Recap: Jeff Cavanaugh/Jesse Holley: Drama between Parsons & Hooker


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Player calling out other player for not prepping 100% and the answer is...Well others do it (Don't prep enough) too!

Wonder how Jimmy or Big Tuna would have handled this?

No leadership on this team!
DLaw should be the one who's voice is heard loudest on the defensive. He's been a good player here but his lack of leadership has been deafening.

Not all players can be vocal leaders but DLaws comments about the team being "tired" after the Packers game was an example of a guy not giving a crap......heshere for the paycheck and NOTHING else.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
This is giving me the same vibes as that one forum member who bragged about hunting down another forum member and confronting him on camera I guess making him cry. I think the staff let that dude back after that too.

Bunch of weirdos
You'd think physical threats would not be tolerated.


Cowboys Diehard
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The Cowboys players are smart enough to realize that their FO isn't willing to do whatever it takes to win. It's more than obvious that they don't, when they see the FO continue to operate by being unaccountable for building a contending roster. Their morale was destroyed long ago and it won't likely do so anytime soon by the looks of things. 28 years of futility for being a true contender is all the proof they need. They're not stupid.


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No matter how good you are on the field, if you become locker room cancer, you can find yourself looking for a job elsewhere. Just ask Dez.


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Wait until he gets paid the big $$ from Jerry, this organization is gonna be a comedy show. " Playofffs, Playoffffs, .........don't talk about Playofffs.....are you kiddding me.... Picture Jim Mora, that will be this fan board shortly.
i’ve said this in other posts but don’t pay him. let him play this year franchise him and trade him or let him walk after that. he’s been playing DE most of his career and being double and triple teamed at times being 245lbs his body is about done IMO.


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Hopefully more drama is on the way.

This is fun.

And this kid pretends to be a Cowboys and think we believe him.... this latest comment sounds like it's coming from a Cowboys fan or a rival fan???


I'm telling yall.... notice how he disappears after our victories and pop up only after losses on this message board. BB Mountain.... we're on to youuuuuu!!


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There isn’t a chance in hell Haley and those guys would’ve accepted this behavior unless they were successful at their 1 job.
Charles Haley was a great player, no question about that, but he was a cancer. Read a few Cowboy's books and you will see he was a hateful and a bully. Hell, even Jimmy talked about controlling Haley in one of his books. There were certain weak players he mocked and picked on. He and Nate Newton went as each other all the time but Nate stood up to him, or at least tried. The only reason he was tolerated coz of his elite status, otherwise he would have been cut. His leadership ON THE FIELD should never be questioned but off the field, that's another story.


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  • Micah defensive ever since the 105.3FM story and on crusade to defend himself
  • Micah shouldn’t have said something back on social media. Should have called Hooker and handled it like men.
  • All Hooker is saying is make sure home good first.
  • Micah opened another Pandora’s Box saying other players aren’t preparing right in his comment. If Parsons is the leader like he says, he should be addressing.
starts at 8:30

It becomes drama because some "has beens" or "never beens" have the need to talk about it publicly. With the only goal to earn some money.


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No one prepares for the games. Didn't need these clowns to say so on pod casts and twitter to know this. It has been going on for years. Teams have made fun of us because of it. We have had some physically gifted "stars" over the years but we have never had any really good teams. When your team leaders are Dez, Zeke, J Smooth, D Flaw, Diggs, etc. this is what you get.