Twitter: Jerry gives a clear mandate to Garrett


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Smells like clickbait #FakeNews cutting out context.

I don't have to win the Super Bowl in business every year. I can come in sixth and have a hell of a year. But in this case, you've got to come in first. You've got to come in first. So fundamentally, you've asked for something that's a very narrow window to begin with.​

What does "first" mean here?

If you read it as first in the league, this paragraph doesn't make much sense. "I don't have to win the SB every year, but for some unspecified reason I have to win this year." Also doesn't make much sense to call winning the SB a narrow "window". It's no *window* at all. Winning the SB is not a *range* of outcomes, it's a *single* outcome.

I'm thinking the dropped context is talking about winning the division. We have to be first in division to get to the playoffs. There's some range of wins and losses that makes that happen, but at this point it's a pretty narrow range.


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Holy crap! It's actually happening.

If we lose tomorrow, I actually believe Garrett is a goner on the weekend.


Well-Known Member
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Smells like clickbait #FakeNews cutting out context.

I don't have to win the Super Bowl in business every year. I can come in sixth and have a hell of a year. But in this case, you've got to come in first. You've got to come in first. So fundamentally, you've asked for something that's a very narrow window to begin with.​

What does "first" mean here?

If you read it as first in the league, this paragraph doesn't make much sense. "I don't have to win the SB every year, but for some unspecified reason I have to win this year." Also doesn't make much sense to call winning the SB a narrow "window". It's no *window* at all. Winning the SB is not a *range* of outcomes, it's a *single* outcome.

I'm thinking the dropped context is talking about winning the division. We have to be first in division to get to the playoffs. There's some range of wins and losses that makes that happen, but at this point it's a pretty narrow range.

Is it possible to finish 6th in the division?!

He's being crystal clear here. No decoder ring necessary.


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I read this first then watched the re-run on GMF and came away feeling different after actually watching the interview.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
putting jerry's love of ambiguity aside, that seemed pretty clear what he was saying.
I don't think Jerry has a love of ambiguity, so much as a love of JW Blue, the side effect of which just happens to strongly resemble it.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
"I want Jason to get it done"

That is pretty damn clear. Watching the disparity between Belichik's staff and Garrett's sealed the deal. JJ is now demanding his ROI. He has stood by Jason and believed in him and shielded him. Now-- it's time for Garrett to deliver. Couldn't be more clear.

Will be interesting to see the posture and attitude of the team on Thurs. Either they come out and absolutely smoke the Bills-- or they come out flat and lose and it'll be clear this team does not have the intestinal fortitude to get the job done and it's time to clean house.

This is 8 years too late-- but nonetheless, it is refreshing to see JJ motivated (finally) to do something to address the elephant in the room.
One could also take that to mean he wants Garrett to be the one to get it done, no matter how long it takes.


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"I'm the one who puts those coaches out there"​

Again for those taking notes: Jason doesn't have control over who the coordinators are. Nor control over calling plays, or determining schemes. He has the most do-nothing head coaching job in professional sports.


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Such a hideous and mentally deranged man he is.


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Yeah sure....then he should explain drafting a bunch of nothing,bringing back Witten when he’s totally not same player at all,and having 2 DCs and 2 OCs. How does THAT help your chances? What part of Garrett gets out coached in big games hasn’t he seen before? This type of language is a day late. Right after NO,GB is when that message was to be put out front.


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Getting anxiety just thinking this is finally going to be real... I feel like the fans in the stands on Major League " Wild-thing you make my heart sting!"~ Randy Quaid


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I don’t think Garrett-top gets canned mid-season unless Dallas is mathematically eliminated from the playoffs. The NFC East will probably go to an 8-8 club, so Dallas will be in it to the end.
With that said, Garrett will be allowed to walk if Dallas doesn’t make it to the NFC title game....


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All talk. He already knows we ain't winning the SB this year, and he knew that when he brought Garrett back. Don't talk tough now, Jerry.
No sadly he didnt know lol.
He thought this was the year, and that JG could not help but win with this team.
But for some reason he is seeing clearer this year, probably due to the media
and people like troy saying things publicly.
Jerrys statements before the Ne game said he expected them to go and defeat the pats, who are rather weak this year and at time of the game, brady only had the rookie wr's.
So that game just opened his eyes and ticked him off.
I am surprised the ST coach has not been fired this week,they could hire anyone or let the players coach themselves and do better.
Jerry has done all he can to help JG win and it isnt working lol so finally
he is upset with JG.
This is a process with jerry too lol and like JG their process is very slow.


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At this point Jerry could hire Pee Wee Herman and I'd be ok with it.
Wouldnt it be great to be a media person and to ask jerry if rumours were true
that talks with Pee Wee Herman were underway for the job of HC !!!!!!!!!
that would be great, I wonder if his 40 year old brain could handle that.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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The funniest/saddest thing about this thread is some people seem to think a new head coach will improve the results.

Jerry will hire the next coach. That coach will abide by Jerry's rules...or else.

I'll join the celebration when Jerry announces he's delegating the GM duties. Until then I expect more of the same...and you should too.


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He mentioned the word “fundamentally” and I believe that’s what he’s directing to Jason. To get the fundamentals of the game down. “Come on buddy..don’t make me do this,prove me right.”


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No sadly he didnt know lol.
He thought this was the year, and that JG could not help but win with this team.
But for some reason he is seeing clearer this year, probably due to the media
and people like troy saying things publicly.
Jerrys statements before the Ne game said he expected them to go and defeat the pats, who are rather weak this year and at time of the game, brady only had the rookie wr's.
So that game just opened his eyes and ticked him off.
I am surprised the ST coach has not been fired this week,they could hire anyone or let the players coach themselves and do better.
Jerry has done all he can to help JG win and it isnt working lol so finally
he is upset with JG.
This is a process with jerry too lol and like JG their process is very slow.
Jerry really doesn't know. Really doesn't have any idea.


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Even Jerry is getting itchy trigger finger at this point. That's obvious. You can't try to sell this as a SB caliber team in August and then rationalize and make excuses for what we have seen from this team who is barely holding onto a division lead against a worse Eagles team.

Idgit and Dre11 must be getting nervous.

Yup, I hear the axe grinding.


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He’s still talking Super Bowl. You can tell he hasn’t watched 1 minute of the Ravens or Niners.

Both teams are fast and physical and would destroy this team he assembled.

I think he has, and, with better coaching, I think we could be in that convo. That's what makes it so annoying, and Jerry knows it.