Jeff Heath haters

If you still hate him then you are just stubborn. I haven’t seen a cowboy safety make this many plays on the ball since......Roy/Woodson. And many of you thought Wilcox bum *** was better just because politics had him starting over Heath. The play in the video with Wilcox trying to take away Heaths interception is fitting. Some of you just hate being wrong. It’s quite sad. Like the guy in the video said, if it’s luck how come Byron rarely gets (lucky)? :thumbup:

Jeff Heath is bench fodder. He proved that this year without a doubt. Making a few plays here and there and completely whiffing on most others doesnt sit well. If fans are satisfied with Jeff Heath at safety then you really need to up your standards.
Some players are labeled on one play. Romo the botched field goal made him a choker, Heath being trucked by Peterson at the goall line. I don’t think many look past that one play

I never thought he was tricked by Peterson. If another cowboy wouldn’t have come in and hit them I thinkenhenwouldnhave held Peterson

I think Heath's stigma comes from his rookie season when he was supposed to be a backup and special teams player only, and was unexpectedly thrust into a starting role because of injuries. He struggled, and many fans still view him as that same player, which is not at all fair. That said, he's certainly not a special player by any means, but neither is he the bungling, incompetent player some want to paint him as. He's essentially nothing more than a very average level NFL safety.

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