Jerry goes off on the hosts of 105.3

And I thought I was in trouble when I dropped all those kids off at the wrong bus stop. Imagine how badly McCarthy and Dak feel when they’re around jerry
Jerry is a PUKE. A fecal stain. I listened to that rant and the man actually threatened anyone that basically questions his prowess. Dude MUST be gone. Hes bad for the Cowboys. As a fan since 1973, I can say this, I miss Tex Schram and Clint Murchison. Jerry is a bad human being. I'm embarrassed as a fan.
Jerry needs to go on IR
One word sums it up: PATHETIC.
Yup, the I'm rich an powerful act of how dare you peons questions me I will have you fired was Jerry at his most pathetic ever and that's saying a lot. If that is how Jerry is going to handle criticism of putting together yet another flawed team then it's time for him to step down.
I'll go one step further. I've been listening into First Take while I work. Shannon Sharpe and Marcus Spears said something that I couldn't agree more with. I DESPISE what Jerry did here. Just when I couldn't feel worse about Jerry, he does this. This is him attacking a guy who was doing his job holding Jerry accountable. Jerry wants the credit when things go well, then he needs to handle the criticism when things go poorly. For him to call for someone's job who was doing his job is DISGUSTING!! I am revolted by what Jerry did. He needs to call back into that radio show and apologise to the host!

And you know something? The way he just bullied a media person for something that is ENTIRELY on Jerry. I HOPE the Dallas Media comes to that host's defence. I hope they become like a hive against Jerry. I hope it becomes a situation where he just poked the wrong bear. I hope this starts a sequence where he gets run out of Dallas.
We can all come on this board and bash Dak, CeeDee, Micah, WHOMEVER, rightfully so when they play like crap, or the defense plays bad, etc...but, MAKE NO MISTAKE, all that is wrong in Dallas starts and ends with the decisions (for better or worse) that Jerral Wayne Jones Sr. has made for this team since that fateful afternoon in March of '94 when the REAL GM of the '90's Dynasty resigned.
Wouldn’t it be great if this old, out of touch billionaire got angry at the real problems by looking in the mirror, holding himself and his entitled children accountable and made REAL changes?

He won’t of course because he is the worst kind of leader: A man incapable of admitting mistakes or having the humility to acknowledge that his time is up. There isn’t a team in professional sports that would hire this man as their GM. If he REALLY CARED about the team, he would step down. He cares more about himself.

Apparently he has forgotten…Father Time and Karma are undefeated. And no amount of money can stop that. Unless he changes something, this is going to get worse before it gets better. You know what they say about Karma…
I'll go one step further. I've been listening into First Take while I work. Shannon Sharpe and Marcus Spears said something that I couldn't agree more with. I DESPISE what Jerry did here. Just when I couldn't feel worse about Jerry, he does this. This is him attacking a guy who was doing his job holding Jerry accountable. Jerry wants the credit when things go well, then he needs to handle the criticism when things go poorly. For him to call for someone's job who was doing his job is DISGUSTING!! I am revolted by what Jerry did. He needs to call back into that radio show and apologise to the host!

And you know something? The way he just bullied a media person for something that is ENTIRELY on Jerry. I HOPE the Dallas Media comes to that host's defence. I hope they become like a hive against Jerry. I hope it becomes a situation where he just poked the wrong bear. I hope this starts a sequence where he gets run out of Dallas.
Couldn't agree more. I despise Jerry Jones on another level now. Football is football but going on there and bullying these guys because they are doing their job and asking questions that the fans want to know, you know the fans that pay a lot of money and made Jerry a billionaire is disgusting.
I'll go one step further. I've been listening into First Take while I work. Shannon Sharpe and Marcus Spears said something that I couldn't agree more with. I DESPISE what Jerry did here. Just when I couldn't feel worse about Jerry, he does this. This is him attacking a guy who was doing his job holding Jerry accountable. Jerry wants the credit when things go well, then he needs to handle the criticism when things go poorly. For him to call for someone's job who was doing his job is DISGUSTING!! I am revolted by what Jerry did. He needs to call back into that radio show and apologise to the host!

And you know something? The way he just bullied a media person for something that is ENTIRELY on Jerry. I HOPE the Dallas Media comes to that host's defence. I hope they become like a hive against Jerry. I hope it becomes a situation where he just poked the wrong bear. I hope this starts a sequence where he gets run out of Dallas.
Amen! And we need to back these media people up 100%. We've complained for years how they are soft we need to have their backs now. We need to be vocal in our support whether we are at the stadium, pointing directly at Jerry's booth and coming up with anti-jerry chants. We need to flood discussion boards and call in shows supporting any hosts to stand up to this tyrant. We need to let Jerry know loud and clear he can't just bully a couple of hosts around. He is not the Dallas Cowboys just cuz he bought them and made a lot of money off them.
It's time to storm the Bastile and get America's Team back!
Let's pray Jerry gets disgusted enough with the way he's "being abused" by the media, to up and sell the team to the highest bidder! :dance:

Admittedly, it's merely a "pipe dream", although, the thought of that somehow seems like the most tempting escape available to us as fans.
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