up the Enterprises shields, that was all it would do.

This is true -- especially considering two A-wings on a strafing run disabled the bridge deflector shields on a super star destroyer, and then completely destroyed it by ramming the bridge.

The Empire must employ the worst engineers and ship designers in the known universe.

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