Clearly, but that wasn't the question. I don't think anyone will ever accuse Texas/Texans as a whole, of being "progressive."
But I tell you what, you screw around on your wife/kids, you deserve to get throttled by a judge. Just my $.02
what if wife does to husband?
This happens with all teams.
Nah, it's not a crimeadultery is a crime? surely you jest
progressive in some ways not in others. Alimony is very limited here... guess you could say that's progressive. Still a lot of old school judges who give moms a huge advantage in custody matters.Pep, up here, out statute specifically state that assets are divided equally subject to variation on specific grounds that do not include sexual escapades.
Texas doesn't seem all that progressive in terms of family law![]()
I will never understand the Texas mentality I guess. I will get to see it up front and personal in two months. Maybe I will understand it more then.
I must say, this is tailor made for you to set a record for likes in a thread or post
Amazing restraint..
One could argue that alimony there is regressive in that it does not recognize that in a marriage, resources are pooled in a partnership. Granted a lot of my male clients would love to have been divorced there unlike here where you can pay 3/4/5000 or more a month in spousal for in many cases, an indefinite time.
Ok I looked at the source of the pics, it is some conspiracy proselytizing nutter. The guy has a ton of paranoia theory on his twitter. Pretty much seals it for me.
I kind of think that's patronizing the wife... like she can't possibly earn money. Can see it both ways though. Seems bizarre to me that a wife could cheat and the husband is either stuck with staying with her or paying $5k a month to her in alimony.
EDIT: And Texas is community property, so it does recognize that resources are pooled.
Low hanging fruit.
But if you think it could get me more likes I might consider it.
Yeah we have guidelines for both child support and post divorce maintenance. There's a cap on both too, absent special circumstances. Child support guidelines are closely followed, maintenance payments are more flexible.the spousal maintenance laws are based on having a similar standard of living before and after divorce. We have child support guidelines which are basically mandatory and then spousal support advisory guidelines which the BC Court of Appeal said basically have to be followed.
I've often advised clients to just suck it up and pay something to try to get a shorter term than what the judge might order... haven't come across the contested case where the wife cheats and seeks alimony/maintenance though. I would probably advise the husband to try it and see what happened. Most guys here aren't going to agree to pay the wife after they cheated.I usually tell my male clients, they will pay. One guy once almost fainted when I told him how much given there were three children, and a wife who gave up her career and was a stay at home for 10 years. He was screwed big time.
I use photoshop often and those don't look shopped.
This happens with all teams.