Jerry goes off on the hosts of 105.3

Please. Jerry isn't mad. He loves this attention. We stink, but we're only 3-3 right now. He normally doesn't get testy just yet. I think this is a show.
Saun doesnt need Jerry Saun and RJ can stand on its own now...they wont back down. Hell they would be more popular if Jerry presses this..again i think its 50/50 jerry fights or he may actually call back in and walk his comments was that bad that national media is calling him a horrible person for his reaction.

I mean, yeah, I agree with what you're saying, but I don't know what this does with Saun. Especially since he now knows he's got the national media backing him after this, I hope he goes scorched earth on Jerry next time he calls in. I would love to Saun unload on Jerry with all the things we saw as flawed that he ignored and asks him why he was asleep at the wheel.
That was good stuff. Funny thing I came out of that with more respect for Jerry than I ever have.
I mean, yeah, I agree with what you're saying, but I don't know what this does with Saun. Especially since he now knows he's got the national media backing him after this, I hope he goes scorched earth on Jerry next time he calls in. I would love to Saun unload on Jerry with all the things we saw as flawed that he ignored and asks him why he was asleep at the wheel.
he wont unload he will be professional while not backing down..thats the correct course. He said right after the interview, "Jerry stop lowering the standard here, the 90's dont count anymore" he isnt gonna back down.
The boss at the station needs to be behind his guys. I’d applaud that.

Didn’t he already switch flagship over this? I’m not local.

Jerry will run out of radio stations before he puts a real team on the field.
I'm not sure if this is true, but I was told by an insider that The Ticket lost the right to broadcast Dallas Cowboys games because Jerry hated Gordo's bit doing the fake Jerry Jones. Apparently, Jerry can be quite petty.
he wont unload he will be professional while not backing down..thats the correct course. He said right after the interview, "Jerry stop lowering the standard here, the 90's dont count anymore" he isnt gonna back down.

Oh, I'm sure he will be professional. I just mean that maybe he now holds Jerry's feet to the fire even further now. Make things as professionally uncomfortable for Jerry as he can if that makes sense .
Tbh though, he's starting to sound like a man who's cornered. He's starting to sound like a man who knows his hourglass is almost out, and there's nothing he can do about it.
Yes, but there is something he could do about the cowboys, he's just too stubborn to do it....too bad too bc imagine how fans would remember him if he did a 180 and hired a gm and made substantial changes to put this franchise on a path for future success.

Never will happen
Screw Jerry. Just go away.

The Steelers win was the last they will be above .500 for the rest of the year.
They are about to lose 6-7 in a row
I'm not sure if this is true, but I was told by an insider that The Ticket lost the right to broadcast Dallas Cowboys games because Jerry hated Gordo's bit doing the fake Jerry Jones. Apparently, Jerry can be quite petty.
Its started exactly like this and the fan was just starting and Jerry had the power over them to lay down rules...they dont need him now
Jerry is a PUKE. A fecal stain. I listened to that rant and the man actually threatened anyone that basically questions his prowess. Dude MUST be gone. Hes bad for the Cowboys. As a fan since 1973, I can say this, I miss Tex Schram and Clint Murchison. Jerry is a bad human being. I'm embarrassed as a fan.
I believe it was on Monday nights on KRLD 1080. The Ask Tex Schram show hosted by Brad Sham.

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