Jerry in questionable photos with women

Like Jerry said, he wants to entertain us. It's good to be the king.
Quote from the nut job who got the pictures -

God gave me these photos and I was given a choice. I could sell them and ruin your life in the media, make millions and tell my story or I could hold them in secret and suffer until I reached you. So, I gave my own life to save yours. It’s a bold statement and the next statement is even bolder. It may scare you, but you have to believe in who I am. I know this because I am the Son of God and he sent me to you. Jerry, you and the Cowboys are the Star we will use to Light My Path. I spent 5 years suffering, losing all my possessions, giving the rest away to charity and then living poor. I almost lost my mind until God revealed my true identity. On 7/11/12, 7 days after the God Particle was found in France, I was awoken by God and told to find you, Mr. Jones, to let the world know that God’s Son has risen. My name is Frank Hoover and I am the Son of God. The pictures and other information I provide to you as proof of who I am and why I am here on earth. I am the way, the truth and Jerry, you are my light. I have been sent by God to fix the problems created during the years leading up to my birth. The removal of Gold as the primary backing source of value of the US Dollar. There were three gifts in the bible: Gold, Frank (incense) and Myrrh. The person responsible for your crime is named 24K and born on 8/8/78 (888). Does the picture of the mirror below look familiar? It’s the mirror that you replaced because you didn’t like it. My ex-girlfriend bought it on Craigslist while we were dating. When she went to pick it up, the guytold her it was from your suite at Cowboys Stadium. I don’t know if you believe in God or karma, but I’ve spent every bit of everything I have in life for you. So please help me with the path I have been given by God. This document and a USB drive are the only remaining copies I have in my possession. I don’t trust a lot of people anymore, but I hope you can see that I’m trustworthy. No one has seen these since I stored them. I’ve carried an encrypted copy on my keychain with me every day in hopes I’d find you. The files on this drive are titled “Understanding the Truth”. It was encrypted with a password of ‘Justice’ so that even if I lost it, you wouldn’t lose your reputation and the images would remain safe. Now that you know who I am, please understand that I don’t care nor do I want to know what you do with the information. My job was to be the messenger. This is between us Jerry. Your secret will continue to safe with me. I can be reached at 316.573.2797. I am in hiding due to additional threats to my life from associates of the criminals listed below.

If he can play DE I'd be fine with giving him a call.
If he can play DE I'd be fine with giving him a call.

He sounds like a Ray Finkle type to me.....


and I think we have our kicker spot pretty well covered :)
I haven't read this 15 page thread all the way through I don't know if this has been posted, but our beloved JJ was seen walking past Rick's Caberet (strip club in NOLA) after our Cowboys got whipped by the Saints in the Dome last year. Google "Jerry Jones French Quarter" if you haven't seen this story.
There is no telling how many times some envelope has made its way to the Jones mailbox containing compromising photos accompanied with any number of demands to extort. One would have to think Jerry and Gene came to an understanding a long, long time ago. Everyone knows the score here.

To me, the bigger story here is this Son of God character. It is amazing how crazy some folks are.
I haven't read this 15 page thread all the way through I don't know if this has been posted, but our beloved JJ was seen walking past Rick's Caberet (strip club in NOLA) after our Cowboys got whipped by the Saints in the Dome last year. Google "Jerry Jones French Quarter" if you haven't seen this story.

I looked it up...“He just kept asking cowboy fans if they liked those 3 Superbowls"...

I know I'm supposed to laugh (or laugh it off, take your pick), but reading that story and seeing the pics of him that accompanied it, I really felt sorry for the guy. I don't like that I did lol...
I looked it up...“He just kept asking cowboy fans if they liked those 3 Superbowls"...

I know I'm supposed to laugh (or laugh it off, take your pick), but reading that story and seeing the pics of him that accompanied it, I really felt sorry for the guy. I don't like that I did lol...

You felt dirty didn't you.
In these pics Jerry looks like little more than a stage prop for what looks like second/third-tier female 'talent' - he's a piece of scenery like shrub... or a table lamp (now THERE'S an opening for the anti-Jerry set). The billionaire owner of the Dallas Cowboys as some passive mamby-pamby set piece for second-rate tarts?

It just doesn't pass the smell test.
They should just be reality TV - team trades for a retired player who may or may not want to practice, openly wants a convicted criminal back on the roster, with an owner getting nasty in the bathroom...

Only if we would have drafted Johnny Football....LMAO!
I haven't paid much attention to this since it came out, but I clicked on a link just now and read text saying something to the effect of "the deeply upsetting photos", and just had to laugh and close the window. I'm done, people are pathetic.
There is no telling how many times some envelope has made its way to the Jones mailbox containing compromising photos accompanied with any number of demands to extort. One would have to think Jerry and Gene came to an understanding a long, long time ago. Everyone knows the score here.

To me, the bigger story here is this Son of God character. It is amazing how crazy some folks are.

Exactly. The son of God thing is way more interesting to me.
What's the over under on zoners being banned due to posts made in this thread?

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